Coffee review

Description of Flavor of Coffee beans in Jasmine Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Flavor description of Jasmine Manor Coffee beans; in fact, the Arabs began to grow coffee in 525 BC, and chewing and fried coffee beans became popular in the Arab region. In 890 AD, Arab merchants sold coffee beans to Yemen, and Yemenis made coffee beans into drinks for the first time. In the 15th century, coffee was introduced into Europe and Asia.

Description of Flavor of Coffee beans in Jasmine Manor

In fact, the Arabs began to grow coffee in 525 BC, and chewing fried coffee beans became popular in the Arab region. In 890 AD, Arab merchants sold coffee beans to Yemen, and Yemenis made coffee beans into drinks for the first time. In the 15th century, coffee was introduced into Europe, Asia and soon into America. By the 18th century, coffee was widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world and became one of the three major drinks in the world. Coffee ranks first among the top three beverages in annual sales, three times as much as cocoa and four times as much as tea. Although coffee has been cultivated in the world for more than 2000 years. However, coffee has been cultivated in China for only a few hundred years. In 1884, Taiwan Province began to introduce coffee.

Coffee tree is a shrub or small tree of Rubiaceae; leaves are opposite, leathery, long ovate; every March, the branches will appear white flowers, petals spirally arranged, the heart of the flowers jump around the petals, take a closer look, it is really like a small windmill playing in childhood, emitting the fragrance of jasmine flowers; the fruit is oval, berry, crimson, containing two seeds, that is, we are familiar with coffee beans. The first flowering period of the white flower red fruit coffee tree is about three years old. the white flowers have five petals and tube-shaped flowers, with a faint fragrance of jasmine, and the inflorescences are arranged in dense clusters.

In 1931, it was exported to Kenya in obscurity from Geisha Mountain Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia, wandered to Tanzania and Costa Rica, was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s, and then went through nearly half a century before it became a blockbuster, beating the victorious armies of Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai and Tibika to win the first prize of the Panamanian National Treasure Bean Cup Test Competition in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In 2007, the International famous Bean Cup Test sponsored by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) won the championship again, and the bidding price was sold at US $130 per pound, setting a record for the highest price in the history of competition beans. It is reported that the later Panamanian national treasure bean competition will be divided into two groups: Rose Summer and non-Rose Summer, so as not to be robbed of the brilliance of other varieties by Rose Summer. Rosa is a member of the Tibika family, but it became famous more than 70 years after leaving Ethiopia, and fulfilled the saying that Ethiopia is a treasure trove of Arabica genes. Giving a variety to go abroad is enough to stir up trouble in the coffee market.

Geisha, which is grown in many parts of the world, is the new king of boutique coffee, with high quality and high prices in Latin American countries such as Panama, Guatemala and Colombia.