Coffee review

Coffee Story| A coffee "technology control" unknown life (1)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Camel coffee shop although small, layout is very reasonable to love coffee is equal to choose a full of temperature and aroma of life style, if unfortunately become a coffee technology control? Congratulations, you have successfully embarked on a hard and happy road of burning money. It's a warm, fragrant scene, a floor-to-ceiling window with bright yellow lights, and someone sipping coffee.

Although the coffee shop with camel is small, its layout is very reasonable.

Fall in love with coffee

Is it tantamount to choosing a lifestyle full of temperature and fragrance, if "unfortunately" becomes a coffee "technical control"? Congratulations, you have successfully embarked on a hard and happy road of "burning money".

It was a warm, fragrant scene-bright floor-to-ceiling windows with bright yellow lights, someone sipping coffee leisurely, and stainless steel metal spoons covered with a thin matte by the heat.

This is the image of coffee.

On a winter morning, I met a barista named Camel. The man who won the overall champion of the Yunnan Division of the World baristas Competition (WBC) China region selection Competition (CBC) took me into the unknown life of coffee "technology control".


The restaurant design of "Camel" is also unique.


The camel and his coffee nest

It is not easy to find camel's shop.

It is adjacent to Kunming's famous bar street, but it has a different winding path: turn a few bends along an alley, and then go deep into a family courtyard. If you walk too fast, it's easy to miss the coffee nest, which is only 10 square meters in size and located next to the stationery store.

The narrow shop is compactly equipped with bars, dessert cabinets, bean dryers, bean grinders, electronic scales, siphon pots, and high stools. Four guests can make this place popular.

There is no menu in the shop, and the small blackboard on the wall is hand-painted with some unheard of coffee bean names and coffee powder and fragrance comparisons that only experts can understand, similar to the periodic table of chemical elements.

When I first saw the camel, I just wanted to taste a cup of champion coffee. Because there was no reservation in advance, there was only a handsome boy stationed in the store at that time. After knowing the purpose of the visit, a phone call "summoned" the camel from home.

Soon I saw a tall figure appeared in front of the store, the figure was slender and long, like a phantom gently floated into the store, and then a cat waist squeezed into the bar, smiled and said hello. I finally got a good look at the champion: thirty-seven or eight years old, with a thin face with a goat beard, a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and long flowing hair tied behind his head, with an artist's demeanor.


The coffee shop owner "Camel"


The disseminator of coffee culture

Once upon a time, coffee was considered to be no different from traditional Chinese medicine because of its color and taste. If it hadn't been attracted by the mellow smell, many people might not have tried to drink coffee in their lifetime.

If coffee beans themselves may contain a variety of flavors, then the brewing skills of baristas more determine the outstanding flavor needed for a cup of boutique coffee, that is, the "personality" of coffee. From the choice of brewing water temperature, to the proportion of different varieties of beans, to the time of baking, the thickness of grinding, and thousands of experiments by baristas, determine the personality of this "boutique coffee."

The first cup of coffee made by camels has a beautiful name: Geisha.

"this is the bean I baked ten days ago, and this is the right time to drink it." the camel handed over a cup of fragrant coffee. This cup of rose summer with floral notes is made by hand dripping. The beans are moderately ground to fine, with a refreshing bouquet of flowers and a hint of tropical berries, with a hint of milk, nutty oil and bitter coffee.


Flavor wheel

Comparative picture of fragrance emission

"you need to know your beans and keep trying to brew them. Sometimes the shape of the coffee container will affect the taste of a cup of coffee," said the camel as he made the coffee.

"now you can smell it and taste it while it's hot. Put it for a while and taste it again, and you will find that it is different. "

Sure enough, after a while, the fragrance of the flowers became more intense, and the sour taste began to appear slowly. Single hand-made coffee needs to be drunk while it is hot, and it will turn sour when it is cold.

Once a chain of boutique cafes in Kunming received a card the size of an ordinary business card when buying its individual coffee, which introduced the name of the coffee beans used, the producing areas, the flavor characteristics of the beans and the basic tasting methods. From then on, I began to collect every introduction, and unwittingly learned a lot about coffee.

In the chat with the shop assistant, I know that this is to let more people understand the coffee culture, can slowly from drinking coffee to refreshing, to be able to enjoy the flavor of a cup of coffee. The shop assistants are encouraged to take the initiative to exchange coffee knowledge with guests who want to know, so many occasional guests gradually become regular customers, and some fascinated guests will bring their own beans to share and taste with the shop assistants.

To be continued.

Photography of this group of manuscripts: sun Bing