Coffee review

A brief introduction to the market price of Dominica Santo Domingo coffee varieties with mellow taste

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The temperate climate in Dominica is conducive to coffee cultivation, and the best places to grow coffee are the Barahona region in the southwest and the Cibao Valley north of Santiago, Dominica's second largest city. The northern region, represented by Hibao, and the southern region, including Okayabani Santo Domingo, produce good coffee. Among them, Santo

The temperate climate in Dominica is conducive to coffee cultivation, and the best places to grow coffee are the Barahona region in the southwest and the Cibao Valley north of Santiago, Dominica's second largest city. The northern region, represented by Hibao, and the southern region, including Okayabani Santo Domingo, produce good coffee. Among them, Santo Domingo and Barney are famous for their coffee, which is almost synonymous with domiga coffee. The Dominican Republic is a favorite country for tourists. It lives next to Haiti on the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies, Dominica in the west and Haiti in the east. The world's whitest and softest white sand, cool sea breeze from the Atlantic and Caribbean and warm sunshine from the tropics make it a holiday paradise on a par with Maldives and Hawaii. It is the second European colony in the American continent after Greenland. It currently has the oldest Catholic churches, universities, roads and bunkers in America, and its capital, Santo Domingo, is also the oldest city and capital in the Americas.

The Dominican Republic has also experienced a history of unrest and poverty, and now the country has implemented democratic elections and entered a period of stable development, but it has not yet formally established diplomatic relations with China, but has maintained so-called "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. It seems that this has nothing to do with coffee, but in fact, it still has an impact. The exchanges between the two countries that have not established diplomatic relations are subject to many restrictions in all aspects, of course, it will also affect our coffee trade. Dominican coffee is mainly exported to the United States and a small number of European countries because of its superior quality, which is rarely seen in our Chinese mainland.

The Santo Domingo region in the east of the island was ceded to France, making the Spanish island a complete French colony. Six years later, Toussaint Lovidur, a black Haitian, led other black slaves to revolt against French rule, and in 1801 captured the newly ruled Santo Domingo, unifying the entire Spanish island. [3]

L'Or é al arrived in Santo Domingo in 1801. He abolished slavery on behalf of the French government. In 1802, Napoleon sent troops to conquer the whole island and ruled for several months. In October 1802, mixed-race and black people revolted against French rule and repelled the French army in 1803. On January 1, 1804, the rebels declared Santo Domingo independent and established the Republic of Haiti. But the defeated French still occupy the Santo Domingo area to the east. At the same time as the French invaded Spain in 1808, the rebels in Santo Domingo in the eastern part of the island, aided by Britain and Haiti, which were allied with Spain at that time, finally repelled French forces and made Santo Domingo a Spanish colony again. [3]

During the occupation of Haiti (1821-1844)

After Santo Domingo returned to Spanish rule, the local people gradually formed a consensus on independent statehood. On 30 November 1821, the former Governor of Santo Domingo, General Jos é N ú? ez de C á ceres, proclaimed statehood, named Haiti, Spain, and expected to merge under the Greater Colombian State led by President Bolivar of South America. [3]

But nine weeks later, in February 1822, the president of Haiti, Jean-Pierre Bouyer, occupied Spain and Haiti, and once again completed the reunification of the island. After Boyer occupied the eastern Spanish state of Haiti and liberated all the local slaves, Bouyer ordered the confiscation of the land of the white landlords and the complete return of the agricultural land of the whole country. Bouye also closed all universities, brought all multinational (Dominican Republic for short) men between the ages of 18 and 25 into the army, and began to adopt a high-handed policy towards many countrymen. Many upper-class whites left the island and fled to Cuba, Puerto Rico and other areas.

Turning to the introduction of Dominican coffee, the most distinctive features are fresh and elegant, full of particles, excellent acidity and pleasant flavor (two colleagues agree with this). Such flavor characteristics are not only related to varieties and soil quality, but also closely related to the picking and handling of raw beans. Coffee in Dominica is selected by the manual method with the highest cost, and workers mainly consider the fullness of coffee granules and the uniformity of coffee granules. According to these conditions, the coffee beans with the fullest and most uniform grains can represent the best quality in Dominica. The finest coffee. And only choose the washing treatment method to ensure the high quality and stability of coffee beans. The coffee beans treated with water washing method taste cleaner and exude a touch of pure and soft fragrance, which can make people feel a faint fruity aroma and a winding aftertaste. Smooth and smooth Dominican coffee is also slightly different in taste according to the altitude of the planting region, and the taste of the highland is slightly sour, but the taste is rich. The lowland is less sour and tastes smoother. On the other hand, the high-quality coffee beans produced by some Dominican estates have a rich aroma, mellow taste and moderately bright sour taste. Compared with the famous Puerto Rican or Jamaican coffee beans, the earliest coffee in Dominica was introduced from Martinique (France's overseas province), dating back to the early 18th century. Dominica is an island country with a tropical climate, with little change in temperature throughout the year. Except for the lower temperature in the Central Cordillera Mountains, which can reach less than 0 ℃ in winter, the average annual temperature in other areas is between 25 and 30 ℃, while affected by the mountain topography, the north and east face the northeast trade wind with an annual precipitation of 1500-2500 mm, which belongs to tropical maritime climate. The mountain forest is dense, the leeward southwest annual precipitation is 500-1000 mm, the dry season is long, belongs to the savanna climate.