Coffee review

Variety and taste of Yunnan coffee beans introduction to the flavor and taste characteristics of Yunnan coffee producing areas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that the Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Catimor, also known as Katim, which was bred by the Portuguese in 1959, has 3/4 Arabica blood and 1/4 Robusta blood, and is extremely strong and resistant.

Yunnan coffee, also known as Yunnan Arabica coffee, coffee beans particles uniform and full, mellow taste moderate. Qianjie loves Yunnan coffee because it is Chinese coffee, and Qianjie has a heart to change the public's perception of Yunnan coffee. At present, Yunnan can produce coffee varieties such as katim, iron pickup and bourbon. The main planting areas are Baoshan, Lincang, Pu 'er, Wenshan, Dehong and other places.

Yunnan coffee can be traced back to 1904. More than 100 years ago, French missionary Father Tian Deneng planted the first coffee tree in Zhukula Village, Binchuan County, Dali City. This is generally traced back to the earliest record of coffee introduction into Yunnan. Coffee did not grow in the region for the next 100 years until multinational companies entered Yunnan in the late 1980s, when the exotic was replanted and used for export to the world.


After 1930, Mr. Liang Jinshan, a famous overseas Chinese leader, brought coffee to Pupiao and Luoming for planting, which lasted until the founding of New China.

After 1952, under the guidance of experts from Baoshan Thermal Economics Institute, coffee began to be planted in large quantities in Lujiang and other places. The history of large-scale cultivation has been nearly 60 years.

By the end of 1997, the province's coffee planting area had reached 7800 hectares. At present, the province's planting area accounts for 70% of the country's area, and its output accounts for 83% of the country's total. Whether it is from the planting area or coffee bean output, Yunnan coffee has established its dominant position in China.

Coffee producing areas in Yunnan

Coffee is generally suitable for planting between the Tropic of Cancer from north to south, which is called "coffee belt". It happens that the west and south of Yunnan Province are located between 15° N and Tropic of Cancer. Meanwhile, most areas also have high altitude required for planting coffee. The terrain is mainly mountainous and sloping, with large undulations, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night.




Dehong climate resources are also unique, the state close to the Tropic of Cancer near the low latitude, affected by the Indian Ocean southwest monsoon, belonging to the subtropical monsoon climate.

Gaoligong Mountain in the northeast blocks the entry of dry and cold airflow from Siberia to the south. In summer, warm and humid air flow from Indian Ocean rises along the windward slope of southwest inclined mountain area, forming abundant natural precipitation. In addition, the incidence angle of the sun in low latitude plateau area is large and the air transparency is good. It is one of the high-quality light areas in China.

The annual solar radiation is 137-143 cal/cm, the annual rainfall is 1400 - 1700 mm, the annual average temperature is 18.4 - 20 ℃, the annual sunshine is 2281-2453 hours, the annual accumulated temperature is 6400-7300 ℃, the annual land evaporation is 1400-1900 mm, and the drought index is 0.4-1.2. Dehong has formed the characteristics of no cold in winter, no scorching heat in summer, abundant rainfall, the same period of rain and heat, the same season of dry and cold, small annual temperature difference, large daily temperature difference, short frost period and few frost days, which provides good growth and winter conditions for coffee trees.


Baoshan coffee planting began in the mid-1950s, the first coffee seedlings were introduced from Southeast Asia by the late patriotic overseas Chinese Mr. Liang Jinshan. In recent years, with the expansion of international trade, Lujiangba's Arabica coffee is more famous. Baoshan belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate in the low-latitude mountain area. Because it is located in the low-latitude plateau, the terrain is complex, forming a three-dimensional climate of "one mountain divided into four seasons, ten miles different days".

It is characterized by small annual temperature difference, large daily temperature difference, annual average temperature of 14-17°C; abundant precipitation, distinct dry and wet, uneven distribution, annual rainfall of 700-2100 mm.


Lincang has become the focus of many coffee enterprises due to its unique geographical location and climatic conditions. It has successively established 200 mu and 100 mu high-quality coffee seedling bases in Mengding Town and Lincang Xingfu Farm of Gengma Autonomous County in the city, and carried out coffee planting in Gengma, Zhenkang, Yun County, Cangyuan, Yongde and other places. Lincang City belongs to subtropical low-latitude plateau mountain monsoon climate, terrain is complex, is a multi-climate types of areas.

Lincang is mainly affected by the warm and humid Indian Ocean airflow and southwest monsoon. The four seasons are not obvious, but the dry and rainy seasons are distinct, there is more rain, the sunshine time is long, the annual average sunshine number is more than 2000 hours, the frost period is short, and there is no frost all year round in some areas; the three-dimensional climate is obvious, and the annual average temperature in mountainous areas is 13-15 degrees Celsius.

PU 'er

Tea Township Pu 'er coffee cultivation has a history of 150 years. At the end of the 1990s, Pu 'er City began to cultivate coffee as an advantageous backbone industry for adjusting industrial structure and increasing farmers' income. Due to the influence of subtropical monsoon climate, most of Pu 'er has no frost all year round, no cold in winter and no hot summer. The average annual temperature of Pu 'er City is 15 to 20.3 degrees Celsius, the annual frost-free period is more than 315 days, and the annual rainfall is 1100 to 2780 mm.


Yunnan Coffee Bean Types

Iron pickup and bourbon, two classic high-quality coffee varieties, are the main cultivated varieties of Yunnan coffee beans. In 1991, Katim series varieties were introduced from Kenya, which have stronger virus resistance and higher yield. At present, katim is the most widely planted in Yunnan Province, and there are a small number of iron pickups and Bobang planted in Baoshan District.

The taste of Yunnan coffee is also affected by the coffee variety it is grown in. The baristas of Front Street Coffee often share that the variety of coffee is the main source of coffee flavor. The rose summer variety is an example. The rose summer variety grown in Panama has a delicate tea fragrance that makes people happy. Since winning the Best Panama Green Bean Competition in 2004, it has become famous. All regions in the world have tried to grow rose summer varieties. Even Yunnan you can find rose summer varieties. In 2020, a small batch of Yunnan rose summer was released in the domestic market. However, Qianjie Coffee believes that Yunnan's taste comes from its most widely grown and widespread katim varieties for many years, so Qianjie Coffee chose a Yunnan katim as an entry-level ration bean in Yunnan producing area, with nutty, brown sugar flavor, high body and overall balance.



Coffea arabica is a high-generation variety of katim. Although classified under Arabica species, catimor is not purely Arabica in origin, it is a hybrid of the Timor species (belonging to the Robusta species) and caturra(a variant of the Bourbon species), so catimor is 25% Robusta in origin.

Kadura we know is a natural variant from Bourbon, while Tim is a coffee variety with the Robusta gene, and Robusta's lineage also gives Kadura higher disease and pest resistance and yield, but also means a lack of refinement in taste.


Iron pickup (typica)

The most classic high-quality Arabica species, world-famous Blue Mountain coffee, mocha coffee, etc., almost all Arabica species. Tiekka coffee is native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan and is the most widely cultivated coffee variety in the Western Hemisphere.

In addition to Katim, Yunnan also grows varieties such as iron card and bourbon. Qianjie Coffee also puts an iron pickup variety on the shelf as the representative of Yunnan coffee. Compared with Katim, Yunnan's iron card coffee is still dominated by nuts and brown sugar as a whole, but the iron pickup variety endows this coffee with slightly more refined acidity, slightly lower mellow and more balanced.


This variety originated from the iron pickup and was expanded by the French after it was planted in 1708 on the island of Popan (now known as Reunion Island). Bobon also has a good aroma and rich taste, compared to tin card in the yield and growth force are higher, suitable for planting in 1200- 2000 meters area. Bourbon coffee is the second most common variety of Arabica coffee after iron pickup.

Yunnan coffee processing

Yunnan coffee is mainly treated by washing method. The characteristics of washed coffee are clean, stable and higher acid quality. What is the process of washing treatment? removing pericarp and pulp of the picked coffee fruit by a machine, putting the peeled coffee bean into a fermentation tank for fermentation, decomposing pectin layer by fermentation, washing the fermented coffee bean repeatedly with clean water to remove decomposed pectin, and finally drying the coffee bean.

Finally, the dried coffee beans can be stored and transported to other places. The washing treatment method can be said to be one of the favorite treatments of Qianjie Coffee. Qianjie Coffee selected a Yunnan katim as the entry-level ration bean in Yunnan production area. The treatment steps of washing method make the washing treatment method characterized by stability, high yield and fewer defects.

It is undeniable that there are many innovative treatments of Yunnan coffee in the domestic fine coffee market at present, but Qianjie Coffee's point of view is that innovative treatments are still a few and trace amounts, and have not yet matured or developed to represent Yunnan. Classic sun or washing treatment still occupies the main position. We also believe that the potential of Yunnan coffee is still huge.

How to drink Yunnan coffee

We know the origin of Yunnan coffee, Yunnan coffee varieties, Yunnan coffee processing method, these factors combine into Yunnan coffee nuts, brown sugar, strong flavor tonality, you want to say Yunnan coffee delicious? Of course it's good for people who like balanced, nutty flavors. Then let's see how Yunnan coffee is brewed and what flavor it is.

Front Street Coffee chose a bean from its own estate-Front Street 2013 (Front Street Coffee Estate) for brewing. Qianjie Coffee is planted in Yunnan coffee plantations, mainly with iron card and a small amount of bourbon. Because it is not the main coffee variety, the bourbon of Front Street Coffee is still in the experimental trial stage.


Front Street 2013-Yunnan Sunrise Iron Pickup

Production area: Lincang, Yunnan, China

Altitude: 1300m Variety: Iron Pickup Processing Method: Sunlight

Coffee powder selection of 15 grams, recommended ratio of powder to water 1:15, hope that the flavor can be more clear 1:16, filter cup selection v60 filter cup, brewing water temperature of 88 degrees Celsius, in order to make the acid softer, grinding degree moderate grinding (Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate of about 78%).

Three-stage extraction method of water injection: first inject 30 grams of water for 30 seconds. Then small water flow circle water injection to 125 grams, when the water level is about to expose the powder bed continue to water injection to 225 grams stop water injection, when the water level is about to expose the powder bed remove the filter cup,(steam-start timing) extraction time is 2 10".
