Coffee review

Flavor description of Costa Rican Tarazhu Coffee introduction to the varieties of manor production area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The flavor of Costa Rican Tarazu coffee describes the taste of the manor region. Costa Rican coffee is definitely a boutique that grew up in a superior environment. There are no fluctuations in the economic environment brought about by the war, with the strong support of the government, and there is a climate and altitude suitable for the growth of boutique coffee. Costa Rican SHB grows at an altitude of about 1500 meters above sea level.

Flavor description of Costa Rican Tarazhu Coffee introduction to the varieties of manor production area

Costa Rican coffee is definitely a boutique that grew up in a superior environment. There are no fluctuations in the economic environment brought about by the war, with the strong support of the government, and there is a climate and altitude suitable for the growth of fine coffee. SHB in Costa Rica grows at an altitude of about 1500 meters above sea level. Volcanic ash soil provides nutrients for coffee growth, and there are enthusiastic and serious coffee producers.

Various favorable conditions make Costa Rican coffee very popular with coffee drinkers. One of the most eye-catching is the Costa Rican Tara beads (Tarrazu) produced in the Tarazu region near the capital San Jose. The producing areas benefit from the warm and wet air flow in the Pacific Ocean and have obvious dry and wet seasons. the weakly acidic volcanic soil is rich in organic matter, which creates good conditions for the root development of coffee plants.

The word "Coffee" comes from a small town in Ethiopia called kaffa, and in Greek "Kaweh" means "strength and passion". Coffee, tea and cocoa are called the three major drinks in the world. Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae, which is found in the tropics and subtropics. Leaves long ovate, flowers white, bearing crimson berries. There are small fruit, medium fruit, big fruit coffee and so on. Originated in Ethiopia. Daily coffee is made from coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of a coffee tree, which are then roasted by proper roasting methods.

The producing area is 9-1600 meters above sea level, 80% of which is located at 1000-1400 meters. This kind of coffee is famous for its excellent quality and rich and balanced taste. Even the coffee from Laminita Farm in the region is thought to have a flavor similar to Blue Mountain coffee.

Costa Rican coffee is mostly washed, and honey-treated beans are not common. Honey treatment in Xiaoxu store inherits the balanced taste of Costa Rican coffee and brings more surprises in terms of mellowness and richness. Costa Rican coffee has a unique aroma, similar to flower aroma and faint fruit aroma, but the feeling is not turbid, but fresh and full-bodied, as if it can infiltrate the whole body through the skin.