Coffee review

Mild and fragrant Indonesian Sumatra boutique coffee beans grinding degree baking degree treatment method

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Manning's suffering will not upset you, but will make you feel more awake; before you encounter real pain, Manning is just an ordinary drink with a bitter taste, a refreshing liquid and a tool to slow you down. it can not sense your grievances, but there are many people crazy infatuated with the bitterness of Manning, as if poisoned can not be given up, if you want to know

The bitterness of mantelin doesn't bother you, it makes you feel more awake; until you experience real pain, mantelin is just an ordinary bitter drink, just a refreshing liquid, just a tool to slow you down, it can't sense your grievance, but there are many people who are crazy about the bitterness of mantelin, as if they are poisoned and can't quit, and if you want to know why, they will smile and tell you,"Because love is made by bitterness." Mantelin flavor Mantelin's jumping acid mixed with the most intense fragrance, so that you can easily appreciate the lively factors in the mild fragrance, its outstanding and extraordinary taste has confused many suitors

Grind: Coffee makes the ultimate sacrifice-crushing-in order to blend with water. Coffee before brewing, be sure to grind the beans into fine particles, increase the contact area between water and coffee, in order to extract delicious. In fact, the grinder is more important than the coffee machine, and most people now choose the "saw-tooth grinder" because it can quickly and stably grind a uniform coffee powder. The operation method of saw-tooth grinding machine is very simple. Generally speaking, it has two setting functions, one is to set the grinding degree, and the other is to set the grinding time. Abrasion is mostly represented by Arabic numerals, the smaller the number, the finer the grinding. Above the grinder was a hopper containing unground beans, and below it was a drawer for ground coffee. When choosing to buy a bean grinder, you should pay attention to its power, usually between 70 watts and-150 watts, the higher the better, the higher the power of the bean grinder, the faster the grinding speed, the coffee powder stays in the sawteeth for a shorter time, and the coffee powder can be ground at a low temperature.

Even if the coffee made with fine coffee beans is not all fine coffee, it depends on whether it gives full play to the characteristics of coffee beans, whether it has a good taste feeling, if not, it cannot be called fine coffee.

Fine coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, the fresher the better, and so is specialty coffee. Coffee beans should be kept fresh before making fine coffee, including the preservation of roasted beans, and the coffee beans should be ground before making, which is also to retain its most original and best flavor. The hand-brewed coffee making method is such a way to make fine coffee, and it is also one of the coffee making methods that can best retain the original flavor of coffee. Fine coffee is good coffee and harmless to health. Unlike coffee made with inferior coffee beans, fine coffee uses high-quality coffee beans. Freshly made coffee is harmless to health and beneficial to the body and mind when consumed in moderation. Fine coffee has a rich and wonderful taste.


Sumatra coffee is very complex and elusive. Sumatra is a large island, but coffee is not grown all over the island. Coffee trees are grown in large quantities only in the northernmost two of the island's eight provinces-Aceh and Subei: Aceh coffee is mainly produced in Lake Tawar. The Gayo Mountain surrounding Lake Tawar, where farmers are mostly indigenous Gayo People; while coffee in Northern Jiangsu Province is mainly produced in the world's largest super crater lake-Lake Toba producing area and Lintong producing area in the south, where farmers are mostly indigenous Batak People. Due to the large number of smallholder producers and their unique semi-washing methods and the iron deficiency of the soil, coffee beans in this area will have a distinctive blue color at the fresh green stage.

The Gayo region is located in Aceh province, north of Sumatra. Coffee is grown on hillsides surrounding Takegon Town and Lake Tawar. Planting heights average between 1,110 and 1,300 meters in the production area. Coffee is grown by smallholders under shade trees and processed by stripping to exhibit exotic flavors and deep and lively full-bodied flavors. Aceh, in the northernmost corner of Sumatra, is a fascinating and sophisticated place. Aceh is not an area for ordinary people to visit because of its chronic political instability. The Gayo are a determined, hard-working breed, and nearly 20% of coffee processors are female. Under this semi-wet and semi-dry peeling water washing method, coffee farm machines remove the skin and pulp of red cherry fruits. Coffee beans still have a lot of mucus on them, and then they are stored in fermentation tanks for about one day (24 hours). When fermentation is completed, the attached mucus is easily washed away with water. Then sun drying to about 30% to 35% moisture content, remove the shell of coffee beans, you can get to the market. This semi-wet, semi-dry condition removes the outer shell of the coffee beans, which reveal a distinctive dark blue color. This treatment reduces the acidity and increases the body of the coffee, resulting in this characteristic Indonesian coffee.

This coffee was discovered because local workers were forbidden to drink coffee by the stingy Dutch planters at that time. In order to obtain this magical fruit that they had worked hard to grow, they had to find it in the excrement of civet cats. After washing and grinding, they made it into world-class coffee, which was then discovered by the Dutch and became more expensive. Bali, Indonesia's main tourist destination, is often famous for its golden coffee in tourist brochures. In fact, this is the special selection of Indonesian Mandheling coffee, also known as Golden Mandheling. Sumatra, probably free of disease, produces one of the finest coffees in the world, smooth and mellow, heavier in taste and longer in aftertaste than Java, perhaps less delicate than Java, but more ferocious. When buying, you can recognize the trademark of the golden butterfly