Coffee review

Planting situation of Simao boutique coffee beans with moderate acidity in Yunnan, China A brief introduction to geographical location, climate and altitude

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Due to the unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, Yunnan Simao coffee has formed a unique flavor of strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, with a little fruit flavor. The quality of coffee depends on many factors, such as growing environment, climate, cultivation and management techniques and so on. Its best growing environment is low latitude, high altitude, sufficient rainfall and suitable sunshine, but it is located in other parts of this zone, such as American summer.

Yunnan Simao coffee due to the unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, formed a strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, with a little fruity unique flavor. Coffee quality is determined by many factors such as the growing environment, climate and cultivation management techniques. Its best growth environment is low latitude, high altitude, sufficient rainfall, suitable sunshine, but in other areas of this zone such as Hawaii, Saudi Arabia, etc., or low altitude, or desert less rain, are not conducive to coffee growth. Only Simao in Yunnan Province, which is located in this zone, has all kinds of suitable conditions, so it creates the unique fragrant taste of Simao coffee.

Yunnan Simao coffee is excellent in quality and mellow, fragrant when brewed, and enjoys a high reputation in the domestic and foreign markets. It has been rated as a first-class product in the London international market.

Flavor and taste characteristics: moderate acidity, even taste.

Simao in Yunnan Province, China, is located in the upper reaches of Lancang River. It is famous for its steep terrain and is one of the famous Pu 'er tea producing areas in China. At the same time, it is also the largest coffee growing area in China. Its planting area is about 150,000 mu, and its coffee production can reach 22,500 tons. Coffee produced in Simao area is of high quality and can sell at good prices even when coffee falls sharply in the international market. It is said that the Chinese coffee named "Yunnan" is very close to Indian and Indonesian coffee from appearance to taste, so many coffee lovers believe that Yunnan coffee has a "mysterious and special oriental taste".

Finally, I saw the famous Probat from Germany. V5 wow.

After drinking N cups of Yunnan Blue Mountain coffee and Yunnan Civet coffee worth hundreds to thousands of yuan, I patted my belly and slept happily.

A night of silence.

The next day, we came to visit and study the coffee processing factory of Zhongshun partner Fang Zong.

When I arrived at the factory, the first thing I saw was a large piece of dried coffee. Yunnan's winter sunny little rain, dry coffee with the sun can be completely, do not need to use a dryer. I think sun-dried beans taste purer and have more flavor.

In the top bag were the freshly picked coffee fruits, and in the bottom bag were the defective fruits.

Fermented beans need to be washed of pectin. In the sink are cleaned coffee beans. The so-called washed coffee is named after this step. Ripe beans are heavier and sink to the bottom.

The photo below is the true face of the extremely rare Yunnan Blue Mountain coffee. According to Mr. Fang, he will gradually remove a small number of katim varieties from Tanaka and certify the whole piece of Blue Mountain coffee as a model for the variety in China.

This coffee trip, I not only saw the coffee fruit I had been looking forward to for a long time, but also got to know two colleagues in Yunnan coffee industry. Thanks to the state, thanks to Zhongshun.

Back to the original story, on the first day of 2011, I arrived at Lujiang Town, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, and met Zhongshun. After more than an hour of turbulence, we came to a small village on the Lu River. There is a 700-year-old banyan tree in the village, which reminds me of the tree of life in Avatar. This Feng Shui was too handsome.

From New Year's Day to Spring Festival, families in the village take turns killing pigs, so you can eat pig vegetables almost every day. Pigs, you always have to pay back when you come out. I don't like pig food, but I found a very delicious supplement: ant pickled cabbage. Sour with sweet, slightly spicy, very good with rice. It is said that this thing can cure rheumatism, especially for men.

In addition to ant sauerkraut, there are many wild vegetables, absolutely natural green organic environmental protection, how much money can not buy. Among them, I like wild yams best, which are very sweet.

Many people may not know that in Yunnan, China, there is coffee comparable to Blue Mountain; in a small town along the Lu River, there is a coffee roaster worth nearly one million. Let me explain. I'm gonna go make a cup of coffee--

Since last month, most of the beans in coffee shops have been home-roasted. Among them, Yunnan coffee consumption has increased a lot. The quality of beans from Yunnan coffee suppliers is not stable enough and tends to be worse and worse. Therefore, changing suppliers has become a priority.

Just experts in the industry---Zhongshun issued an invitation to invite me to visit his coffee manor. It's like sending charcoal in the snow, sending umbrellas in the rain, and getting up early to send coffee.

There was a coffee field in the backyard of President Duan's house.

This is coffee beans drying in the yard. There are many coffee drinkers in the village, so there are many people who can taste the quality of coffee. It can be said that the villagers know more about coffee than some big shots who often drink Blue Mountain. At least, folks don't add N tablespoons of sugar and N+1 tablespoons of creamer every time.

There is a big tree in the coffee field. There is a tree house in the tree. There are a group of children in the tree house. I suddenly suspected that I had been robbed of my dreams. Everything was very untrue. However, there are pieces of evidence.

After dinner, we came to the largest coffee field in Asia, just beside the Lu River.

According to Duan, after the Spring Festival, the government will build irrigation canals and field roads in the fields, with an investment scale of tens of millions. Standing in the field, as a member of China's coffee industry, pride and responsibility arise.

From the field back to the boss of Duan's company, Cui teacher from South Korea and everyone shared a lot of baking experience.

Coffee trees bear fruit, and oval coffee beans hang densely on the branches. Xiao Yu said: "Once the coffee berries turn red, they can be picked." Coffee farmers to pick bright red coffee fruit picking, after strict selection and classification, remove the diseased fruit, dead fruit and debris, and then the coffee fresh fruit peeling degumming, cleaning can be placed on a special coffee drying rack drying, in order to maximize the guarantee of manor coffee unique flavor and quality." After the coffee harvest, it is necessary to start pruning, shaping and fertilizing the coffee trees to ensure a better harvest in the coming year.

In addition to coffee trees, there were banana trees, jackfruit trees, camphor trees, peach trees, plum trees, and many other trees that could not be named. Xiao Yu smiled and said that these are shade trees, which can shield coffee from the scorching sun when the clouds disperse in the afternoon; at the same time, rich biodiversity can greatly reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Some shade trees can also bring us economic benefits!

Under the shade of a tree, on a bamboo chair, a cup of mellow blue pepper manor coffee is the best reward for my journey. Looking at the pure sky and gorgeous sunset, in the moment of silk slip entrance, fatigue all over dissipated.

Manor coffee refers to coffee produced in coffee plantations and is synonymous with high quality coffee. Like the world's top coffee "Blue Mountain" produced in Jamaica Blue Mountains high altitude several coffee plantations. It adopts intensive cultivation method to accurately control the planting and production process of coffee estate site selection, seedling, planting, harvesting, processing, grading, etc., so that the coffee produced has better flavor and higher quality. How is coffee made? With curiosity, the reporter came to Lanpo Coffee Manor to find the answer.

Starting from Lancang County, Yunnan Province towards the Sino-Myanmar border, we finally arrived at our destination after an hour of bumping on a rugged mountain road at an altitude of 1100- 1500 meters. At this time, the scenery in front of me, let me can't help but praise: misty white clouds around the dark green mountains, curling mist shrouded the whole valley, like Penglai fairyland! The dense forest, crisp birdsong, cool breeze, sweet air, it is refreshing! Mr. Long, the person in charge of the manor, told us that there is no pollution source in the surrounding hundred miles, and the water and soil are pure; high altitude, low latitude, warm in winter and cool in summer; the clouds all the year round are the natural barrier for coffee growth, filtering the strong sunlight and providing suitable light and temperature for coffee growth. These are the environments needed for high-quality manor coffee.

Technician Xiao Yu led us along the winding mountain road to the depths of the manor. On the inclined hillside, pieces of yellow cardboard were inserted, and many strange lights hung on the trees. Xiao Yu said,"This is our insect repellent, sticky insect board and biological insect lamp." Lanpo Manor does not use chemical pesticides, but biological pest control, artificial weeding; according to the soil structure and coffee growth need to apply organic fertilizer and elemental compound fertilizer, so as to get real organic manor coffee." And the relevant breeding conditions were also obtained

There is a hoodwinker saying that Yunnan coffee is called Yunnan small-grain coffee. We all know that coffee is divided into three major varieties. Liberica varieties are large-grain varieties, Robstar varieties are medium-grain varieties, Arabica varieties are small-grain varieties, and Arabica varieties have more than one hundred branch varieties, such as: The famous bourbon species and iron pickup species, rose summer species, S288, SL34, while most coffee producing countries in the world adopt branch varieties suitable for their respective producing areas. If Yunnan coffee is called Yunnan small coffee, Brazilian coffee should be called Brazilian small coffee, Colombia coffee should be called Colombia small coffee, and Guatemala coffee should be called Guatemala small coffee. Is this a bit strange, is it a bit unscientific?

Awarded prizes in the world: it was in the 1950s, and the winners were the old varieties of bourbon and iron pickup, and now Yunnan large-scale cultivation as a raw material for instant coffee Catim species is not related, there are many bad businessmen everywhere to fool that China Yunnan coffee is mainly the old varieties of bourbon and iron pickup, I would like to ask where in Yunnan, China can find the old varieties of mass production? When promoting our own Yunnan coffee in China, please don't fool and deceive our poor Chinese consumers, because the price of a cup of coffee they consume at 20 or 30 yuan is in line with international standards and often higher than the coffee price in developed countries, while the income of our poor Chinese consumers is several times lower than that of developed countries. So please tell them the truth and don't fool them that Yunnan coffee is the old variety bourbon and iron pickup.

In Yunnan coffee growing areas, we often encounter people who brag: "Our Yunnan coffee is very good to drink, our Yunnan coffee has won awards in the world, and our Yunnan coffee is very famous in the world." I asked them if they drank it themselves. Where's the good drink? I can't answer. Many coffee farmers mix 15%--20% green fruit in red fresh fruit. Can such coffee taste good? Such coffee roast out only bitter taste, coffee is (water) fruit crops, no mature green apples, green bananas can taste good?


Advantage: The best coffee in the world is associated with the Tropic of Cancer. Pu 'er is located in Colombia, a world-famous coffee growing area.

The same latitude. Pu 'er has large temperature difference between day and night, abundant rainfall, belongs to middle altitude area, and is the most commercially valuable coffee planting variety.

Arabica beans of the golden zone.

Opportunity: Global coffee exporting countries produced 132.404 million bags (60 kg bags) in 2011

Percentage of origin. Americas 55 per cent, Asia 17 per cent, Africa 11 per cent. International coffee prices are expected to remain high over the next decade

。To reduce their dependence on South American coffee plantations, coffee giants have embraced Pu 'er as a new element in the coffee trade.


Threat: 80% of coffee consumed in China is of low quality, and 80% of raw materials consumed in the market come from Vietnam, which is of low quality. Low quality coffee

Coffee consumption inhibits coffee consumption

Weakness: In China, which is dominated by tea consumption, coffee farmers do not necessarily know coffee, and the public does not consume coffee.

the habit of

The world consumes about 8 million tons of coffee every year, while China consumes less than 50,000 tons

Coffee consumption per capita in China: 3 to 4 cups per person per year.

Average coffee consumption in consuming countries: 30 to 50 cups per person per year.

[Yield] Compared with the popularity of Pu 'er tea, the reputation of Pu' er coffee is not commensurate with the yield. Yunnan coffee production accounts for the total of the country

98.8% of Yunnan's total production; Pu 'er coffee production accounts for 57.8% of Yunnan's total production; and the price of a cup of Starbucks coffee is equivalent to 25 cups of AA grade

Yunnan coffee beans.

[Planting] In 2011, planting one mu of coffee trees in Pu 'er can earn 4000 - 8000 yuan.

[Export] Pu 'er plays a primary role, and most of the coffee produced is supplied to multinational companies in the form of raw materials. In 2011, Yunnan produced

70% of coffee beans are divided by Starbucks, Nestle, Maxwell and other coffee giants. Pu 'er coffee accounts for the total export of Yunnan Province.

77.8% of the volume.

Yunnan has the largest coffee deep processing production line in China, with an annual roast coffee bean of 3000 tons Starbucks in Yunnan.

Roasters say that coffee beans can appreciate tenfold in value after further processing.

[Retail] Nestle buys 12% of the world's annual coffee production every year, of which the proportion purchased in Yunnan is increasing year by year.

Nestle's purchases are so large that they can already determine the price trend of coffee to some extent

Some people calculate that on average, nearly 3200 cups of Nespresso coffee are drunk every second worldwide.

[Culture & Education] Coffee base and tourist resort farm

Simao region of Yunnan Province is between 1000 and 2000 meters above sea level. The terrain is mainly mountainous and sloping. The soil is fertile, the sunshine is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. It is a paradise for Arabica cultivation and the key to producing high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Simao region spans subtropical and tropical climate zones, with dry and hot climate, many dry and hot valleys and barren hills, very suitable for coffee growth.