Coffee review

A brief introduction to the treatment of Coffee beans in Santa Rita Manor, Colombia

Published: 2024-10-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/20, A brief introduction to the processing and grinding scale of coffee beans in Santa Rita, Colombia is fortunate to have Atlantic and Pacific ports, which helps to reduce the cost of transporting coffee. In South America, she is the only country with this condition. The main production areas of Colombia are in the central and eastern mountains. The most important plantation along the central mountains is located in Mead.

A brief introduction to the treatment of Coffee beans in Santa Rita Manor, Colombia

Colombia is fortunate to have Atlantic and Pacific ports, which helps to reduce the cost of transporting coffee. In South America, she is the only country with this condition. The main production areas of Colombia are in the central and eastern mountains. The most important plantations along the central mountains are located in Medellin, Almenia and Manisales.

Uncle Juan Valdez of Colombian coffee farmers, as the ambassador of Colombian coffee, will travel around the world to promote Colombian coffee. A beard, a straw hat and the mules around him are his necessary wardrobe. Uncle Dou was still happy to see him at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

Colombian coffee is a representative and excellent variety of Arabica coffee, and it is also a traditional deep-roasted coffee with a strong and memorable taste. Its aroma is rich and thick, with clear high-quality acidity, high balance, sometimes nutty, lingering aftertaste, both in terms of appearance and quality, Colombian coffee is the best. Like a charming and unrestrained woman, just right

The experiment and innovation of Hope Chateau on variety seems to be endless, constantly experimenting with different new varieties, in addition to the organic Kaddura, which used to make up the majority of the area of the Hope estate, from rose summer, organic rose summer, mocha, bourbon (including different red, yellow, Tekizik bourbon), pointed bourbon, Pakamara, San Bernardo and Pache, they really bring the chateau's serious attitude towards grape varieties to coffee. After the rosy summer, from the Pacamara, Bourbon and even the pointed Bourbon produced by the Hope Manor, they continued to create the surprise and admiration of the boutique coffee world.