Coffee review

Flavor description and taste variety treatment method of coffee farm in Ethiopia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flavor description of Ethiopian Coffee Farm Variety Limu grows in the western highlands of southern Ethiopia (the border between Shewa and Sidmo provinces) east of Jima and north of Sidamo, and is preferred by most Europeans and Americans at an altitude of 3600-6200 feet. Its annual output is about 110000bags/60kg, and most beans are round (15/16scr).

Flavor description and taste variety treatment method of coffee farm in Ethiopia

Limu grows in the southern western highlands of Ethiopia (the border between Shewa and Sidmo provinces) east of Jima and north of West Dharma. it is preferred by most Europeans and Americans at an altitude of 3600-6200 feet. Its annual output is about 110000bags/60kg, and most of the beans are round (15/16scr). It is bluish in color and bluish in color, and the export is mostly G2 grade. It tastes like Yegashev, but its viscosity is thin. But the flower and fruit taste is obvious, the sour taste is softer than Yegashev, the more irritating acid, the aftertaste is similar to the wine, has a very good and balanced quality, this is more suitable for air flow medium baking, not suitable for deep baking, the better flavor after baking is two to three days. It is the only boutique coffee producing area in the west wall, with less output, mainly exported to European and American markets, and rare in Asia. There are three kinds of treatment: water washing, sun washing and semi-washing. For Europe and the United States, the ranking of water-washed Lim is second only to Yega Schiffe. The taste spectrum of Lim is different from that of Sidamo and Yega Schiffe, the consistency is obviously lower, and the performance of flower aroma and citrus acid is also lower than that of Yega and Cedamo, but there is a smell of grass and black sugar, and the fruit acid is bright.

The geographical environment of Ethiopia is very suitable for coffee growth. Coffee is mainly grown in the southern highlands between 1100 and 2300 meters above sea level. The soil in these areas is well drained, slightly acidic and red loose. Currently, about 25% of the Ethiopian population depends directly or indirectly on coffee production for a living. The majority of farmers use traditional planting methods. Artificial care of coffee trees, the use of organic fertilizers, do not use harmful pesticides and herbicides, etc. Therefore, most of the coffee produced in Ethiopia is organic coffee.

The natural characteristics of coffee beans include size, shape, acidity, texture, taste and aroma. Ethiopian coffee beans are small, fragrant and sour like wine, and are loved by coffee lovers. Because of its unique aroma and taste, it is often used in the production and variety improvement of beverages, ice cream and sweets.

Due to different planting methods, coffee can be divided into three types: forest-semi-forest coffee (Forest or semi-forest coffee), courtyard coffee (Garden coffee) and plantation coffee (Plantation coffee). 60% of the coffee belongs to forest-semi-forest coffee. In such a wild coffee forest, pesticides are not used at all, but biological methods are used to control pests. 35% of the coffee is courtyard coffee. In this kind of coffee garden, the planting is three-dimensional. Coffee is located in the lower layer and gets a suitable growth environment in the shade of other crops. Fertilizers are mainly fallen leaves, withered grass and animal manure. 5% of the coffee belongs to plantation coffee. This is a modern way of growing. Coffee is also grown in a forest, but new varieties are used and planted in rows with other shade trees. Due to different processing methods, coffee can be divided into washed coffee (Washed coffee) and sun-cured coffee (Sun-dried coffee). Washed coffee accounts for 35% of exports. Good quality washed coffee is processed with freshly picked fully ripe fruit, picked carefully and closely monitored by professionals. The picked clean coffee beans are pulped on the day of picking, then fermented, washed, dried and peeled. The humidity of processed coffee beans is kept at about 12%. Sun-cured coffee accounts for 65% of exports. Mainly picked by families, red coffee beans are placed on cement floors or on high tables to dry to about 11.5% humidity, then peeled and cleaned.