Coffee review

Starbucks Macchiato Coffee Practice Latte Coffee Practice

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks macchiato coffee practice latte coffee practice macchiato (macchiato) coffee production method ingredients: Italian coffee: 100 ml; fresh milk: 300 ml; caramel cream: 15 ml; caramel syrup: 15 ml; cup: 500 ml large cup, with coffee spoon, sugar bag. Method: 1. Add fresh milk to a milk bubble pot and stir well; 2. Fill the Italian coffee.

Starbucks macchiato coffee latte

The method of making Macchiato (macchiato) coffee


Italian coffee: 100ml; fresh milk: 300ml; caramel cream: 15ml; caramel syrup: 15ml; cup: 500ml large cup with coffee spoon and sugar packet.


1. Beat the milk foam with fresh milk in a bubble pot and stir well.

two。 Pour the Italian coffee into a cup, add fresh milk and foam until full.

3. Pour some caramel syrup into the center, squeeze out the net pattern with caramel paste on top of the foam to beat until dense, pour into the cup from the center, and caramel paste is scratched out with a pointed bottle.


Because when making milk foam, the surface milk foam mixes violently with the air, so the surface milk foam is rougher. At this point, the rough surface of the foam can be scraped off so that you can drink the most detailed part. In addition, because the milk foam comes into contact with the air, it will affect its cotton density, so Maggiadot should drink it as soon as possible.

PS: the main player in Starbucks-caramel macchiato, coffee with whipped cream, and two spoonfuls of soft milk foam covered with egg-yellow caramel, both visually and tastefully pleasing. In addition, Maggiadot must drink it in order to taste its delicacy.