Coffee review

Antigua single bean coffee bean flavor description characteristics planting information planting history

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Antigua producing area, which is the most famous among the eight major producing areas in Guatemala, mainly because the elevations of coffee growing areas are located in high-altitude volcanic areas. The following four points are the main reasons why Antigua's unique micro-geography forms its unique flavor: (1) Multi-functional volcanic fertile soil: there are three major volcanoes in Antigua.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Antigua is the most famous among the eight major producing areas in Guatemala, mainly because the elevations of coffee-growing areas are located in high-altitude volcanic areas. The following four points are the main reasons for Antigua's unique micro-geography to form its unique flavor:

(1) Multi-functional volcanic fertile soil:

There are three major volcanoes in Antigua, Acatenango (Acatenango is also the name of the eighth producing area of Guatemala), Fuego, Agua Volcanoes. Among them, Fuego- is an active volcano, and its active capacity brings fertile volcanic soil and unique volcanic pumice to the Antigua area for many years, which is the coolant after volcanic magma is ejected. It is porous and insulating, so it is very suitable for moisturizing in the soil. Because the annual rainfall in the Antigua area is only about 1000 mm, in the eight major producing areas, the rainfall is relatively small, and sufficient moisture is needed for coffee growth. Here, the moisturizing capacity of volcanic pumice More or less can make up for the lack of rainfall, while with the common shade trees in this area, so that the water is not easy to lose and make the coffee fruit more unique flavor.

(2) High density shade trees:

In addition to shading, it can also prevent frost damage and form a unique microclimate. For the shade trees of St. Raphael, she planted Gravilea, which shaded and grew fruits of economic value. Due to the cold night in Antigua District, there will be occasional low temperature or even frost damage from December to February. High-density shade trees will play their role to avoid frosting coffee trees. At the same time, the groundwater level in Antigua area is not deep, and shade trees are easy to absorb water. Form a microclimate suitable for plant growth with the surrounding coffee trees.

(3) severe temperature difference between day and night:

The temperature difference between day and night should be at least more than 10 degrees, which will help the sweetness and unique flavor of coffee berries.

(4) High altitude:

For coffee trees growing at high altitude, the beans are hard, the aroma of coffee is higher, and the flavor is more prominent.

In the case of St. Raphael, the average annual temperature is 23.C, the annual rainfall is 1000 mm, the soil is clay, sandy soil, limestone, well-balanced structure and fertile, relative humidity 65; compared with the above four major factors, it is easy to understand how the estate has excellent planting conditions.

The following is the basic information of this batch:

Country: Guatemala

Producing area: Andigua Antigua, Ciudad Vieja

District: Sacatepequez

Marked: manor under APCA

Altitude: 1850 m

Treatment plant: entrusting treatment plant to deal with

Marked: Osher Direct relationship (Orsir logo)

Harvest time: may 2012

Treatment method: washing method, natural solarization in the back stage

Appearance: green, od/350g

Variety: Bourbon

Grade: SHB

Test the taste of the cup: start the pot in the middle of an explosion, the baking degree is M0, and the baking time is 11 minutes.

Dry aroma: citrus, floral, drupe, mint and berry

Wet fragrance: black sugar, cherry, aroma rising

Sipping flavor: clean and greasy, citrus and berry, floral, black tea, cool, nut chocolate, sweet honey, attractive and sweet aftertaste.

Guatimala Guatemala

Population: 15438000

Guatemala has been more successful in defining its coffee priority areas than most countries and has developed markets with very different sales models. According to my experience, coffee in this area has the same flavor characteristics, but it has not been explicitly stated so far.


San Marcos San Marcos is the warmest and wettest coffee growing area in Guatemala. On the hillside facing the Pacific Ocean, the rainy season comes earlier, so the flowering time is earlier than usual. Rainfall has a great influence on post-harvest drying, so some farms use a mixture of sun and mechanical drying at the same time. In the region, agriculture is the mainstay of the economy and also produces food, fruit, meat and wool.

Altitude: 1300 Murray 1800m

Harvest: December-March

Variety: bourbon, Caturra,Catuai


The coffee production area of the Akernango region revolves around the Arcatel Nangot Valley, named after the volcano. In the past, many producers sold coffee to coyotes, through which the fruit was exported to the Antigua region and processed there. This is because Antigua coffee has a good reputation and can be sold at a higher price. This practice is not very common now, since the coffee produced in the Arcatel Nango specialty area produces excellent coffee beans and has become more and more widely recognized, making the coffee beans in the area not only profitable but also traceable.

Altitude: 1300-2000m

Harvest: December-March

Variety: bourbon, Caturra,Catuai


The Atitland Coffee Farm is located around Lake Attilan. Located at 1500 meters (4900 feet) above sea level, the lake has captured the hearts of many writers and tourists because of its incredible beauty over the years. Strong winds are common here in the late morning and early afternoon, and locals call them "xocomil", meaning "the wind that takes away sin". Here, some private nature reserves have been set up to protect the biodiversity of the area and to help prevent deforestation. Due to rising labor costs and labor competition, coffee production is under pressure. Urban expansion has also increased pressure on land use, with some farmers finding it more profitable to sell their land than to continue to grow coffee.


Before World War II, German coffee producers took control of the region, and the town of Koban was named after this history of growth and prosperity. The dense tropical rain forest climate pattern creates a very humid climate, which is a challenge for coffee drying. The area is difficult and expensive to transport because of its geographical location, however, there is still amazing coffee from the area.

Altitude: 1300-1500m

Harvest: December-March

Variety: bourbon, Maragogype,Catuai,Caturra,Pache


Antigua is probably the best-known coffee producing region in Guatemala, as well as one of the best-known countries. The area, named Antigua, is home to famous Spanish buildings and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Because the market was previously flooded with pirated coffee beans that devalued Antigua coffee, the coffee beans in the area were originally named "authentic Antigua Coffee" in 2000. However, this has not completely curbed the pirated coffee beans imported from abroad and processed locally. In spite of this, in addition to those overpriced fakes, coffee beans of good quality and worth tracing, as well as coffee beans that do come from Antigua, can be traced back to the source.

Altitude: 1500-1700m

Harvest: January-March

Variety: bourbon, Catuai,Caturra

Antigua Coffee Bean Antiqua Flora

Origin: Guatemala

Production area: Antiqua

The way in the place of raw beans: washing

Baking degree: medium baking degree

Flavor: medium taste, smooth and supple, floral aroma, slightly sour

Why is the coffee in Antigua, Guatemala so delicious?

Because Guatemala has a unique volcanic terrain and high altitude, where the topography and soil environment uniquely create the unique flavor of coffee beans, Antigua is surrounded by three volcanoes.

Why is this coffee bean so special?

Guatemala Huasen coffee beans are made by a well-known processing plant in Antigua, which is guided by technical guidance granted by Raminita, a well-known coffee group brand, from the selection of raw beans to strict management and control. as a result, it has quite excellent and stable quality.

Another reason is the fact that Guatemala retains more traditional Typica and Bourbon Arabica coffee trees than many other Latin American coffee-producing countries, which contributes to the flavor of Guatemala Antigua coffee.

Why does Guatemalan coffee taste so good?

From the sense of smell, the fragrance is full, the flowers are sweet, and the mouth is smooth and balanced after the entrance. Although it is slightly sour, it makes people like the bright taste very much.

The elevation of the Antigua manor is about 1600 meters to 1900 meters above sea level, and some of the estates will be as high as 1850 meters, and the harvest is quite late. In May, post-processing is still being carried out. This batch of ultra-high altitude is bourbon species. From the three manors affiliated to the association, it is a mixed batch with a meticulous and complex flavor. We specially introduce it and give it back to Antigua enthusiasts at a special price! The following pictures were taken during the harvest and processing of this batch:

There are many counterfeit Antigua coffee products. When it comes to the real Antigua Coffee Association, the Antigua Coffee Association was rampant in 2000. The authentic Antigua Coffee Farmers Association (APCA), composed of Antigua coffee farmers and producers, was listed and operated with the support of the government. 34 Antigua estates joined. All the Antigua beans purchased by Osher belong to this association. Members can print the emblem of the association on the sack to prove that the coffee produced is 100% Antigua, and will mark the year of production, such as the following picture on the back of the sack, there is an APCA association logo, and the harvest year is marked, including the production batch number. In addition, the manor has the association certificate, as shown below.

Since 2002, the Osher team has visited Antigua eight times and paid in-depth visits to the major estates in the area to search for fine, clean and distinctive high-quality beans. At the invitation of coffee farmers in Antigua, the Osher Cup testing team visited the area twice in 2012.