Coffee review

Grinding Calibration Variety treatment of Coffee beans in Fire Phoenix Sapphire Manor, Costa Rica

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Costa Rica Fire Phoenix Sapphire Manor Coffee Bean Grinding scale Variety treatment method name: Costa Rica Fire Phoenix Manor Red Honey treatment Grade: SHB treatment: red Honey Variety: Kaddura, Kaduai Cup Test: high sweetness, clean and delicate, floral aroma, fruit coffee fruit after peeling, the peel and pulp are recovered as feed for livestock, or converted into

Grinding Calibration Variety treatment of Coffee beans in Fire Phoenix Sapphire Manor, Costa Rica

Product name: red honey treatment of Fire Phoenix Manor in Costa Rica

Grade: SHB

Treatment: red honey

Variety: Kaddura, Kaduai

Cup test: high sweetness, clean and delicate, flower fragrance, fruit

After peeling, the peel and pulp of the coffee fruit are recovered as feed for livestock, or converted into organic fertilizer, as well as coffee bean dryer fuel. It can be said that in every process of coffee production, Costa Rica complies with the requirements of maintaining the natural environment.

Among the many excellent producing areas in Costa Rica, there is a famous producing area that stands out-Tarazu (Tarrazu), also known as Tarasu. Tarazhu is very famous in the world of boutique coffee and is one of the major coffee producing areas in the world. In the 2014 COE competition, of the 23 beans on the list, 17 came from Tarasu. Tarasu is located in the fertile volcanic region of Central America, which has a humid climate and fertile volcanic soil, abundant rainfall throughout the year, high altitude, and dense forest natural shade, providing a unique growth environment for coffee growth. Pesticides or artificial fertilizers are not used in the planting process. Nearly 95% of the coffee beans produced in Tarazhu Alpine are very hard beans (SHB), which generally grow above 1500 meters above sea level.

At present, the Tarazhu Cooperative has 26 member estates. Among them, Raminita Manor, which is one of the most famous coffee farms in Tarazu. La Minita produces about 1 million pounds of coffee beans a year, and after the entire estate produces coffee beans that are carefully selected to remove defects, only 15 per cent of the coffee beans can bear the mark of the Laminita estate, while the rest enter the coffee market. But the prices of these coffees entering the market are still higher than those of other beans produced in Central America. Raminita's strict management of all aspects of coffee production has established a world-class reputation. Costa Rica, a world-famous coffee estate, has many excellent producing areas, while the high-quality producing areas of Costa Rica have a common understanding of quality. that is to require the use of mature coffee fruits to ensure the production of high-quality coffee