Coffee review

Description of flavor and taste characteristics of roasted coffee beans: light baking or deep roasting?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Roasted coffee beans light roasted or deep roasted good flavor description has been introduced CUPPING10-10-11 appliances: HarioV60 hand drip moderate grinding (fine) because of the shallow roasting hope to grind a little bit to reduce acidity. Water temperature: 80 degrees Celsius wet fragrance is so obvious

The flavor description of roasted roasted coffee beans has been introduced.

CUPPING 10-10-11

Utensils: Hario V60 hand drip

Medium grinding (fine) because the baking is relatively shallow, it is hoped that fine grinding will reduce acidity.


Water temperature: 91 degrees Celsius, wet smell is very obvious, fingers inadvertently touch the coffee powder left a trace of sweetness. As evaluated by SM, the floral fragrance is full of pleasant fruit acids and alcohols, which are relatively thick and thin.

Rosa coffee is generally hand-brewed. Rosa coffee beans are famous all over the world because of their rich floral aroma, citrus berries, juice, the lower the temperature, the more delicate the acidity and the rich taste of the overall level. Coffee cultivation throughout Panama revolves around the Chiriki volcano area. Rosa coffee beans can be said to be very picky about their growing environment. It needs to be planted in areas with high altitude, cloud shade or a large number of shade trees and fertile soil in order to harvest charming flower aroma, delicate fruit acid and rich taste.

Three roasting degrees of coffee beans

A cup of coffee contains a variety of levels, such as sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. "roasting" plays an important role in how to achieve a good taste of sour and bitter balance. With the passage of time, there is a third wave of coffee revolution, in the new world of boutique coffee, the situation is very different. Dark beans are no longer considered the best, and light and medium baking is gradually becoming mainstream.


Light roasting features: light roasted coffee is light brown, and there is no oil on the surface of coffee beans. Beans have high hardness, bright acidity, mellow taste and bright taste.

Flavor: coffee with fruity and floral flavors is usually lightly roasted. As long as beans are well grown, processed and roasted, they can produce a variety of flavors, aromas, aftertaste, and so on. For example, coffee beans in Ethiopia and Kenya are lightly roasted in order to show the aroma and juicy taste of coffee. In front of the street, there are more than a dozen beans of coffee from Ethiopia, because Ethiopia's coffee producing areas have different flavors.

Medium roasting characteristics: medium-roasted coffee is brown and a small amount of oil appears on the surface of the beans. These coffees have a small acidity and red wine flavor and have a round taste.


Flavor: roasted to this extent also retains many of the unique flavor of coffee, the heat began to enter the beans inside the caramelization reaction, the appearance of sweetness. As a result, the indicators are more balanced, full-bodied and sweeter than light baking, but some sour smells may disappear. For example: Tarazhu in Costa Rica, Mozart and so on.

This is the degree that bakers prefer, because for mass drinkers, it is more people-friendly, sour and bitter, but still shows the natural flavor of coffee.


Deep roasting features: deep-roasted coffee is a dark brown coffee with rich oil, low acidity, thick red wine and a more bitter and mellow taste. Flavor: roasted to this level of coffee basically can not tell the origin, but this does not mean that this kind of coffee is not delicious. Some coffees are suitable for deep roasting, with special flavors of chocolate, nuts and caramel. For example: Manning Coffee, Blue Mountain Coffee, Brazilian Coffee and so on.

Rose summer coffee

In 1931, Rose Xia was exported to Kenya in obscurity from Geisha Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia, where he traveled to Tanzania and Costa Rica and was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s. It took him nearly half a century to make a splash, defeating the victorious armies such as Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai, Tibica and so on. Won the first prize of the Panama National Treasure Bean Cup Test Competition in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Because the tree species are higher than ordinary coffee trees, Geisha was originally planted in a small area of the manor and was used as a windbreak. In order to take part in the annual competition for the best coffee in Panama, the son of the manor owner searched all the coffee trees in the manor for testing, so that Geisha had a chance to appear on the stage. Since then, he has also participated in various world coffee competitions, winning a total of 11 championships.


The rosy summer coffee is the best in the jade estate of Panama, which is also because the Panamanian micro-climate environment creates the special flavor of Panamanian rosy summer. After Rosa became famous, manors everywhere are growing. The front street coffee starts with not only Panamanian Rose Summer Coffee, but also Colombia, Guatemala and Costa Rica Rose Summer Coffee. Although Panama's Rose Summer Coffee is very good, the flavor of Rose Summer Coffee from other producing areas is also very good!

Thoughts on roasting Rose Summer Coffee in Qianjie

Among the factors affecting the taste of a cup of coffee, raw beans account for 60%, roasting accounts for 30%, and extraction accounts for 10%. Good roasting can maximize the personality of raw beans and minimize the occurrence of defective flavors. on the contrary, improper roasting will completely destroy good beans.

From the perspective of baking degree: the deeper the baking degree, the stronger the bitterness; the shallower the baking degree, the stronger the sour taste. The choice of baking degree depends on the characteristics of the coffee bean itself. for coffee beans with strong bitterness and light sour taste, they generally choose a moderate and shallow roasting degree.


Generally speaking, deep-baked beans are more similar to his taste, and their flavors are usually strong, such as smoke, chocolate and wood flavor, which will be accompanied by a thick taste. Shallow beans will be more light and refreshing flavor, and the flavor performance is very rich, flower fruit acid some tea taste is the flavor performance of this kind of beans. On the other hand, medium baking is a more balanced expression with both refreshing flavor and thick taste.

Rosy summer coffee raw beans: very beautiful blue-green, jade-like warm texture, smell of fresh grass, peach, berry and oolong tea unique milk sweetness that most coffee beans do not have. it seems that aroma and taste of this kind of things need to be associated with each other, but a hint of tea smell is obvious to us.

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of rose summer beans, the baking degree is on the verge of second explosion, which is on the verge of second explosion and one sound. As mentioned above, it can give play to the characteristics of the bean itself, and if it is too shallow, it will produce miscellaneous smell. if it is too deep, it will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid. The front street uses shallow baking, so that the baking degree can show the characteristics of the bean itself, and if it is too deep, it will lose the aroma of flowers and fruit acid. of course, this should be adjusted according to the characteristics of the coffee bean and the roaster's understanding of the bean itself.


Rosa coffee ripe beans: roasted ripe beans, there will be some "wrinkles", with this "sexy wrinkles" beans are to highlight its original taste and acidity, but if the quality of the raw bean itself is not high, there will be some miscellaneous flavors, such as decaying soil flavor, grass flavor and dry flavor, which roasters should try to avoid. Roasted Rosa coffee has charming lemon citrus aroma and super sweet honey cream flavor.

From the point of view of the baking degree, the deeper the baking degree, the stronger the bitter taste; the lighter the baking degree, the stronger the sour taste. Lightly roasted coffee is light brown and there is no oil on the surface of the beans. Beans have high hardness, bright acidity, mellow taste and bright taste. Deep-roasted coffee is a dark brown coffee with rich oil, low acidity, thick red wine and a more bitter and mellow taste.

Parameters of Panamanian Rosa Coffee beans cooked in Qianjie

Drip brewing, that is, hand-brewed coffee is recommended in Qianjie. If you want to drink rich layers, you can use the V60 filter cup, while if you want to drink the full coffee flavor, you can use the cake filter cup. Qianjie daily products often use the V60 filter cup, because the 60-degree angle design has a spiral rib design, we can control the number of times the water has been injected, fully extract the essence of Rosa coffee, while the large water hole design to avoid excessive extraction of coffee.


The body of the V60 filter cup has a large round hole connecting the diversion ribs at the top and the bottom and the center, which speeds up the flow rate of the water, while the spirally shaped exhaust trough is designed to lengthen the flow path and increase the contact time of coffee powder and hot water. each flow of water converges along the groove to the center of the filter cup, the pressure on the coffee powder is concentrated, and the coffee extracted is more layered.

Filter cup: Hario V60, water temperature: 91 degrees Celsius, powder content: 15g powder water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 80%

[Panamanian washed Pokuit Rosa Coffee]: it has clear acidity of citrus, lemon and bergamot, smooth and creamy taste when swallowing, and sweet taste of green tea and honey at the end.


Suggestions for making coffee in front of the street:

For the brewing of coffee, Qianjie has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee, so the coffee beans shipped in Qianjie coffee are roasted within 5 days. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

For those who need to be ground, Qianjie warmly reminds you that if the coffee beans are ground in advance, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor round. so you can drink a cup of coffee as soon as you receive the coffee powder. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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