Coffee review

About the siphon coffee maker

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Siphon coffee pot, also known as Syphon. It was developed by Robert, an engineer of the Scottish Navy. Robert Napier invented it in 1840. Although the siphon coffee pot is called "siphon pot", it has nothing to do with the siphon principle, but uses water heating to produce water vapor, resulting in the principle of hot expansion and cold contraction, pushing the hot water from the lower seat to the upper pot and waiting for the next pot to cool.

Siphon coffee pot, also known as Syphon. It was developed by Robert, an engineer of the Scottish Navy. Robert Napier invented it in 1840. Although the siphon coffee pot is called "siphon pot", it has nothing to do with the siphon principle, but uses water heating to produce water vapor, causing hot expansion and cold contraction, pushing the hot water from the lower body to the upper pot, and then sucking back the water from the upper pot after the lower pot cools.

The siphon coffee pot has the advantages of high production temperature, relatively good reduction of coffee flavor and certain ornamental. Its disadvantage is that the material is fragile, masking some other better flavors of coffee.

As the siphon coffee pot is more suitable for making individual coffee, it is widely used as the main instrument for making single coffee in coffee business places.

I. types of siphon coffee pots

According to the cup, it can be roughly divided into three types: two, three and five. It is used to produce one cup, two cups and three cups respectively.

II. Operation steps

1. Preparation: a set of siphon coffee pot, fire source for heating (such as alcohol lamp can get the desired firepower by adjusting the length of the wick, pay attention to the amount of alcohol should not be more than 80% full, do not blow out the alcohol lamp without mouth and use the cover to extinguish, alcohol lamp can not be ignited, so as not to burn the wick), dry / semi-dry towel each.

2. Assemble the siphon pot filter: pull the bead chain to the mouth of the siphon pipe and hang it up, do not pull it too long.

3. Add water visually: add hot water according to cup quantity and visual method.

4. Wipe the lower seat: wipe it with a dry towel to prevent it from blackening.

5. heat up the fire: hang water droplets to the bead chain.

6. Insert the upper seat obliquely: pay attention to the formation of water film.

7. Insert the upper seat: the water droplets are inserted into the bead chain.

8. Small side fire: do not heat the middle of the lower seat. Such as alcohol lamp heating with double alcohol lamp.

9. Grinding: choose the degree of grinding according to the requirements.

10. Powder: the time is counted as soon as the powder is added.

11. the first mixing: the powder is mixed for the first time, and the mixing is finished with the full mixing.

12. Stuffy cooking: pay attention to smell incense.

13. Second mixing: fully mix the second time from the required time to the specified time.

14. Stuffy cooking: pay attention to smell incense.

15. Turn off the fire: turn off the fire from the required time to the specified time.

16. Dial the upper seat: dial out quickly.

17, pour bottom water: for warm cup, hold the seat hand should be vertical, quick action.

18. Insert it back into the upper seat: wait for the coffee liquid to flow from the upper seat to the lower seat. If the reflux is not smooth, you should change the filter cloth, or use a semi-dry towel to lower the temperature and pressure of the lower seat.

19. Clean: the siphon pot should be cooled before cleaning. Filter, pay attention to recoil.