Coffee review

A brief introduction to the treatment method of grinding degree and baking degree of elegant and refined Rosa coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, Rose coffee raw beans have a very beautiful turquoise, jade-like warm texture, smell of fresh grass, peach, berry and oolong tea that most coffee beans do not have, tropical fruit, strong sweetness; these are the feelings that Rose Summer has always given us. Properly baked, they make us feel like we're sipping a bunch.

Rose coffee raw beans have a very beautiful turquoise, jade-like warm texture, smell of fresh grass, peach, berry and oolong tea that most coffee beans do not have, tropical fruit, strong sweetness; these are the feelings that Rose Summer has always given us. Properly baked, they make us feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers

The seeds of "Rose Summer" coffee were taken from Geisha Mountain (Mount Rosa) in southwestern Ethiopia in 1931, transplanted to Kenya in 1931, subplanted in Tanzania in 1936 and introduced to Costa Rica in 1953. It is unknown when they were introduced to Jaramillo Manor in Panama, except that the Price Peterson family of Hacienda La Esmeralda in Panama bought the Galamie Manor in 1996. It is found that the coffee at the edge of the manor has a unique flavor.

Geisha, which is grown in many parts of the world, is the new king of boutique coffee. Among them, Panama, Guatemala, Colombia and other Latin American countries have higher quality and high prices. So, what are its characteristics and taste? let's take a look with Artemis.

The fruity and floral elements are almost like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, these are all old news now. Some small farms also get summer roses and are eager to grow their own roses.

However, the results are different, and this "star" variety seems to have different tastes in different geographical locations due to the influence of weather, soil and altitude. However, in the Aktenango area, we see typical rosy summer features: the slender shape of beans, the changes during baking, and the elegant and uncooked flavor in the cup.

Bidding for ESMERALDA SPECIAL (red bid), selected above 1550 meters above sea level.

Poquet Boquete Geisha (green mark), Rose Summer is a selection of 1500 meters.

(ESMERALDA 1500) (Blue Standard) selected varieties of Rosa rugosa at an altitude of about 1500.

Red bid Rose Xia participates in the global bidding auction in May every year. Green bid does not participate in the auction, but it is also of high quality and the price is slightly cheaper. Buyers who buy red bid can give priority to buying green bid.

The species of Geisha was discovered in the rose forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya. Introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936 and Costa Rica in 1953, little attention was paid to Rose Summer until one day, Don Pachi was originally brought to Costa Rica from the town of GESHA in southwestern Ethiopia, and then Rosa entered Panama along the southern route. Esmerada Manor in Panama separated it from other varieties and won the national coffee competition.

The fruity and floral elements are almost like Yega Xuefei from Africa and Ethiopia on the other side of the world. Of course, these are all old news now. Some small farms also get summer roses and are eager to grow their own roses.

The dry aroma of Rosa is very bright, with aromas of rose and jasmine, with aromas of pomelo and citrus, light baked with nutty aromas, and wet aromas with hazelnut and more floral characters. In terms of taste and flavor, compared with the previous rising aroma, it may be a little mild and subtle, and a little cooler.