Coffee review

Planting situation of Indonesian Mantenin boutique coffee beans with hard beans, geographical location, climate, altitude

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Known as Mantenin mandheling, it is produced all over Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. Fragrance sellers with unique herbs and trees often mark Lintong Lindong and Mandheling Manning coffee as dry. In fact, the pulp and coffee seeds are often separated by a variety of mixing modes, and the more common is a backyard wet treatment. The smart farmer just picked

Known as Mantenin mandheling, it is produced all over Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. Fragrance sellers with unique herbs and trees often mark Lintong Lindong and Mandheling Manning coffee as dry. In fact, the pulp and coffee seeds are often separated by a variety of mixing modes, and the more common is a backyard wet treatment. The smart farmer put the freshly picked coffee cherries into a simple peeling machine made of scrap metal, wood and bicycle parts. Then put the peeled sticky beans in a plastic woven bag to ferment overnight. The next morning the soft pulp and slime that had been fermented were manually washed away. The silver-coated coffee is pre-dried on a sheet in the front yard and sent to the middleman's warehouse to remove the silver skin and further dry. Finally, the coffee was trucked to Port Medan in Medan, the capital of Sumatra, for the third and final drying. It is also reported that in other Mandheling Mantenin producing areas, after peeling, the sticky material is allowed to dry and attach to the beans, just like the semi-washing treatment in Brazil. Then use a machine to remove the sun-dried sticky and silver skin. Finally, it goes through the same two-stage drying, first in the middleman's warehouse and then in the exporter's warehouse in Medan's port of Medan.

The processing process and Sumatran characteristics. I describe these treatments in such detail because it is not clear how the soil and atmosphere and the unusual treatment techniques and the three-stage drying each affect the formation of the characteristics of Lindong and Manning coffee. Only one thing is certain. These treatments occasionally produce excellent coffee and are extremely unstable. Only by the merciless selection in the Medan port exporter's warehouse can we ensure that the deep texture of Lintong Lin Dong and Mandheling Mantenin and the unique and low-key rich taste can emerge from the interference of other smells.

(1) Blue Mountain Coffee: from Jamaica. Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet and mellow flavors of coffee. The aroma is very rich, mellow and smooth, with long-lasting fruit flavor, forming a strong and attractive elegance, which is unmatched by other coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee is the best of the best, with a price of thousands of US dollars per pound. at present, the government of Jamaica has never exported Blue Mountain Coffee to China, in other words, there is no real Blue Mountain Coffee in China.

(2) Brazilian coffee: there are many kinds of coffee, most of which have moderate acidity, its sweet, bitter and mellow tastes are neutral, the concentration is moderate, the taste is smooth and special, it is known as the firmness of coffee, and it is also a very good blending bean.

Transplanted from India to Jakarta, Java by the Dutch East India Company, the variety is Arabica Typica, which soon spread to Sumatra in northwest Java and Sulawesi in the northeast. Tippika was withered by a massive rust outbreak in Java in the 1880s, and the Dutch changed to the disease-resistant Robsta. To this day, Robusta is still the main source of Indonesian coffee, accounting for 90% of Indonesian coffee. it is grown all over Java and Bali. The elegant Arabica is mainly distributed in the high-altitude areas of northern Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, accounting for only about 10% of Indonesia's coffee production. However, Indonesian coffee, such as Mantenin, Golden Manning, Jinding Mantenin, Tawahu, Gayou Mountain, Axie, Sulawesi, aged Mantenin and Java Old Brown, have made Indonesian coffee famous in the boutique coffee world for decades. In 1999, he worked with UCC, the largest coffee distributor in Japan. )

Country: Indonesia Indonesia

Producing area: Aceh / GAYO Mountain, Sumatra / Aceh

Manor: GAYO Organic Coffee Manor

Variety: Mandheling, Arabica

Planting altitude: about 5000 feet above sea level

Shade planting: there are shade tree species in the coffee garden, such as orange tree, avocado tree, banana tree, papaya tree, jackfruit tree and several local flowers and herbs.

Harvest time: December, January and February of each year

Appearance of raw beans: emerald green

Grade: 18, 19 mesh plus

Average annual temperature: 25 C (daily temperature difference is about 10 C)

Annual rainfall: 2700 mm, porous seepage geology of volcanic ash

Treatment: washing

Mantenin coffee beans have large granules and hard beans, and they are prone to defects in the process of planting. After harvest, they are usually subject to strict manual selection. If the control process is not strict enough, it is easy to cause a mixture of good and bad quality. in addition, the different degree of baking will also directly affect the taste, so it has become a more controversial single product. Mantenin has a strong taste, with a strong mellow and rich and lively sense of movement, neither astringent nor sour, mellow and bitter can be fully revealed. The appearance of Mantenin coffee beans can be said to be the ugliest, but coffee fans say that the worse the Sumatran coffee beans are, the better, mellow and slippery they are during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II. A Japanese soldier drank mellow coffee in a cafe, so he asked the shopkeeper the name of the coffee, and the owner mistakenly thought he asked where you were from, so he replied: Mandaining. After the war, the Japanese soldiers recalled the "manning" they had drunk in Indonesia. As a result, 15 tons of Indonesian coffee was transported to Japan, which was very popular. That's how Manning's name came out, and the coffee merchant is now the famous PWN Coffee Company.