Coffee review

Panamanian Cupid boutique coffee beans using Bogut's traditional mode of production

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Panamanian coffee beans, about 50 coffee farmers here form a small cooperative, all using the traditional Bogut way to produce coffee so that coffee can grow in a near-natural environment, according to data obtained from raw bean merchants, due to the historical reasons of the estate, in order to pursue yield at that time, early Rosa varieties were mixed with Kaddura and Kaduai coffee trees.

Panamanian coffee beans

About 50 coffee farmers here form a small cooperative, all in the traditional way of producing coffee-- allowing coffee to grow in a near-natural environment.

According to the data obtained from the raw bean merchant, due to the historical reasons of the manor, in order to pursue yield at that time, the early rose summer varieties were mixed with the coffee trees of Kaddura and Kaduai, in order to facilitate picking. Coffee farmers do not reclassify, but the three varieties are directly mixed.

[product name]: Panamanian Cupid

[producing area]: Bogut boquete Baru Volcano region

[variety]: Kaduai, Kaddura, including Rosa Geisha30%

According to the information obtained, due to the historical reasons of the manor, in order to pursue yield at that time, the early rose summer varieties were mixed with the coffee trees of Kaddura and Kaduai, and in order to facilitate picking, coffee farmers do not reclassify, but the three varieties are directly mixed.

Panamanian coffee is classified and numbered into small batches, which are designed to have a small capacity for optimal management, and the classification number allows buyers to understand and track information about the whole process.