Coffee review

Description of Coffee Flavor in Sidamo Coffee introduction to the method of regional treatment for the characteristics of varieties

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sidamo Coffee Flavor describes the characteristics of coffee varieties produced by the regional treatment method, as of 2012, Ethiopia has a total population of 91 million, making it the second most populous country in Africa. The population growth rate is 2.9%. [8] there are more than 80 ethnic groups in the country, including Oromo (40%), Amhara (20%), Tiger (8%), Somalia (6%) and Sidamo (4%).

Sidamo Coffee Flavor description, Variety characteristics, Regional treatment,

As of 2012, Ethiopia has a population of 91 million, making it the second most populous country in Africa. The population growth rate is 2.9%. [8]

There are more than 80 ethnic groups in the country, mainly Oromo (40%), Amhara (20%), Tiger (8%), Somalia (6%), Sidamo (4%) and so on. 45% of the residents believe in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 40-45% believe in Islam, 5% believe in Protestantism, and the rest believe in primitive religions.

As of 2012, the three most populous states were Oromo, Amhara and Southern states. ● Ethiopian people's Revolutionary Democratic Front (The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front,EPRDF): EGF for short, the ruling party. Formed in 1989 with the Tigre people's Liberation Front (PLF) as the core, the member parties include the Amhara National Democratic Movement, the Oromo people's Democratic Organization and the people's Democratic Front of Southern Ethiopia, representing 24 major ethnic groups. The decision-making body is an executive committee composed of 36 members. At home, we actively pursue the policies of multi-party parliamentary democracy and market economy, respect the right of all nations to self-determination, and advocate the development of cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, and the implementation of the regional power strategy. He won multiparty elections in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. It accounts for 501 seats in the current people's Assembly. The current chairman, Haile Mariam.

The "Guji producing area" is located in the southeast of the Gedeo area where Jega produces snow caffeine, in the wilderness of 2100 meters above sea level, but it is higher than that of the Yega producing area, with the highest elevation of more than 2600 meters, much higher than the average Sidama, and a larger area. The coffee produced by Guji is very rich and unrestrained in flavor and can challenge Yega Snow Coffee.

Recently, a favorite SOE (Single Origin Espresso)-uses a kind of coffee beans to make espresso.

"Lion King" from the Guji producing area of Sidamo, Ethiopia, is an ancient native high-quality variety: Heirloom, washing treatment, medium baking.

Different from the bitterness of the regular American coffee or latte, this series of coffee will have the smell of fresh flowers, natural sweet and sour berries, worthy of careful taste.

1. After picking beans without special screening and treatment, uneven appearance and maturity are mixed together, the process is relatively rough, so the quality of coffee beans is unstable and prone to defective beans.

two。 Coffee farmers usually find an open space near their home to deal with it, so there are often a lot of impurities or dirt on the ground, and coffee is easy to get smelly.

Shakisso is located in the southern part of Guji and Oromia, adjacent to Sidama and Gedeo. Shakisso/Shakiso 's coffee is quite unique, and the coffee it produces has repeatedly attracted market attention. The original meaning of Ninety Plus's legendary bean (nekisse) is from Shaquiso's Nectar from shakisso, and its producing area and name are all from Shaquiso Shakisso.