Coffee review

Introduction to the taste treatment method of flavor description in Ethiopian coffee origin and producing area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Ethiopian coffee origin characteristics flavor description taste treatment method A coffee tree usually takes about three to four years to grow before it begins to bear fruit, with red berries and a small number of yellow berries. After drying and removing the pulp, the coffee beans can be separated. There are shadows of coffee beans all over the world, and as long as the climate is right, it can grow as usual.

Introduction to the taste treatment method of flavor description in Ethiopian coffee origin and producing area

A coffee tree usually grows for about three to four years before it begins to bear fruit. the fruit is a red berry and a small number of yellow berries. After drying and removing the pulp, the coffee beans can be separated.

There are shadows of coffee beans all over the world, and they can grow as usual as long as the climate is right. These suitable places for growing coffee beans are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, generally between 25 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees south latitude, covering most countries in Central Africa, East Africa, Middle East, India, South Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, collectively referred to as the "coffee growth belt". Coffee production zone coffee is mainly concentrated in this area, because coffee is very vulnerable to frost, and the temperature and humidity in the tropics are the most suitable for coffee growth. Coffee beans will grow into different species depending on farming methods, regional climate and various factors.

The Buna ceremony in Ethiopia is a long process, with an average of about 1.5 hours. The ceremony, which takes place every day, aims to come to the conclusion that it may be a marriage proposal or a mediation of family conflict.

The first is roasted coffee beans. When the coffee beans are roasted, the women (often dressed up) put the coffee beans into the pot and let everyone smell the coffee beans. And then I started making coffee.

The first cup in the ceremony is called ABOL, which is the most important and the worst. If you are resolving a conflict, you must bravely drink this drink and state your point of view.

The second cup is called Tona, boiled again with water, and the taste is still strong. If the other person accepts his or her own point of view, he will drink it up. If the other party doesn't drink, there won't be a third drink.

The third cup is called Baraka, when the matter is settled and the conclusion is satisfactory, it symbolizes joy, and often the younger generation will be invited to this cup.

The legend of the shepherd originated from the Lebanese linguist Fast Nelloni, who recorded in his 1671 book the Sleepless Monastery: in the 6th century AD, in the Kaffa region of the Ethiopian Plateau of Africa, a shepherd named Kadi went to the new prairie to graze, and suddenly found the sheep jumping and excited, so he could not sleep even at night, so he ran to the Abyssinia Monastery for help. After the investigation of the abbot and monks, it was found that the goat was particularly excited after eating the red fruit on the bushes, so it was picked back and boiled into soup to drink, and sure enough, it could not sleep all night. So the dean distributed the soup to the monks who dozed off in the evening service, and the effect was excellent, and this refreshing medicine spread. This is the origin of "coffee".