Coffee review

Where do Rosa coffee beans come from? how much is a cup?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Where do Rosa coffee beans come from? how much is a cup of coffee? it's my career all my life. Is the source of passion in my life, is my dream, is my forever girlfriend, permanent lover. This is a sentence often spoken by Liu Minghui, chairman of Aiyi Group. Plant coffee trees in the rainforest, put cattle in the coffee forest, and put coffee beans in Starbucks cups. That doesn't seem to work yet.

Where do Rosa coffee beans come from? how much is a cup?

"Coffee is my career all my life. Is the source of passion in my life, is my dream, is my forever girlfriend, permanent lover. " This is a sentence often spoken by Liu Minghui, chairman of Aiyi Group. "plant coffee trees in the rainforest, put cattle in the coffee forest, and put coffee beans in Starbucks cups." This does not seem to represent his ultimate dream. His greatest dream is to let the world know that Yunnan is the place on earth that can produce gourmet coffee and become one of the high-quality coffee producing areas in his lifetime. To realize this dream, Yunnan coffee to the world, depends on many factors, coffee variety is one of them.

Rose Xia won the championship again, and the bidding price was 130 US dollars per pound, the highest price in the history of competition beans. It is reported that the next Panamanian national treasure bean competition will be divided into two groups: rose summer and non-rose summer, so as not to be robbed of the brilliance of other varieties by rose summer. Rosa is a member of the Tibika family, but it became famous more than 70 years after leaving Ethiopia, and fulfilled the saying that Ethiopia is a treasure trove of Arabica genes. Giving a variety to go abroad is enough to stir up trouble in the coffee market.

The appearance of raw beans is slender, and ripe beans have strong and rich fruit aroma. I personally feel that there is a strong sweet smell of roasted sweet potato, which is my favorite. Because the harvest of this variety is very low, it can not be purchased by commercial trade. So little cultivation in Panama, Jamaica, Malawi, Kenya, Guatemala and other countries

Geisha was discovered in the Rose Summer Forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, to Costa Rica in 1953, and to Panama in the 1970s by Franco Coco of Dongba Seven Farm Garden. Mr. Serraxin got the seeds from CATIE, Costa Rica, and started growing Rosa Coffee.