Coffee review

Yega Chuefei Coffee Variety Classification description Flavor taste Grinding scale production area how to drink?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yejia Xuefei coffee beans are mainly small beans, so they are suitable for medium and shallow baking. After all, they are native species, and they cannot be as uniform as beans exported in size from Central and South America. Yejia's grading is based on physical defects and cup test quality. So in fact, the size of native beans is not the same, but now

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I wonder if the friends who often drink Yega Xuefei coffee have noticed that no matter which company buys it, the coffee bean particles in the Yega / Ethiopia region always vary in size and look very uniform as a whole. Once a friend asked Qianjie coffee if the quality of raw beans was not good.


No! Yega Xuefei's coffee beans appear to be of different sizes because most of the coffee beans grown in Ethiopia are not subdivided. There are differences in the size of different varieties of coffee fruit / beans, so this is why the coffee beans in Ethiopia vary in size.

Introduction of Coffee varieties in Ethiopia

At present, the native varieties in Ethiopia will be collectively referred to as "Heirloom", which is defined as "the precious property of generations", meaning "family heirloom". Similarly, in the field of coffee, the term is widely used to refer to old varieties of Arabica coffee plants that have existed for some time. Usually translated into Chinese, the word "native species" is used to represent it.


As the birthplace of coffee, there are countless varieties of coffee in Ethiopia that need to be discovered and confirmed. At the same time, there are some varieties that local researchers need to protect, so there are still 10000 to 15000 coffee varieties in Ethiopia that do not yet have their own official names.

Local native varieties are usually divided into two categories: JARC varieties and regional local varieties. JARC varieties are developed and studied by Jima Agricultural Research Center (with ideal characteristics, such as higher resistance to disease or higher yield). However, regional local varieties are coffee trees that grow completely in the wild.


At present, coffee farmers grow mainly regional local varieties. It is difficult for farmers to identify and separate varieties in the wild, while on farms, pickers and producers can better separate each variety.

Among thousands of different family heirlooms in Ethiopia (whether identified or not), there are many different characteristics, including yield, cup quality, flavor and disease resistance. However, coffee beans produced in different producing areas will have their own unique regional flavor.

The unique flavor of Yejia Coffee producing area

The coffee beans grown in the Yejashafi region are famous for their bright citrus acidity, floral aroma, almond-like finish and tea-like sweetness.


Compared with other Ethiopian coffee producing areas, the coffee beans in Yegashafi are always very recognizable, so they are loved by a lot of coffee lovers.

Yega Xuefei boutique coffee bean classification

Use G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 to indicate that the higher the number, the lower the level. The evaluation dimension is divided into two dimensions: first, physical characteristics account for 40%, which are scored by defects, appearance, color and smell; second, coffee cups account for 60%, which are scored by four dimensions: cleanliness, alcohol thickness, flavor and acidity.


Finally, the physical characteristic score + coffee cup test score, get the total score.

G1 ≥ 85, G2 75-84

G3 63-74 G4 47-62

G5 level 31-46 points

Ye Jia Xuefei coffee bean brewing suggestion

Qianjie Coffee thinks that in order to make a good pot of coffee, it mainly starts from these four aspects: water temperature, grinding thickness, powder-to-water ratio, brewing method. Next, the former Street Coffee sold "Yejiaxuefei Red Cherry Plan Sun-cured Coffee beans" as an example to share with you the experience of brewing Yejiaxuefei Coffee.


1. Water temperature

For example, the flavor of sun-red cherry coffee beans is mainly berries citric acid. Qianjie Coffee uses medium-shallow roasting to deal with it in order to highlight the characteristics of blue, so its boiling water temperature will be controlled at 90-91 ℃.

2. Degree of grinding

The degree of grinding refers to the size of coffee particles, because the degree of grinding will affect the contact time between coffee and water. If the coffee powder is finer, the water can extract more substances in the same time, but the degree of grinding is fine, the coffee is easy to be extracted in the process of extraction; on the contrary, the coarser the degree of grinding of coffee, the less substances extracted by water in the same time, but the coarser the degree of grinding is, the coffee is prone to insufficient extraction.


Due to the high altitude, Yejasuefi coffee beans have dense structure and high hardness. In addition, the substances in medium-shallow roasted coffee beans are not easily soluble in water, so it is recommended to use medium-fine grinding (the screening rate of Chinese No. 20 standard sieve is 80%).

3. Powder-water ratio

According to the scaa gold cup extraction theory, the difference of the extraction parameters and taste of hand-made coffee with the ratio of water and powder was obtained. [heavy taste] 1VlV 10.1RU 11, that is, 1Rd 12.5mm 1Rau 13.5 of the Golden Cup Criterion; [moderate Taste] 1Rd 124th 1Rule 13 (that is, the Golden Cup Criterion 1Rd 14.5mm 1Rod 15.5) [small freshness] 1JV 14forth 1vu16 (that is, 116.5mm 1race 18.5 of the Golden Cup Rule). Therefore, the Qianjie coffee here suggests brewing Yejashefi coffee beans, which can be brewed in the proportion of powder and water at 1:15 to make the performance of Yejiaxefi coffee more uniform.


4. Water injection technique

In the first stage, 30 grams of water is injected for 30 seconds, followed by 95 grams (about 125 grams indicated by the electronic scale). The injection is completed in about 1 minute, and the remaining 100 grams are injected at 3 places in the powder layer (about 225 grams shown by the electronic scale) in about 1 minute and 35 seconds. 2: 00 "- 2 × 39" trickle filtration is completed, remove the filter cup and complete the extraction.