Coffee review

Coffee Encyclopedia | details of how to taste coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, There are some important details about tasting coffee. I hope you can learn to really taste coffee and drink a really mellow cup of coffee through these details. First sip: the first sip of coffee is the key. When coffee comes up, don't be busy adding seasoning or stirring it, take a sip first: good coffee is slightly bitter and mellow, with distinct layers from milk to coffee aroma.

There are some important details about coffee tasting. I hope everyone can learn how to taste coffee through these details and drink a cup of really fragrant coffee.

First sip: coffee first sip is key. Coffee comes up, don't rush to add seasoning or stir, drink a mouthful first: good coffee slightly bitter, mellow taste, from milk to coffee fragrance, layered; second coffee or astringent, sour, or milk overshadowed coffee fragrance, no distinct layering.

Coffee spoon: you will be laughed at if you drink coffee with a coffee spoon. Coffee spoon is only used to stir coffee, can not be used to scoop coffee, stir coffee spoon to put aside. Some coffee shops simply do not have coffee spoons, only disposable stirring rods, the use is the same.

Milk bubble: Also known as creamer or coffee mate, it is actually a plant milk extracted from plants and added with artificial flavors. It is only a temporary substitute for fresh milk, not a real dairy product. Milk ball bubble cholesterol is very high, often harmful to the body, drink coffee best with fresh milk as seasoning.

Raw sugar: Many people like to drink coffee with sugar, in fact, a good cup of coffee with sugar is also exquisite. In order to save costs, most coffee shops will choose white sugar, but it will affect the original taste of coffee. Really good coffee sugar should be raw sugar, also known as yellow sugar, large particles, yellow color, placed on the fancy coffee foam, long time will not sink.

Coffee temperature: coffee drink good while hot, temperature between 91.6℃ to 96.1℃ coffee most can distribute the original flavor, so drink coffee best to choose good insulation porcelain cup.

Perhaps, for the above details of coffee tasting, some people think that there is no need to be so rigorous, but we might as well try, a cup of coffee is good or bad, with coffee sugar, coffee temperature and other factors do have a great impact. In addition, everyone likes to order a cup of coffee in the coffee shop to kill time, this time etiquette is also a very important factor, so you must know what the coffee spoon is used for!