Coffee review

Brazil Hilado Yellow bourbon Coffee Bean Flavor description Grinding scale production area

Published: 2024-10-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/20, Brazil Hillado Yellow bourbon Coffee Bean Flavor description Grinding scale production area Brazil Yellow bourbon is located in the Hirado region of Brazil. However, not all coffee produced in the prairie of Syracuse can bear the name of Syrador. It is only on the plateau of 1100 to 1300 meters above sea level in the central and western part of Minas province that sweet, mellow and fishy smell can only be obtained from the high altitude and fertile soil.

Brazil Hilado Yellow bourbon Coffee Bean Flavor description Grinding scale production area

Brazil's Yellow Bourbon is located in the Hirado region of Brazil. However, not all coffee produced in the prairie of Syracuse can bear the name of Syrador. It is only on the plateau of 1100 to 1300 meters above sea level in the central and western part of Minas province that sweet, mellow and fishy coffee can be obtained from the high altitude and fertile soil.

In the face of this "yellow" wind, I also joined in the fun, so I got some raw beans from the Guangzhou coffee salon to try something fresh. On the last night of the National Day holiday, the long-awaited "yellow" wind finally arrived in Beijing into early autumn, and sooner or later it has been able to feel the coolness. At the same time, a "yellow" wind from Brazil is also blowing quietly. Recently, yellow bourbon coffee from Brazil has been sold in several places.

The vast majority of Brazilian coffee is Arabica, and the main varieties are Burubon, Mdonabang, Kalala and Rahukogi.

Coffee is now cultivated in new places inland, thanks to natural benefits. Panama became famous after the war as a new coffee producer in Brazil, and because its natural conditions are not superior, it is still inferior in quality compared with that produced in Sao Paulo. Now in the northern part of the state of Sao Paulo, Riberon, Bredo, and Franka, the interior of Mogianashi is the best producer of Brazilian coffee.