Coffee review

A brief introduction to the flavor, taste and aroma characteristics of elegant and sour Tanzanian coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Compared with pair of flat-sided beans, also known as caracol or caracolillo, round beans mean small snails in Spanish. Botanically, the production of round beans is said to be due to uneven pollination (Arabica coffee is a self-pollinating plant. If a coffee flower has only one ovary or only one ovary is successfully pollinated, it can only produce one seed.

Compared with pair of flat-sided beans, also known as caracol or caracolillo, it means little snail in Spanish. The production of round beans, botanically, is said to be due to uneven pollination (Arabica coffee is a self-pollinating plant, and if a coffee flower has only one ovary or only one ovary has successfully pollinated, it can only produce one seed). Or uneven nutrition during growth (usually more likely to occur in the coffee fruit growing at the end of the coffee tree), the nutrients are absorbed by only one of the cotyledons Only the cotyledons that get the nutrients and continue to grow grow into a single oval, oval-shaped coffee seed, hence the name of the round bean. Normally, the proportion of round beans produced by coffee plants is about 3 to 5%, which is relatively rare, and because the shape and size of coffee beans are different from those of normal coffee (flat) beans, round beans are often singled out and sold independently.

The coffee producing areas of Tanzania are Moshi, Mbeya and other producing areas around the foothills of Kilimanjaro in the north, and the Songea-Ruvuma area where the Ruvuma river flows to the south. The style is slightly different due to the different growth topography. The coffee produced in the Ruvuma region of southwestern Tanzania has wine and fruit aromas, which is different from that in the north near Mount Mt Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro is in the northeast of Tanzania, the largest coffee producing area in Tanzania, which accounts for 75%. In general, coffee beans in Tanzania have extraordinary quality. The important producing areas are in the mountains near Kenya in the north. Coffee farmers grow coffee 85% of the total, while local coffee farmers grow coffee at an altitude of 1300-2000m. Its coffee flavor is different from that of neighboring Ethiopia and Kenya. It has two national characteristics, thick body, good fruit and flower aroma, so it is worth a try. Coffee belongs to dicotyledonous plants. Generally speaking, there are two pairs of coffee seeds in a coffee cherry fruit, which is what we call coffee beans.

In the past, the coffee industry in Tanzania has been dominated by manor cultivation, but now more than 85% are grown by small farmers. Many small farmers are combined into cooperative organizations, the most important of which is the Kilimanjaro Cooperative Alliance (Kilimanjaro Cooperative Union, referred to as KNCU). Tanzanian coffee is sold by the Tanzanian Coffee Management Council (Tanzanian Coffee Marketing Board, TCMB) to private exporters by auction. In the 1980s, most coffee sales in Tanzania changed from auctions to being sold directly to the coffee management committee of Tanzania. Now that situation has changed, and the coffee industry is being reformed to allow individuals or groups to buy coffee in the future. At that time, coffee will have to be graded in different ways. In order to attract buyers from Germany, Finland, Belgium and Japan, the coffee beans are of extraordinary quality and are produced in the Mohi district near Mount Kilimanjaro. The mountain area with a height of 3,000 to 6,000 feet is the best place to grow coffee, where fertile volcanic ash gives the coffee a strong texture and soft acidity. It exudes delicate aromas and contains aromas of wine and fruit, making people taste endless aftertaste. After drinking Kilimanjaro coffee, I always feel a soft and mellow earthy smell around my mouth. Coffee gourmets often use words such as "wild" or "wild" to describe it. It can be said that pure Kilimanjaro coffee is "the most African coffee". Kilimanjaro AA is the highest grade of beans, its grains are full, pure flavor, rich and refreshing, all aspects of quality are good. It is usually milder acidic than Kenyan coffee and evenly stimulates the taste buds in the middle and sides of the back of the tongue. Tanzania feels a bit like tomato or soda. Tanzania's main coffee producing area is located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is rich in volcanic soil. some coffee trees planted here are more than 100 years old, and the earliest coffee was first introduced by Christians from Kenya. Coffee trees must be carefully taken care of, weeded and fertilized. Moreover, old branches must be cut off so that new branches can grow to maintain the quality of coffee beans. Coffee bean processing plants are well equipped; coffee beans are an important economic crop in Tanzania, and the local government attaches great importance to this industry.

Coffee is like the simple, frank and enthusiastic national character of Tanzania. You can experience that different ethnic groups produce different coffee flavors, while the same land is pregnant with coffee trees and people at the same time. Its acidity is usually milder, and it evenly stimulates the taste buds in the middle and both sides of the back of the tongue after the entrance. It feels a bit like the sour taste of tomato or soda. After moderate or more moderate baking, it has a strong aroma, and then grind it into a fine powder, add boiling water to soak a pot, call friends to sit around and taste, suddenly feel fragrant, the tongue is full of aroma, bright acidity, mellow taste, and benefit from the fertile volcanic soil, making it as sweet as mineral water.

Southern coffee is rich in floral aromas, smooth on the palate with elegant acidity.

Coffee growing areas in Africa-Tanzania Coffee is produced in the soil-rich East African Rift Valley and is an outstanding representative of high-quality coffee from this region. Its refreshing acidity and medium mellowness complement sweet citrus and floral aromas. This coffee tastes great whether it's a hot drink or iced coffee. With oranges or berries, it can show its bright flavor.