Coffee review

Grinding scale of Yellow Bourbon Coffee beans in Brazil

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Brazilian Yellow bourbon Coffee beans Grinding scale production area treatment method Manor introduces the ▌ Carvalho Dias family and is a founding member of the Brazilian Fine Coffee Association. The persistence of coffee quality and environmental maintenance are obvious to all. In the family farm, the use of natural waterfalls to develop pollution-free hydroelectric power, self-sufficient electricity demand (the other winner of the family prize is this waterfall.

Grinding scale of Yellow Bourbon Coffee beans in Brazil

The ▌ Carvalho Dias family is also a founding member of the Brazilian Fine Coffee Association, whose insistence on coffee quality and environmental maintenance is obvious to all. In the family farm, the use of natural waterfalls to develop pollution-free hydropower, self-sufficient electricity demand (another award-winning member of the family is named Falls Manor after this waterfall) Construction of churches, classrooms, nurseries, medical stations, maintenance of primitive forests of native animals and plants, and continuous afforestation. In the case of the Queen's Manor, the environmental protection is quite thorough. Because of the high terrain and non-plain terrain, it is impossible to use machines to harvest, and the fruits can be harvested completely by hand. And plant low-yield and high-quality bourbon species, as the essence of high-quality Brazilian coffee on behalf of the manor!

▌ Fazenda Rainha (Queen's Manor) belongs to the Carvalho Dias family and has been on the estate for more than 116 years. Located in the high mountains of Sao Paulo near the Minas border, 1200 meters to 1400 meters above sea level, the annual rainfall is rich, more than 1800 mm, but not heavy rain, the average annual temperature is only 19 ℃, so the bean fruit growth is slightly slow, but the texture density is enough, although the yield is less, but the aroma and flavor of Brazilian plateau beans can look at its back, the manor is mainly bourbon species, and even more than 110years old bourbon species. Apart from planting bourbon, the delicacy and care of her treatment is another key to excellent quality:

Flavor: light citrus fruit aromas, rich cashew nut aromas, chocolate sweet aromas

Palate: sweet, soft and sour, thick and sweet on the palate

Default baking degree: medium baking

Producing area: Syrador

Variety: yellow bourbon

Treatment: insolation

Generally speaking, the price of yellow bourbon is a little too high, but its unique sweetness and richness are much better than the new world varieties or red bourbon varieties commonly used in Brazil. Especially in the throat rhyme, you can feel a warm cashew nut throat rhyme.