Coffee review

Flavor description of Burundian coffee beans introduction to the grinding scale of the regional treatment method for the characteristics of varieties

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Burundian Coffee Bean Flavor description characteristics of Burundian Coffee Bean Flavor description Regional treatment Grinding Calibration introduction Coffee flavor treated by water washing is not easy to have wild flavor, has the characteristics of purity and freshness, and is suitable for the roasting degree from City to Full City. In some essential excellent Ethiopian water-washed coffee beans, obvious rising lemon, citrus essential oils and molts can sometimes be detected.

Burundi Coffee Bean Flavor Description Taste Variety Characteristics Production Area Treatment Method Grinding Scale Introduction

Washing-type coffee flavor is less likely to have wild flavor, with pure, refreshing characteristics, suitable for City to Full City roasting degree; some excellent Ethiopian washing-type coffee beans, sometimes can be perceived as obvious lemon, citrus essential oils, jasmine flowers, honey flavor, etc., sour more obvious, mellow feeling thin. Sun-treated mocha beans have wild flavor in basic flavor, but the degree or more and less difference, more suitable for Full City to Vienna baking degree performance. Excellent sun, mocha beans, with a distinct chocolate finish, some with a pleasant blueberry-like fermented fruity and red-wine texture

Traceability is a common problem faced by coffee growers, green bean buyers and coffee roasters. There are currently about 3500 families working for LMCP. The production picking areas are distributed over eight different hilltops and two treatment sites-Bukeye (operational since 2013) and Heza (operational since 2014). Many variables affect the quality of the final green beans. For example, each hill has a different microclimate, which in turn affects the growth, picking and handling of coffee fruits, and varies from day to day. Nathan James Johnston, owner of Cartel Coffee Roasters in Australia, said: "Working with Long Miles, we can know exactly where coffee is being picked, when and by whom, which means a lot to us about sustainability

"Sustainability" is a common theme in the specialty coffee industry, but most coffee companies still want to get the best coffee at the lowest price, which is not sustainable behavior for local growers. What are our solutions to this?

First of all, let's understand that for most Burundi families, they don't use the money they earn from coffee to buy the most basic needs of life, such as food. All the food they grow in their own yard. On average, families earn just $100 a year, which is usually spent on oil, home maintenance and tuition

The difference between what Ben and Kristy did was that they made the workers realize that LMCP was not an NGO, but a business. All grower neighbors get paid up to three cups at the end of harvest. But money is not easy to earn, and they also need to improve the quality of their work. In 2015, nearly 400 families stopped working with LMCP because coffee quality standards were too high, but by 2016, 1500 new families had signed up because they saw the benefits of the program.