Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of taste treatment method for flavor description in Brazilian Minas coffee producing area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Introduction to the characteristics of taste treatment method for flavor description in Brazilian Minas coffee producing area. Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer. Brazil accounts for about 1/3 of the world's annual coffee production (by far the world's largest coffee producer and exporter). In 2015, Brazil produced a total of 36.89 million bags of coffee (each bag of 60kg). How many cups of coffee can you imagine? The country's

Introduction to the characteristics of taste treatment method for flavor description in Brazilian Minas coffee producing area

1. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world.

Brazil accounts for about 1/3 of the world's annual coffee production (by far the world's largest coffee producer and exporter). In 2015, Brazil produced a total of 36.89 million bags of coffee (each bag of 60kg). How many cups of coffee can you imagine?

The country's coffee production and market trends have a knock-on impact on international coffee market prices, that is, a drought in Brazil will lead to a rise in global coffee prices. So much production makes many coffee lovers think that Brazilian coffee focuses on quantity rather than quality, so it is difficult for Brazilian coffee producers to sell their beans.

two。 The flavor is underestimated

There is nothing wrong with many merchants going to Brazil to buy commercial beans for Italian blending. But you should know that Brazil also continues to produce a lot of boutique coffee beans. Brazilian products are not only abundant in quantity, but also of high quality and unique flavor. Usually, Brazilian coffee has a strong caramel and chocolate flavor, with obvious sweetness and low sour taste. The low acidity sometimes makes people underestimate its quality. But if you taste it carefully, you will be surprised to find that it is so wonderful.

3. There are many varieties of coffee in Brazil.

Brazil has seven states producing coffee and a total of 14 coffee producing areas, so it is full of diversity. If we pay attention to the information on the coffee bags, we may find that they come from:

At present, there are 2 million hectares of land in Brazil for growing coffee, and the largest is Arabica. These beans will eventually be sent to large bakers in various countries, that is, the well-known Santos (named after the port of export santos, not the producing area). Because of the coffee competition after 2000, the quality of coffee beans produced in the high-altitude areas of the south was appreciated, mainly by the farms around the Minas platform. Coffee quality is also the largest among Brazilian beans, such as Syracuse in the west of Minas and Matas in the east, Bashiya in the north or small farms in the south. Minas has almost become synonymous with Brazilian boutique coffee. In recent years, the coffee competition is accurate to be separated by treatment (water treatment / half-washing / half-sun / sun-drying), which has developed a variety of flavors, taste and finish, which is quite different from traditional Brazilian coffee. In particular, the half-sun method and the sun method performed best, the aroma of clean and low-acid fruit increased, so that the strong chocolate flavor reduced the farm coffee picking without the use of machines.