Coffee review

Cats poop coffee hand brewing method brewing process diagram authentic cat poop coffee flavor taste description

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Coffee beans generally go through the process of fermentation of the shell. Coffee beans are in the intestine of the civet. Special bacteria provide a unique fermentation environment. The flavor becomes unique and extra thick and mellow. Coffee beans fermented by civet intestines are especially thick and fragrant. Indonesia Coffee Belt


Kopi Luwak is the most special high-end coffee bean in the world. Authentic wild cat shit coffee beans can sell as much as 7000rmb/ jin. Therefore, if it is not properly cooked, it will cause a huge waste. So if you are lucky enough to get cat poop coffee beans, what if brewing doesn't turn over? In front of the street, let's briefly introduce the origin of Kopi Luwak. Cat poop coffee beans are after the civets eat the coffee fruit, the coffee beans in the civets' intestines, special bacteria provide a unique fermentation environment, because the intestines can not digest coffee beans, so they will be excreted. After the musk cat gastrointestinal fermentation of coffee beans, the flavor becomes unique, particularly thick and mellow.


Indonesian coffee has the taste of earth and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is among the highest in all continents. But "Kopi Luwak" has a heavier earthy smell, and its consistency is closer to that of syrup. It has a very special flavor. After drinking, there will still be a touch of peppermint cool feeling in the mouth, which is the "exclusive taste" that ordinary coffee does not have. After drinking a cup, take a deep breath or take a sip of cold water, you can obviously feel cool from mouth to throat. It's like I just ate a mint lotion.


How to make Kopi Luwak tastes good? Qianjie suggests using the form of hand flushing to brew.

In the choice of filter cup, Qianjie chose Kono Mingmen filter cup. The biggest feature of the Kono filter cup is that the ribs extend from the bottom to the middle, and the upper part is a smooth filter cup wall, so that when the filter paper is glued to the filter cup, the water can not "sneak" around the coffee powder to improve the thickness of the taste.


The amount of powder used in Qianjie is still 15g, and the amount of coffee powder is not as much as possible, nor less, depending on the size of the filter cup. Qianjie uses a filter cup of 1-2 people, which is a reasonable amount of powder when the amount of powder is 15-20g. It will be difficult to brew the powder outside this range.

In the proportion of cooking powder, Qianjie will recommend 1:15, although some will suggest 1:13 or less, but Qianjie has a surface in the previous article, and there is no inevitable relationship between the concentration and the thickness of alcohol. And being too strong can cause discomfort. Therefore, the use of 1:15 powder-water ratio can also show the mellow taste and special aroma of Kopi Luwak.

In terms of coffee grinding, Qianjie will use sieve 20 with a pass rate of 70%. Brewing Kopi Luwak is a little thicker than lightly roasted coffee beans, because cat poop uses deep roasting, its structure will be looser, and it is easier to absorb water and release coffee substances. if ground to the thickness of shallow roasted beans, it is easy to rush out bitter taste; if it is thicker, it will make the coffee become thin and tasteless, the taste is as thin as water.


In the choice of water temperature, Qianjie suggests using a water temperature of 87-88 ℃ for cooking. In the same way as the degree of grinding, too high water temperature is prone to scorch bitterness, too low water temperature will appear coffee insipid, and there will be an unpleasant acidity.

The brewing and cooking method uses three-stage water injection, which is divided into three stages to better show the mellow taste of Kopi Luwak and the sweetness of caramel. The specific distribution of water injection is the first stage of steaming water injection 30ml, this stage of water injection all wet coffee powder, exhaust, in order to better extract the flavor substances of coffee, the second stage injected 100ml, the last stage injected 95ml to improve the sweetness of coffee, showing a thick mellow taste, the sweetness of caramel and the flavor of chocolate and nuts.

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