Coffee review

Introduction to the varieties of Grinding scale for Coffee beans in Magic Manor, Colombia

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Columbia Magic Manor Coffee Bean Flavor Regional Grinding scale Taste varieties introduce the varieties of Colombian coffee are mainly small-grain coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 m tall, usually much branched at base; old branches gray-white, nodes dilated, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, tip long acuminate

Introduction to the varieties of Grinding scale for Coffee beans in Magic Manor, Colombia

The main varieties of Colombian coffee are small grains of coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 m tall, usually much branched at base; old branches gray-white, nodes dilated, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide, apex long acuminate, acuminate part 10-15 mm long, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, rarely rounded, entire or shallowly wavy, both surfaces glabrous, lower vein axils with or without small pores; midrib raised on both surfaces of leaf, 7-13 on each side of lateral veins; petiole 8-15 mm long Stipules broadly triangular, arising from the tip of the upper part of the young branch conical or awn tip, the tip of the old branch is often protruding tip, 3-6 mm long. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, each with 2-5 flowers, without a total pedicel or with a very short peduncle; flowers fragrant, with pedicels 0.5-1 mm long; bracts base ±connate, dimorphic, 2 broadly triangular, nearly equal in length and width, the other 2 lanceolate, 2 times as long as wide, leaf-shaped; calyx tubular, 2.5-3 mm long, calyx eaves truncate or 5-denticulate. Corolla white, length varies from variety to breed

The experiment and innovation of Hope Chateau on variety seems to be endless, constantly experimenting with different new varieties, in addition to the organic Kaddura, which used to make up the majority of the area of the Hope estate, from rose summer, organic rose summer, mocha, bourbon (including different red, yellow, Tekizik bourbon), pointed bourbon, Pakamara, San Bernardo and Pache, they really bring the chateau's serious attitude towards grape varieties to coffee. After the rosy summer, from the Pacamara, Bourbon and even the pointed Bourbon produced by the Hope Manor, they continued to create the surprise and admiration of the boutique coffee world.

Colombian coffee is one of the few original coffee sold in the world under the name of the country. In terms of quality, it has won praise unmatched by other coffee. Colombia's National Coffee Management Association, like the National Management Association of Kenya, is a model of coffee organization. Compared with other producing countries, Colombia is more concerned with developing products and promoting production. It is this, coupled with its superior geographical and climatic conditions, that makes Colombian coffee excellent in quality and delicious and famous all over the world. The status of coffee in Colombia is illustrated by the fact that all vehicles entering the country must be sprayed and sterilized so as not to inadvertently cause disease and damage coffee trees.

Colombia is fortunate to have Atlantic and Pacific ports, which helps to reduce the cost of transporting coffee. In South America, she is the only country with this condition. The main production areas of Colombia are in the central and eastern mountains. The most important plantations along the central mountains are located in Medellin, Almenia and Manisales. Among the above three regions, Medellin has the best quality and high price of coffee, which is characterized by full granules, rich nutrition, rich aroma and moderate acidity. Together, these three regions are called the year of MAM1808, when a priest introduced coffee to Colombia for the first time from the French Antilles via Venezuela. Today, the country is the second largest coffee producer after Brazil, the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans and the world's largest exporter of washed coffee beans.