Coffee review

Introduction of Katim CIFC7963 Coffee beans belonging to small grains

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Katim CIFC7963 coffee beans belong to the small seed species Katim CIFC7963 (F6) has been widely planted in Dehong, Baoshan, Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Wenshan and Yuxi in Yunnan coffee growing areas, as well as Panzhihua in Sichuan Province and neighboring Myanmar, with a total extension area of more than 200,000 mu. Typica: the oldest in Ethiopia

Introduction of Katim CIFC7963 Coffee beans belonging to small grains

Katim CIFC7963 (F6) is widely popularized and planted in Dehong, Baoshan, Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Wenshan, Yuxi and other coffee growing areas in Yunnan Province, as well as Panzhihua in Sichuan Province and neighboring Myanmar, with a total promotion area of more than 200,000 mu.

Typica: the oldest native variety in Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan. All Arabikas are derived from Tibika. The flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor, the fruit yield is less. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika.

The top leaf of Tibika is red and bronze, which is called red top coffee. Tibika belongs to Arabica.

Katim, it's hard to say. I have limited ability to express myself. To introduce it in simple words is messy but has a heavy taste.

All of the above depends on my personal feeling of drinking coffee. I don't sell coffee beans or open a coffee shop. I just like to drink and think about it by myself. Hehe, it doesn't represent any authority, it's all my own feelings.

Katim is the original species of all Arabica varieties. It is said that Tibika originated in southern Sudan, flourished in Ethiopia and was finally planted in Yemen for commercial production around the 7th century AD.

Katim was brought to the East Indies by the Dutch and was the first coffee variety to come to the West Indies where Gabriel de Klee planted it in French Martinique in 1720.