Coffee review

Description of taste and flavor of Columbia Yana Linglong coffee beans introduction of varieties in manor area

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The characteristics of Columbia Linglong Coffee beans taste and flavor description of the varieties in the manor area the essence of Colombian coffee is really good, especially the sweetness and acidity balance has always been good! I have tried St. Augustine Manor Coffee in Huila in the past, and I remember it as a sense of sweetness, which greatly increased my affection for Colombian beans. Of course, I have tried some businessmen since then.

Characteristics of Colombia Nalinglong Coffee Bean Taste Flavor Description Manor Area Variety Introduction

Colombia coffee essence is really good, especially the sweetness and fruit acid balance has always been good! In the past, I have tried St. Augustine Manor Coffee in Huila Region, and the impression is a sweet feeling, which makes my liking for Colombia beans greatly increased. Of course, I have tried some Colombia coffee of commercial bean grade later. Although the flavor is not as layered and full as that of fine grade, it is really good coffee, especially the fruity feeling, which is different from the nut style that Brazil beans are used to. The beans of these two coffee producing countries do have their own characteristics. I was really excited when I got the model, because I hadn't even had a drink, but given the reputation and quality of the Laminita and my love for both the Floral God and Laminita beans, the first test baking was done 30 seconds after the first burst, and the taste of the test bean was expressed in a lighter way. My first impression was sweet! A sweet taste of dried fruit appeared on my tongue. Thousands of taste buds transmitted that sweet and sour taste to my pleasant nerve center, followed by the stimulation of smell. I smelled dried fruit fragrance, light chocolate flavor and slight flower fragrance. This bean did not emphasize flower fragrance like Flower God, but it did not have such soft milk chocolate flavor like Ramini. Instead, it was like a combination of both, but added with its unique dried fruit fragrance. It smelled young but mature, and I immediately felt that if I wanted to perform this bean well, I would have to bake it a little deeper and enter a world of two explosions or even two explosions. Bake to medium bake (touch two explosion under the pan) or even medium deep bake (two explosion dense), its dry fruit fragrance becomes more mature and caramel sweet more obvious, aroma can smell similar to dried longan smell, but mixed with the aroma of dark chocolate; the original rising fruit acid, then become a soft taste catalyst, increase the deep sweet throat flavor, let it depth a lot! For those who love the flavor of a heavy, deep-baked fire, this bean is truly endearing.