Coffee review

The taste of espresso overextraction and underextraction; the taste of espresso overextraction and underextraction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Espresso overextraction and underextraction taste; espresso overextraction and underextraction flavor 1. The plum we sometimes drink, the citrus is actually its predecessor, combined with the flavor of the fruit in the local environment; the almond and walnut flavor we drink is partially carbonized after baking. We drink cocoa (a bitter taste) and syrup (a combination of bitterness and sweetness) is baked deeply.

The taste of espresso overextraction and underextraction; the taste of espresso overextraction and underextraction

1. The plum we sometimes drink, the citrus is actually its predecessor, combined with the flavor of the fruit in the local environment; the almond and walnut flavor we drink is partially carbonized after baking. We drink cocoa (a bitter taste) and syrup (a combination of bitterness and sweetness) is a deeply baked, carbonized taste.

two。 For one thing, we understand why coffee is popular for roasting. Like steak, the outside is charred and tender inside, there is cocoa and dried fruit flavor brought by carbonization on the outside, and the inside still retains the sweet and sour fruit. This brings a richer taste.

3. Many people tirelessly pursue a certain flavor of the theory of taste. But ignored the rules of flavor wheel arrangement.

My suggestion is to check the machine first. Try to put some water before cooking to check (clog? Temperature? Flow rate?, and in this way, you can drain some water from the pipe, sometimes even if you don't heat it, why I can't tell the depth of physics.

In fact, check the freshness of beans, how I feel this is very important (packaging coffee mainly depends on how long Kaifeng).

There will be grinding curves or grinding suggestions on the grinder manual, which should not be wrong.

Roasting is the most difficult and difficult part of coffee technology to master. Roasting gives coffee beans a second life through the experience of fire. Good roasting can make coffee beans coruscate new vitality and show their greatest brilliance, while improper roasting failure will destroy the original excellent coffee beans. The degree of baking is generally divided into four degrees: shallow, medium, deep and heavy, and the specific subdivision can be divided into two in each degree, that is, light baking includes light (light) cinema (cinnamon) medium (moderate) high (medium high) city (city) full city (half city) italy (Italy) French (French)