Coffee review

Guatemala Antigua Flower God Fine Coffee beans with obvious aftertaste of Red Wine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where temperatures are mild all year round between 1300 and 1800 Michael, with daily temperatures between 18 and 28 ℃, and higher levels tend to be colder in January and February. The annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm in the northeast and 500-1000 mm in the south, while the ecological conditions in the south are very suitable for the growth of high-quality Arabica trees. And even more special.

The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where temperatures are mild throughout the year between 1300 and 1800 Michael, with daily temperatures ranging from 18 to 28 ° C. January and February tend to be colder at higher altitudes. Annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm in the northeast and 500-1000 mm in the south, while ecological conditions in the south are very suitable for the growth of high-quality Arabica trees. What is more special is that there are several active volcanoes distributed in the southern mountainous areas. These active volcanoes still erupt irregularly. Although they bring turbulence to the local people's lives, their rich volcanic ash soil also benefits the local coffee industry and brings rich substances to coffee cultivation.

And Guatemala coffee beans mostly belong to the Bourbon species of Arabica, so Guatemala coffee growing areas are almost all in the southern mountain forest areas of the country.

In Guatemala, there are seven major coffee producing areas, each producing coffee flavor is different, but in summary, Guatemala coffee presents a mild and mellow overall texture, elegant aroma, and with a pleasant acidity similar to fruit acid, like a coffee aristocrat, among which Antigua coffee (Antigua Classic) is deeply recommended by coffee gluttons around the world

There are few places in the world that offer the variety of quality coffee beans that Guatemala produces. Guatemala coffee beans are excellent because of the unique conditions of their origin, including different climatic changes in each region, rich volcanic soils, abundant natural water resources, high altitude mountains and shady and humid forests.

Guatemala has seven major coffee-producing regions: Antigua, Coban, Atitlan, Huehuetenango, Fraijanes, Oriente, and San Marcos.

Each region of coffee beans have their own characteristics, but also for Guatemala won a lot of international praise, especially Antigua it sour, sweet, mellow texture is how perfect coordination; add a hint of smoke, more emphasis on its mystery, after tasting you will have reason not to let yourself look for alternatives everywhere.

Guatemala coffee beans are mostly cultivated in volcanic soils at high altitudes, belonging to the highest Arabica variety. Due to the long ripening period, the beans are medium and dense (Guatemala coffee beans are graded not by particle size, but by the number of defects), and the beans are dark turquoise in color. Aroma, mellow, sweet and fresh pleasant unique acidity is its characteristic, because the aroma and taste of coffee beans are hidden in its acidity. Therefore, coffee beans with this characteristic can be called superior coffee beans. Name Roasted degree Taste characteristics.

Coffee varieties:

Arabica species:

It accounts for 85% of all coffee production, including Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Ethiopia, etc. Beans are green, beans thin, has a special flavor and sweet acid, and other coffee blends drink well. Excellent quality, more suitable for public taste.

Robusta species:

Mainly cultivated on Java Island, Indonesia, drought and insect tolerance; bitter taste, but bitter with fragrance, especially after cooling with a unique sweet taste, suitable for cold coffee, is full-bodied and extremely bitter.


The quantity of this variety is very small, most of them are used for comprehensive coffee and coffee essence, which is difficult to see on the market. The quality is not excellent, and the flavor of the single product is poor.

Antigua is the oldest and most beautiful city in America. As early as 1543, Antigua was the colonial capital of Central America, and the Spanish government was also located here. After the great earthquake of 1773, the volcano destroyed the original capital in an instant, taking away all the prosperity and beauty overnight. Antigua was completely destroyed, so the capital was moved to Guatemala. After this transformation of the mountain city, more than 200 years of brilliance disappeared, Antigua no longer strutted. Antigua, now plain, is laboriously managed by the remaining Indians. These hard-working Indians became coffee producers, who not only discovered the rich and attractive aroma of Antigua coffee, but also brought it to people all over the world. Antigua coffee has a velvety alcohol, rich and lively spice flavor, richer taste, and it has a fascinating tobacco flavor and a fine acidity. It is a well-deserved coffee.

Guatemala coffee


Bitter and fragrant, taste good

High-quality coffee is mellow and has a good quality sour, quite well received, is the best material for mixed coffee.

Critics prefer this spicy blend to other varieties of coffee from Guatemala. The extra-hard coffee beans here are rare good coffee, it is full of particles, delicious, balanced acidity. Guatemala has also received attention for its giant coffee beans. Today, although this emerald valley has been surrounded by active volcanoes on all sides since ancient times, its vast, wide, fertile soil still tempts local coffee growers to cultivate fine coffee. And they were more interested in the Mayan descendants known as coffee growers.

This is because Guatemala is located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains belong to tropical rain forest climate, the southern mountains belong to subtropical climate, a year is divided into two dry and wet seasons, May to October is wet season, November to April of the following year is dry season.