Coffee review

Introduction to Arabica hybrid Panamanian honey treated Aishb coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Rainforest Alliance certified coffee frog beans Rainforest Alliance certification rainforest certification logo has an obvious frog, Rainforest Alliance certified coffee, also known as frog beans, production is rare. Rainforest Alliance RA (Rainforest Alliance) certification refers to a farm that meets the standards set by the Rainforest Alliance, and the Alliance will treat the farm and its surrounding ecosystems

Rainforest Alliance certified coffee frog beans Rainforest Alliance certification rainforest certification logo has an obvious frog, Rainforest Alliance certified coffee, also known as "frog beans", is rare. "Rainforest Alliance" RA (Rainforest Alliance) certification refers to a farm that meets the standards set by the Rainforest Alliance, which protects the farm and its surrounding ecosystem, imposes some restrictions on the use of pesticides, and evaluates benchmarks such as waste management. Only coffee that has been evaluated and certified can be called "Rainforest Alliance certified coffee". Among them, the certification benchmark for coffee stipulates that the traditional farming methods cultivated in the shade of primary forests are adopted, which are beneficial to the protection of the ecosystem. Some of the proceeds from the alliance are also used for the protection of wildlife in tropical rainforest animal reserves and the improvement of workers' living standards.

Catuai: it is also a hybrid variety of Arabica, a hybrid of New World and Kaddura, which helps inherit the advantage of Kaddura's low stature and change the shortcomings of the New World; the other advantage is solid results, and it is not easy to fall off in case of strong wind, which makes up for the weakness of Arabica fruit without wind, but it is the biggest pity that the overall flavor performance is more monotonous than Kaddura. Kaduai also has the difference between red fruit and yellow fruit. Statistically, Hongguo Kaduai often wins prizes. Kaduai, Kaddura, New World and Bourbon are ranked as the four main varieties in Brazil.

Kaduai tree species are relatively low, compared with other coffee trees, the fruit of Kaduai is stronger and harder to pick. The fruit is both red and yellow. So far, it has not been found that yellow fruit tastes better than red fruit. On the contrary, some people found in the cup test that although the acidity of the coffee treated with some yellow fruits was good, the cleanliness of the coffee was worse than that of the red fruits.

Can be called "Rainforest Alliance certified coffee". Among them, the certification benchmark for coffee stipulates that the traditional farming methods cultivated in the shade of primary forests are adopted, which are beneficial to the protection of the ecosystem. Some of the proceeds from the alliance are also used for the protection of wildlife in tropical rainforest animal reserves and the improvement of workers' lives.