Coffee review

Introduction of Katim Coffee Variety characteristics of Coffee production area treatment Manor

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, There are two native species under Arabica Arabica: iron pickup Typica | bourbon Bourbon, another gene mutant: Kenya SL28, SL34 | geisha Geisha, etc., as well as Arabica intraspecific hybrids (such as the popular Pacamara), and Arabica and Robusta hybrids, all listed

Introduction of Katim Coffee Variety characteristics of Coffee production area treatment Manor

There are two major native species under Arabica Arabica: iron pickup Typica | Bourbon Bourbon, other gene mutants: Kenya SL28, SL34 | geisha Geisha, etc., as well as Arabica intraspecific hybrids (such as the popular Pacamara), and Arabica and Robusta hybrids, all of which can not be listed, it is better to gradually pass practice and popularization in the future. In short, both Iron pickup and bourbon have excellent derivative varieties, such as Blue Mountain and Mantenin, which are all derivatives of Iron pickup, and bourbon from El Salvador in Central America often gets high marks in the COE selection. The high-priced boutique bean geisha Geisha is a little special. It is a wild Ethiopian variety that has been wild for up to 50 years before it spread to Central America. Some people like its special mocha flavor and scented tea, but it is really special.

Topdressing management: the average amount of fertilizer applied to young plants was 3-5kg of organic fertilizer, 50g of calcium magnesium phosphorus, 100g of urea and 50g of compound fertilizer. The average amount of fertilizer applied to adult plants was 7-10kg of organic fertilizer, 100g of urea, 150g of compound fertilizer, 50g of calcium magnesium phosphorus and 150g of potassium sulfate. Combined with growing period, flowering period, strong fruit, overwintering fertilizer 3Mel was applied for 5 times. If deficiency of trace elements occurs, attention should be paid to the application of compensation.

Water conservancy irrigation: coffee is a shallow root crop, and its flowering season is in the dry season in our province. Soil moisture and atmospheric humidity in the field seriously affect the quality of flowering, the development of floral organs and the formation of young fruits. Sufficient water, consistent flowering, high fruit setting rate, good fruit growth and development, otherwise poor, or even cause withered branches, the planted young trees will die because of drought. It is suggested that all new development areas should choose places with more convenient water sources and try their best to create conditions to solve the facilities of furrow irrigation and drip irrigation.

Shaded trees and ground cover

Coffee is a semi-shaded tree species, it is recommended to establish a moderate shade degree of 30%. In the site environment of growing coffee in our province, it is generally difficult to solve the problem of water conservancy and irrigation. the water season is in the dry season, and it is also the season to compete with other crops for water. It is not easy to rely on irrigation to meet the water demand in the coffee field. It is necessary to loosen the soil in time after the end of the rainy season and use ground dead cover and plastic film mulching (infancy).

Pruning and shaping

The use of single or double rod non-shaping, cut off excess erect branches, retain a strong branch and an appropriate amount of second or third branches, remove weak and disorderly branches, and keep the tree ventilated and transparent.