Coffee review

After the Mantenin coffee beans are roasted. What is the general shelf life?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After the Mantenin coffee beans are roasted. What is the general shelf life? 1. Light baking: this baking degree of Mantenin, the fruit sour taste is heavy, slightly bitter, the fruit acid is obvious, but the entrance is very comfortable, there is a feeling on both sides of the mouth, smooth feeling in general. two。 Medium-deep baking: very good balance, rich and mellow, obvious bitterness, more prominent chocolate and slightly sweet, obvious licorice, fruit

After the Mantenin coffee beans are roasted. What is the general shelf life?

1. Light baking: this baking degree of Mantenin, the fruit sour taste is heavy, slightly bitter, the fruit acid is obvious, but the entrance is very comfortable, there is a feeling on both sides of the mouth, smooth feeling in general.

two。 Medium-deep baking: the sense of balance is very good, fragrant and mellow, bitterness is obvious, chocolate and slight sweetness are more prominent, licorice aroma is obvious, fruit acidity is weak, smooth feeling is better than light, strong fragrance, fruit acidity is obviously improved.

3. Deep baking: almost no sour taste, bitter taste is very heavy, if baked directly, slightly improper baking will produce the smell of burning

1. Light baking: small Fuji ghost teeth grinding 3.5, water temperature 90 degrees, gouache 1:15

two。 Medium and deep baking: small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 88 degrees, gouache 1:15

3. Deep baking: small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4.5, water temperature 86 degrees, gouache 1:15

I just said that the freshness of coffee beans has a lot to do with the flavor of coffee extraction. But it is not the beans that are just baked that are suitable for immediate extraction. Because the gas in the freshly baked beans is not discharged, the stability of the extraction will be affected to a great extent. And there are some special roasting methods that require more stable ingredients in coffee beans to taste better. So in the boutique coffee industry, there is a talk of growing beans. Bean cultivation is to make the beans reach the best and most suitable extraction state after baking, so that you can drink better coffee. So the question is, how to judge the time of growing beans? This is really a complicated problem, and it takes a lot of experience to judge.

Badoumai's suggestion is that after a single cup of coffee arrives in your hand, the practice of using coffee utensils is almost unnecessary to raise beans, that is, the so-called "open the bag" and keep it sealed after opening the bag.

On the other hand, if the Italian coffee beans are made with a pressure coffee machine, it takes at least 7-15 days to raise the beans. If you are in a hurry to use the coffee beans, you can open the bags in advance and let them be exposed to air oxidation for 12-24 hours before use.