Coffee review

Flavor description of sun-washed and semi-washed Mantenin coffee beans grinding scale production area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Description of the flavor of sun-washed and semi-washed Mantenin coffee coffee produced by grinding scale is considered to be the richest coffee in the world. When tasting Mantenin, you can feel obvious lubrication on the tip of the tongue and low acidity, but this acidity can also be clearly tasted, the leaping micro-acid mixed with the richest aroma, so that you can easily feel the gentleness.

Flavor description of sun-washed and semi-washed Mantenin coffee beans grinding scale production area

Manning coffee is considered to be the most mellow coffee in the world. When tasting Mantenin, you can feel obvious lubrication on the tip of the tongue and low acidity, but this acidity can also be obviously tasted. Leaping slight acid mixed with the richest aroma, so that you can easily feel the lively factor in the mild fragrance. In addition, this coffee has a faint earthy aroma, and some people describe it as the aroma of herbs.

Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with Robusta accounting for 90% of the total production. Sumatra Manning is a rare Arabica species. These trees are planted on hillsides between 750m and 1500 meters above sea level, mysterious and unique Sumatra, giving Mantenin coffee, rich aroma, rich taste, strong flavor. Make uniquely, with a hint of chocolate and syrup

To be exact, Lindong Lintong refers to coffee growing in a small area in the southwest of Lake Toba in Lindong District. The small coffee growing area is scattered on a high and wavy clay plateau full of fern covers. Lintong Lindong Coffee is grown without shade, does not use chemicals, and is almost entirely owned by small private owners. Mandheling Manning is a broader term, including Lintong Lindong Coffee and Diari [capital Sidikalang] under similar conditions, the northern growing area of Lake Toba.

Sumatra is the main producing area of Indonesian boutique coffee. The coffee system is complex and can be briefly classified into four types:

(1) Mantenin refers to half-sun or sun-dried beans around Lake Toba in north-central Sumatra and at an altitude of 9-1200 meters above sea level in the Lindong Mountains on the southwest coast.

(2) Gold Manning, after four times of manual screening, is higher than the general Mantenin, and the particles are larger.

(3) Tawahu coffee refers to the washed, semi-washed or sun-dried beans (less) in the area of Gayou Mountain near Tawahu, the northernmost region of Sumatra. The famous Raminita estate in Costa Rica teaches semi-washing technology, and the well-known Dutch coffee group mainly produces Gayou landscape washed beans.

(4) Old Manning and Java Old Brown.