Coffee review

Historical environment characteristics of Antigua coffee bean planting altitude flavor description of producing area information

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, For professional baristas, please pay attention to the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Koban Rainforest Rainforest Cobn area with year-round clouds, abundant rainfall and cool climate, the local soil is composed of calcareous and clay. Under the influence of the Atlantic basin and the northward jungle tropical climate, most of the coffee in this area is grown in the caffeine of the obviously slow hilly land.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The area of Rainforest Cobb á n in Koban Rain Forest is covered with clouds, abundant rainfall and cool climate throughout the year, and the local soil is composed of limestone and clay. Due to the influence of the Atlantic basin and the northward jungle tropical climate, most of the coffee in this area is grown in obviously slow hills, and the characteristics of coffee in this area are quite different from those in other producing areas of the country. Full-bodied beans, with a distinct and subtle sour taste, there is a light wine aroma 1300-1500

Mount San Marcos Volcanic San Marco is the warmest coffee producing area in the country. The area has abundant rainfall, the rainy season is the densest, and the flowering stage is the earliest. The rainy season is the best part of the rainy season from June to September, even torrential rain. In some areas, the annual rainfall is as high as 197in. The coffee in this area has a distinct sour taste and full beans, with a clear, faint floral fragrance of 1400-1800.

Traditional Attland Traditional Atitl á n one of the four major volcanic coffee zones in Guatemala. The soil of Attland is full of fertile organic matter. 90% of the coffee is planted along a very steep slope, all the way to Lake Attilan, the largest and most famous volcanic lake in Guatemala. The coffee is strong, intoxicating and sweet in taste. Coffee beans are full 1500-1700

Among the three non-volcanic areas in the towering highland Highland Huehue, the driest and highest area for the production of individual coffee. The majestic Denangao is currently the most rugged and remote place in Guatemala, due to the hot and dry wind blowing into the mountains from the Dehuang de pec Plain in Mexico, which is free from frost. As a result, coffee beans in this area are able to grow coffee up to 6500 feet high, with a special sour taste and a slight wine aroma of 1500-2000.

Farrakhan Nice Plain Fraijanes Plateau the volcanoes in this area are quite high above sea level and the soil is rich in pumice. The Farrakhan Nice Plain is still an active volcanic area, so the coffee in this area is similar to that of Antigua. However, Rain Water's abundance, high and varied humidity, and temperature difference give the Farrakhan Nice Plain a very different flavor with a rather elegant aroma, a mild and mellow overall texture, and a special and pleasant acidity of 1400-1800

New Oriental New Oriente Rain Water is abundant, the climate is similar to Koban, but the New Oriental is a volcanic area, the soil contains a lot of metamorphic rocks. Coffee cultivation is also quite different from the general volcanic areas of Guatemala. New Oriental coffee grows in volcanic soil, while there is no volcanic activity during the growth period. It is the latest coffee producing area in Guatemala, characterized by aroma, obvious acidity and a fairly good texture of 1300-1700.

After the impact of the Kuroshio movement, people gradually began to have professional knowledge and technology related to the coffee industry. In addition to the annual large-scale coffee-related exhibitions, barista competitions and the rapid development of baking equipment, our loyalty and love for coffee is no longer just to meet the status quo. For a professional coffee glutton, there are many things about tasting a good cup of coffee, among which the most profound key is the "miniature gas queen" in each producing area, which is the key to motivate the whole body.

The importance of microclimate

On the most suitable golden coffee belt, the most basic condition is that the annual rainfall is 1000mm, and the average temperature is in the range of 20 ℃. Too many or too few of these factors are not enough. Even in the same producing area, there are many differences in coffee beans due to slight differences in climate characteristics (flavor, stratification, sour-sweet fusion, aroma characteristics, etc.). Each different climate combination gives coffee beans an amazing personality and characteristics, and there are still many unique flavors that have not been discovered or defined. This is the excellent charm of the microclimate, causing many coffee lovers to pursue the highest state crazily, even CATAMONA!

Property Characteristics: farm characteristics

Farm farm name: Las Pastores belongs to the manor

City City: Sacatep é quez

Region producing area: Antigua Antigua

Country country: Guatemala

Grade level: S.H.B

Altitude altitude: 1600 Murray 1750 meters

Soil soil: Red Volcanic Loam soils volcanic clay

Harvesting Method:Hand picked is harvested by hand

Coffee Characteristics: coffee characteristics

Variety varieties: bourbon, Caturra, Typica

Processing System treatment: Fully washed washing method

Appearance appearance: .17-18 mesh

Top Jury Descriptions judge's comment: the baking degree measured by the cup for 60 seconds at the beginning of the first explosion (Cinnamon)

Aroma aroma / flavor flavor: vanilla, nuts, chocolate, hazelnut, caramel, brown sugar, cream

Acid quality: grape, plum, citrus, malic acid

Complex complexity and other other: tropical fruit pineapple mango style, oil ester smooth feel good, caramel sweet, a little smoky finish

Cup test experience: high acidity, high emulsification, silky texture

Cup test date: June 23, 2015 Cup test score: 87

Vivette South Fruit Coffee Bean Huehuetenango

Origin: Guatemala

Production area: Huehuetenango

The way in the place of raw beans: washing

Baking degree: medium baking degree

Flavor: medium taste, refreshing, fruity, slightly sour.

The most brilliant center of Maya Wenming


Central America enjoys a unique geographical environment, with North and North America in the north and South America bordering on the south. Facing the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the climate is relatively hot and humid, and it has always been an important coffee producing area in the world.

Coffee has been the lifeblood of Guatemala's economy for more than a hundred years. The crisscross of mountain topography, volcanic lakes, plains and mountains, and the neighboring Atlantic and Pacific oceans interweave more than 300 kinds of microclimates, thus creating a unique flavor of different regions.

The National Coffee Association of Guatemala (ANACAFE) is roughly divided into eight producing areas according to the conditions of coffee flavor, climate, soil and altitude.

Location of eight major producing areas

Microclimate in eight major producing areas

Andigua producing area / average temperature 18 ℃-22 ℃

Fertile volcanic soil, low humidity, sufficient sunshine and cool evening breeze are the characteristics of this area. The area is surrounded by three volcanoes. Whenever the Fuego volcano erupts, the mineral-rich ash mixes with the soil to make up for the lack of rainfall and gives the coffee a special smoky aroma.

Coffee flavor: sweet and sour balance, unique cocoa aroma. It is generally mentioned that the standard acidity of Guatemala is based on this area.

Traditional Attland producing area / average temperature 20 ℃-23 ℃

In this area, among the three major volcanic producing areas of the country, the soil is the most rich in organic matter. 90% of the coffee plants are planted along extremely steep volcanic slopes, and the daily cool breeze from the Atitl á n lake gives the region's microclimate its own style and characteristics.

Coffee flavor: strong flavor, with intoxicating aroma, sweet in sour taste.

Koban rainforest producing area / average temperature 15 ℃-20 ℃

The year-round cloud, abundant rainfall and cool climate are mainly divided into rainy season and rainy season in this area. At the same time, affected by the tropical climate of the Atlantic basin, the cultivated soil is mostly limestone and clay.

Coffee flavor: the characteristics are very different from other producing areas, with bright and subtle sour taste, there is also a light wine aroma.

New Oriental producing area / average temperature 18 ℃-25 ℃

Rain Water is abundant in this area, and the climate is similar to that of Koban rainforest. Because it is located in the resting volcanic zone, the soil contains a lot of metamorphic rocks and minerals, which is very different from other areas with frequent volcanic activity.

Coffee flavor: contains aroma, obvious acidity and good texture. This area is the newest coffee producing area in Guatemala.

San Marcos volcano / mean temperature 21 ℃-27 ℃

The warmest coffee producing area in Guatemala has abundant rainfall, the densest rainy season and the earliest flowering period. Because of the unexpected rainfall during the harvest season, most growers dry coffee beans in the sun first and then by machine.

Coffee flavor: bright sour fruit, full bean body, with fresh, light floral aroma.

Akatilanda Valley producing area / average temperature 14 ℃-31 ℃

The coffee in this area grows at 2000 meters, and the rough, sandy soil is rich in minerals because of the Fuego volcano nearby. Caressed by the mild sea breeze of the Atlantic Ocean and significant climate differences, coffee beans are more suitable for sun-drying.

Coffee flavor: the sweetness is good, the fruit acidity is delicate, and the flavor and aroma are loved by most people.

Weiwei plateau producing area / average temperature 20 ℃-24 ℃

Among the three non-volcanic producing areas, this area is the driest and highest-lying area in the single coffee producing area. It is also the most rugged and remote part of Guatemala, where coffee can be grown at nearly 6500 feet because of the dry, hot wind from Mexico and frost-free mountains.

Coffee flavor: bright and delicate sour, with a slight wine aroma.

Farrakhan Nice Plain / average temperature 12 ℃-26 ℃

The volcano in this area is high above sea level and the soil is rich in pumice. Farrakhan Nice Plain is still an active volcanic area, so that the coffee in this area is similar to Antigua.

However, Rain Water's abundant, high and varied humidity, and large temperature difference give the Farrakhan Nice Plain a very different flavor.

Coffee flavor: elegant aroma, mild and mellow overall texture, with special and pleasant acidity.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Guatemalan coffee? Is this the name of the ancient capital, the god of flowers? This is the name of a brand, and the meticulous smoky taste is correct. This is the characteristic of Guatemalan coffee. The main factor is caused by volcanic geology. Coffee has saved the Guatemalan economy in the past 100 years. It is estimated that there are about 120000 thousand local producers, which are the main export items.


Huasen is produced by Las Pastores, a well-known local processing plant in Guatemala, and its quality is strictly supervised by the well-known La Minita Raminita Group. These delicate and complicated procedures are all to ensure that the best quality Huashen coffee is provided by the Pastores processing plant.


Vivetta Nanguo is a single-tasting coffee bean suitable for spring taste with a unique citrus flavor.

Taste Vivette Nan fruit single coffee, suitable for slow taste, because as the temperature recedes, it will emit another level of aroma and taste, a touch of lemon, with soft fruit acidity without losing sweetness, accompanied by chocolate nut flavor. Feel quite refreshing and delicious.

Vivette South Fruit Coffee, you will be amazed at the flavor of the coffee after the drop in temperature, and then slowly rhyme back to sweet, fudge-like sweetness, but also make people happy. (for non-standard reference only)

Antigua is the most famous of the eight major producing areas in Guatemala. The unique volcanic soil shade planting makes the coffee beans in Antigua have a unique and detailed smoky flavor, which is loved by Taiwanese.

Maybe you want to know more about Guatemalan coffee?

Located in Central America, Guatemala has seven coffee producing areas, of which Antigua and Huehuetenango are the most famous. The coffee beans planted are all Arabica high-quality coffee beans, which are highly praised for their unique climate, good acidity and multi-level rich flavor. Most of the coffee produced in Guatemala is graded at altitude and most of them are washed to treat raw beans.

"Guadi" is a nickname given to Guatemala by coffee lovers. The Mayan town sits on top of 37 volcanoes, two of which erupted in 2010. Coupled with frequent tornadoes and natural disasters everywhere, it is a veritable "dangerous place". However, fertile volcanic soil, undulating mountains and changeable microclimate are ideal conditions for growing coffee. As of 2011, Guatemala was the country with the highest coffee production in Central America.

Very hard beans, mild coffee.

In the past, importers divided coffee into two categories: Brazil and Brazil and Mild. At that time, Brazilian coffee was a negative example: mixed with immature, overripe or defective beans and treated with unstable sun exposure, the coffee produced was difficult to swallow and of poor quality. Guatemala is rich in water, coupled with mechanical technology from Germany, so that the advantages of washing treatment can be brought into full play. Guatemala extremely hard beans (Strictly Hard Bean) is the leader of mild coffee.

The planting environment is ever-changing

Guatemala has been growing coffee since around 1850. Before World War I, the Germans controlled as much as 80% of the country's production, most of which was exported to Germany. ANACAFE, the official coffee farmers' association, divided the country into eight regions according to region and flavor in the 1990s, and registered trademarks to promote the origin. These include Antigua, Acatenango, Huehuetenango and Atitl á n, where many award-winning farms are located. Common beans in Guatemala today include Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Catua í, Pacas, Maragogype, Pacamara (a hybrid of the first two), Pache Comum (a local variety of Typica), and Gesha.

The author has tried geisha coffee produced in different countries. One from Guatemala, from the Acatenango district. Because the taste is too unique, the characteristics of the origin are completely overshadowed. If the performance of a geisha in Panama is an one-man show, Guatemala, which has an ever-changing planting environment, is a big stage for different varieties to blossom; the Emerald Manor won the championship with a geisha, and for a moment there is Finca El Injerto (Graft Manor) in Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

Grafted manor won many honors

The coffee that grafted the manor has won the prize in the COE contest every year since 2004 and won the presidential grade in 06, 08, 09 and 10 (i.e. a total score of more than 90 points). But unlike the Jade Manor, which competes with geisha, it competes with different kinds of beans every year. I still remember that in 2010, it won the title of 93.14 points for the Pacamara species, which was rated as "low acid and light taste" at that time, and brought up the planting fever throughout Central America! It can be seen that soil, climate and treatment are as important as bean genes. Since 2011, Graft, like the Emerald Manor, has held its own auction, in which a rare ancient species, Mocha, was sold in 2012 for a record price of US $550 (about HK $4290) per pound, making headlines in the New York Times.

The latitude of Guatemala is about 15 degrees. Because of the long mountains and great regional climate changes, Guatemala's eight major coffee producing areas are all located on the highland topography under the subtropical climate, with rich and stable rainfall and excellent environment for fertile volcanic ash soil. The coffee beans produced are all Arabica, each with different flavors and characteristics, and the first-class sour and fruity flavors are smooth. It belongs to one of the top coffee in the world and is suitable for individual consumption.

Antigua Antigua is characterized by rich volcanic soil, low humidity, strong sunlight and cool night breeze. Three spectacular active volcanoes-the Water Volcano, the Akardenango Volcano and the Fire Volcano-form a beautiful valley. High-end Antigua coffee is rich and mild, mellow aroma and good acidity 1500-1700

Akkad Nango Valley Acatenango Valley Guardian emerging coffee growing area, at an altitude of 2000 meters, everywhere lush forest shaded coffee trees planted by small farmers, but also shielded the heat from the Pacific Ocean, and turned into a moist air with fruit acidity, rich aroma, memorable 1300-2000