Coffee review

Varieties and characteristics of Kenyan Coffee beans introduction to taste treatment of manor brand flavor description

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The variety and characteristics of Kenyan coffee beans the taste treatment method of manor brand flavor treatment introduces that the geographical environment of Ethiopia is very suitable for coffee growth. Coffee is mainly grown in the southern highlands between 1100 and 2300 meters above sea level. The soil in these areas is well drained, slightly acidic and red loose. Currently, about 25% of the Ethiopian population depends directly or indirectly on coffee production for a living. Make

Varieties and characteristics of Kenyan Coffee beans introduction to taste treatment of manor brand flavor description

The geographical environment of Ethiopia is very suitable for coffee growth. Coffee is mainly grown in the southern highlands between 1100 and 2300 meters above sea level. The soil in these areas is well drained, slightly acidic and red loose. Currently, about 25% of the Ethiopian population depends directly or indirectly on coffee production for a living. The majority of farmers use traditional planting methods. Artificial care of coffee trees, the use of organic fertilizers, do not use harmful pesticides and herbicides, etc. Therefore, most of the coffee produced in Ethiopia is organic coffee.

The natural characteristics of coffee beans include size, shape, acidity, texture, taste and aroma. Ethiopian coffee beans are small, fragrant and sour like wine, and are loved by coffee lovers. Because of its unique aroma and taste, it is often used in the production and variety improvement of beverages, ice cream and sweets.

Due to different planting methods, coffee can be divided into three types: forest-semi-forest coffee (Forest or semi-forest coffee), courtyard coffee (Garden coffee) and plantation coffee (Plantation coffee). 60% of the coffee belongs to forest-semi-forest coffee. In such a wild coffee forest, pesticides are not used at all, but biological methods are used to control pests. 35% of the coffee is courtyard coffee. In this kind of coffee garden, the planting is three-dimensional. Coffee is located in the lower layer and gets a suitable growth environment in the shade of other crops. Fertilizers are mainly fallen leaves, withered grass and animal manure. 5% of the coffee belongs to plantation coffee. This is a modern way of planting, coffee is also grown into a forest, but the use of new varieties

Geisha (Central America) Rose Summer Geisha (Geisha is a kind of coffee endemic to Panama. In recent years, it has been known as the "boutique queen" in just a few years. It can be regarded as the treasure of Panamanian coffee. At present, the output is low and the price is high. Coffee farmers claim to have only discovered it in recent years, but this is not the case. Geisha not only appeared in Panama as early as 1960. And many breeding units in Panama also have a lot of Geisha seeds. Willem Boot predicts that there will be a substantial increase in the number of Panamanian Geisha varieties of coffee in five years, and recommends that roasters not be in a hurry. In 1931, it was found in southwestern Ethiopia, where there are many different names, such as Gesha. It was imported to Kenya in 1931 and 1932 under the name of Abyssinian and Geisha respectively. In 1936, Kenya took the harvested Geisha seeds to Uganda and Tanzania for planting. In July 1953, Tanzania sent its offspring to Costa Rica, leaving the mother tree in its own country. In 1960, Geisha was formally cultivated in Panama through CATIE. Geisha has a good aroma, sweet and clean finish, distinctive fruit flavor, with bright sour fruit flavors, such as tamarind, mango and papaya, which are very supple and can be compared with Ethiopian water-washed beans. )

Java Java (Robusta) is mainly distributed in African countries such as C ô te d'Ivoire, Angola, Madagascar, Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia (Java). It belongs to lowland cultivation, which is resistant to high temperature, drought, rain, insect pests and strong adaptability. it can grow very well on flat land, and harvesting does not necessarily need manual work, but can be carried out completely by vibration machine. There are two types of Robusta coffee that we often come into contact with: A.P. Robusta and W.I.B. Robusta. Except for W.I.B. The granules are larger and the others are smaller. The biggest difference lies in the processing after harvest, so there are some differences in appearance, aroma and taste. )