Coffee review

Arabica hybrid variety Panamanian honey treatment Aishb coffee bean origin and development history

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kaduai also has the difference between red fruit and yellow fruit. Statistically, Hongguo Kaduai often wins prizes. Kaduai, Kaddura, New World and Bourbon are listed as the four main varieties in Brazil to be called "Tropical Rainforest Alliance certified coffee". In addition, part of the proceeds are also used for wildlife protection in tropical rainforest animal reserves. In terms of labor life and well-being, it is a pair of coffee with a good natural environment. And

Kaduai also has red fruits and yellow fruits. Statistically, red fruit kaduai wins more often. Carduai, Cardura, New World and Bourbon are the four main varieties in Brazil

Only then can it be called "Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee." In addition, part of the proceeds are also used for wildlife protection in tropical rainforest animal reserves, and for the well-being of workers. And its certification benchmarks consist of nature conservation, farming methods

cFinca La Valentina is dedicated to the cultivation of fine beans. In addition to personal care, the unique local microclimate also creates their Arabica coffee beans (SHB) with outstanding high quality. In 2011, Geisha ARISTAR of the estate won the first place in the Panama competition

Dry fragrance can be said to be the most charming place of this bean. After grinding, you can obviously feel an elegant flower fragrance, fresh and elegant, but it is not like the flower fragrance of Yejia Xuefei has been rising, but the feeling of speaking. In addition, there is obvious honey sweet fragrance. The overall dry fragrance is low and melodious. After water injection, the honey sweet fragrance is more prominent. The coffee is very soft and sour. The aroma is concentrated in the front part of the mouth.

Rainforest Alliance certification coffee frog beans Rainforest Alliance certification logo has a distinct frog, Rainforest Alliance certification coffee, also referred to as "frog beans", production is rare. RA(Rainforest Alliance ) certification refers to farms that meet the standards set by the Rainforest Alliance. The Alliance will protect the farm and its surrounding ecosystems, impose some restrictions on the use of pesticides, and evaluate benchmarks such as waste management. Only coffee that passes the evaluation and is certified can be called "Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee". The certification criteria for coffee stipulate that traditional farming methods cultivated under the shade of native forests are used, and farming methods that are beneficial to the protection of ecosystems are used. Part of the proceeds from the Alliance are also used for wildlife protection in tropical rainforest animal reserves and improvement of labor life.

Catuai: It is also a hybrid of Arabica, which is a hybrid of New World and Kadulla. It helps inherit the advantages of Kadulla's low tree body and changes the shortcomings of New World. Another advantage is that the fruit is solid and does not fall off easily in strong wind. It makes up for the weakness of Arabica fruit without wind. However, the overall flavor performance is monotonous than Kadulla, which is the biggest regret. Kaduai also has red fruits and yellow fruits. Statistically, red fruit kaduai wins more often. Carduai, Cardura, New World and Bourbon are the four main varieties in Brazil.

Kaduai trees are relatively low, and compared to other coffee trees, kaduai fruits grow stronger and are difficult to pick. The fruit is both red and yellow. So far, yellow fruits have not been found to taste better than red fruits. On the contrary, some people found in the cup test that although the acidity of some yellow fruits was good, the coffee tasted cleaner than the red fruits.

To be called Rainforest Alliance certified coffee. The certification criteria for coffee stipulate that traditional farming methods cultivated under the shade of native forests are used, and farming methods that are beneficial to the protection of ecosystems are used. Part of the proceeds from the Alliance are also used for wildlife conservation in tropical rainforest animal reserves and improvement of workers 'livelihood.

Kaduai trees are relatively low, and compared to other coffee trees, kaduai fruits grow stronger and are difficult to pick. The fruit is both red and yellow. So far, yellow fruits have not been found to taste better than red fruits. On the contrary, some people found in the cup test that although the acidity of some yellow fruits was good, the coffee tasted cleaner than the red fruits.

Catuai: It is also a hybrid of Arabica, which is a hybrid of New World and Kadulla. It helps inherit the advantages of Kadulla's low tree body and changes the shortcomings of New World. Another advantage is that the fruit is solid and does not fall off easily in strong wind. It makes up for the weakness of Arabica fruit without wind. However, the overall flavor performance is monotonous than Kadulla, which is the biggest regret.