Coffee review

Flavor description of Honduran Coffee beans introduction of Grinding scale varieties by Taste treatment

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Flavor description of Honduran coffee beans taste treatment grinding scale variety introduction washing treatment of Honduran coffee, it is not only BIO organic certified coffee, but also an organic trade coffee, the proceeds from the sale of raw coffee beans will directly benefit the country of origin manor, used for sanitation, education, drinking water and other projects. Every time you buy a bag of Fairtrade coffee, it's for coffee.

Flavor description of Honduran Coffee beans introduction of Grinding scale varieties by Taste treatment

Washed Honduran coffee, it is not only an BIO organic certified coffee, but also an organic trade coffee. The proceeds from the sale of raw coffee beans will directly benefit the country of origin manor, used for sanitation, education, drinking water and other projects. Every time you buy a bag of Fairtrade coffee, you make your own contribution to the development of coffee origin. Let's work together to improve the quality of coffee production and improve the living standards of coffee farmers.

The granules of coffee beans in Honduras are large in shape, uniform in size and glossy in color. In order to facilitate harvesting, farmers will prune the coffee trees to no more than 150 centimeters, because if they grow too high, they have to set up ladders to pick, which is not only time-consuming, but also may damage the trees by bending branches. As the ripening period of each fruit of coffee beans is different, in order to maintain the good quality of coffee beans, it is necessary to pick them manually, and then select the ripe fruits. For coffee fruits of the same branch, it often takes several weeks to pick them all.

The granules of coffee beans in Honduras are large in shape, uniform in size and glossy in color. In order to facilitate harvesting, farmers will prune the coffee trees to no more than 150 centimeters, because if they grow too high, they have to set up ladders to pick, which is not only time-consuming, but also may damage the trees by bending branches. As the ripening period of each fruit of coffee beans is different, in order to maintain the good quality of coffee beans, it is necessary to pick them manually, and then select the ripe fruits. For coffee fruits of the same branch, it often takes several weeks to pick them all.

Honduran coffee has a rich and mellow taste, taste is not astringent, not sour, mellow and aroma are very high, quite personality. Honduran coffee can lead to multiple levels of flavor depending on the degree of roasting. Moderate baking can maximize the sweetness of beans, while deep baking increases bitterness, but sweetness does not disappear. Generally speaking, medium roasting has the best taste, has rich and unique aroma, and is favored by coffee lovers in Honduras.