Coffee review

Flavor description of Sidamo Shakiso Coffee Bean production area A brief introduction to the method of grinding and calibration of taste varieties

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A brief introduction to the Flavor description of Sidamo Shaquiso Coffee Bean production area A brief introduction to the method of Grinding and Calibration of Sidamo Coffee Bean Shakisso/Shakiso is located in the Guji producing area of Sidamo and is one of the micro-producing areas with regional characteristics in Sidamo. The coffee in this region is quite unique, and the coffee produced is often noticed by the market. Ninety Plus's legendary beans (nekisse)

Flavor description of sidamo charchesot coffee bean growing area Taste variety Introduction to grinding scale treatment

Shakisso/Shakiso is located in the Guji region of Sidama and is one of the micro-regions with very regional characteristics in Sidama. The coffee in this region is quite unique, and the coffee produced has repeatedly received market attention. Ninety Plus 'legendary bean (nekisse) originally means Nectar from shakisso, and its production area and name are all from shakisso.

Washing-type coffee flavor is less likely to have wild flavor, with pure, refreshing characteristics, suitable for City to Full City roasting degree; some excellent Ethiopian washing-type coffee beans, sometimes can be perceived as obvious lemon, citrus essential oils, jasmine flowers, honey flavor, etc., sour more obvious, mellow feeling thin. All kinds of sun-treated mocha beans have wild flavor on the basic flavor, but the degree may vary from more to less, which is more suitable for Full City to Vienna baking degree performance.

Shakisso, located in Guji, south of Oromia region, next to Sidama and Gedeo. There are many mines in this area, which were used for gold mining in the early days, so there are many potholes in this coffee-growing area. This makes it dangerous to walk between coffee-growing areas. Chachoso is a region of Gugi/Sidamori alone trees, and even Sidamori is a remote area away from most coffee producing areas, where another famous product is gold mining. Miners, land and ethnicity also contributed to regional unrest in 2006.

Coffee connoisseurs around the world have always enjoyed a reputation for rare washed high-quality Arabica coffee, suitable for all levels of roasting, perfectly presenting fresh and bright floral aroma, beautiful and complete bean type, is difficult to match the general mocha high-end coffee. Unique citrus, lemon fruit aroma, but also with jasmine fragrance, has a similar sour wine, taste clean and no miscellaneous feeling, just like drinking freshly cooked citrus fruit tea aftertaste lasting