Coffee review

Panama rose summer coffee beans taste red label green label blue label distinction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Panama rose summer coffee beans taste red label green label blue label distinguish Panama, is the most important section of the world coffee map. Every year, the auction beans here will fetch hundreds of dollars. Panama rose summer, as we all know it, was in the 1970s when Mr. Francesco Selassie of Dong 87 Farm distributed seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and began planting them. The reason why rose summer is expensive

Distinguishing between red, green and blue marks on the taste of Panamanian Rosa coffee beans

Panama is the most important section of the world coffee map. The beans sold at auction here sell for hundreds of dollars every year.

The Panamanian Rose Summer, as we all know, was in the 1970s, when Mr. Francico Selassie of Dong 87 Farm received seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and began to plant them. The reason why Rosa is valuable is that the output is very low and it is necessary to participate in the bidding, so it is very difficult to get Rosa beans. Of course, extremely low production is only one of the reasons for its value, and the most important reason why Rosa is so valuable is that it overrides the flavor of all the coffee in the world. At present, the main rose summer is the rose summer of Panama, Colombia, Guatemala and Costa Rica, among which Panama and Colombia have the best flavor.

The fruity and floral elements are almost like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, these are all old news now. Some small farms also get summer roses and are eager to grow their own roses.

However, the results are different, and this "star" variety seems to have different tastes in different geographical locations due to the influence of weather, soil and altitude. However, in the Aktenango area, we see typical rosy summer features: the slender shape of beans, the changes during baking, and the elegant and uncooked flavor in the cup.

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Summer is over, and on the same day in the salon, everyone will be invited to taste the last pot of ice drops in the sun this year.

Because of the high cost of beans, this is a fee-based activity, 188 per person, with a limit of 10 people, subject to micro-store payment. Please search the WeChat store for "Zi'an 's grocery store".

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