Coffee review

Flavor characteristics, producing areas and cooking parameters of single bean in Paradise Bird Manor, Papua New Guinea

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Papua New Guinea Paradise Bird Manor single bean flavor characteristics, producing areas and brewing parameters this batch of Paraka garden beans is A grade, here we need to explain the PNG domestic classification standard, Papua New Guinea coffee grade: a total of 12 grades, grading items include: 1, number of items (Bean siz

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flavor characteristics, producing areas and cooking parameters of single bean in Paradise Bird Manor, Papua New Guinea

This batch of Paraka garden beans is A grade. Here we need to explain the domestic grading standard of PNG.

Coffee grades in Papua New Guinea: a total of 12 grades, graded items include:

1, number of eyes (Bean size)

2, number of defects per kilogram (Total defect Equivalent per kg)

3, bean type (Bean shape)

4, raw bean color (Raw bean Colour)

5, raw bean aroma (Odour)

6, baking condition (Roasting Aspects)

7, cup test quality (cup quality)

Take the most eye-catching boutique AA and An as an example:

The main results are as follows: (1) AA and Grade A coffee belong to the grade of boutique coffee, mainly from larger estates.

In the case of AA, the size of the bean is larger than 18 mesh, and the shape of the bean is oval. Number of shortcomings: a maximum of 10 defects per kilogram. The appearance of raw beans is green and slightly blue. The taste of raw beans should be clean and the taste of baking should be clean and smooth. The taste of the cup should be excellent (Fine Cup).

(2) the size of Class An is larger than that of 17 mesh, and the cup test must be at least GTF (Good to Fine), that is, good to excellent taste-the number of other defects and the condition of raw beans are the same as AA.

Domestic gluttons are not familiar with Paradise Bird Manor. She is located at a high altitude in the west of the country, but she is a favorite of some famous bakeries in Germany, because the beans are stable and the flavor is not the same as that of other PNG estates, but Paraka is not greasy sweet and belongs to [refreshing] sweetness. A few days ago in the chat room, he mentioned the feasibility of the second baking bean contest of the Hero Cup, assuming that time allows. This kind of bean deserves to be listed in the baking contest, because it is not expensive and fresh, and it is not as hard as Central American beans. All kinds of baking appliances can be tried.

Basic information:

Country: Papua New Guinea: Western Highland Manor: Paraka estate

Grade: Grade A Variety: Typica Harvest time: June 2005

Treatment: natural sunlight after washing

Appearance / disadvantages: 0.5d/350g, green

Osher Cup test report

Baking method: lower beans in the middle of an explosion, cinnamon roast, baking time 12 minutes, close to Agtron/SCAA baking color card N0.65 (Roast color classification system), (royalty Fuji 1kg baking machine)

Dry aroma: Sesame, nutty, sweet corn, sweet spice, a little pepper and flower, cool fragrance

Wet fragrance: sweet sugarcane, nutty, a little smoke aroma

Sipping: the sweetness of toast, the sweetness of nuts, the acidity and sweetness of some acidity, the sour and sweet of Penghu bayberry, the slippery and sticky BODY, and the special sweet aftertaste of spices--

Papua New Guinea is rich in natural resources, but its economy is very backward. As one of the less developed countries in the world, many mountain residents still live a self-sufficient life of primitive tribes, only the coastal areas are relatively developed. Many farms reclaim land in the forest, some of which are in the depths of the forest, almost isolated from the rest of the world. So there are not many large-scale coffee plantations in Papua New Guinea, and about 75% of the coffee comes from small local farms. Because the country's overall economic level is backward and does not have good production conditions, the coffee output in Papua New Guinea is not high compared with other coffee-producing countries, but the quality of its coffee will not be inferior to that of large coffee-producing countries.

If Indonesia Mantenin is described as an old man with years of precipitation, then Papua New Guinea is a refreshing and elegant beauty. Not only the bean body is beautiful, the flavor is also beautiful and exquisite. From the map, we can see that Papua New Guinea borders Indonesia, but it does not have the full-bodied, miscellaneous and spicy characteristics of Indonesia's Mantenin. On the contrary, the flavor of Papua New Guinea is more balanced and cleaner. As coffee in this country is widely grown in the highlands of 1300 Murray 1800 meters above sea level, its unique volcanic soil and abundant rainfall create excellent natural conditions for the growth of coffee; and because the local coffee varieties are introduced from the Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica, it belongs to the tin card species. Coffee beans are basically washed to make the taste better and cleaner. The innate variety advantage coupled with the excellent growth environment naturally leads to high-quality coffee. Besides. The vast majority of coffee in Papua New Guinea is organic coffee, due to inconvenient transportation, there is no railway transport, there is no sound transport network, the overall economic difficulties, coffee farmers do not have the conditions to buy chemical fertilizer. On the contrary, the deficiency of production and transportation conditions has contributed to this major feature of the country's organic coffee.

The sweetness of Papua New Guinea is high, with apricot-like bright and rising acidity, the palate is balanced and full-bodied, the overall flavor is balanced and elegant, clean and smooth, with fruit aromas. Generally speaking, coffee with good acidity is difficult to guarantee a good alcohol thickness, but the commendable thing about Papua New Guinea is that it has both high quality medium acid and good alcohol thickness. The finish is long after tasting.

Foreigners are mainly Australians. When you get off the plane and enter the immigration hall, there are three channels: PNG national passenger channel, visa-holding passenger channel and visa-on-arrival passenger channel. I am in the visa on arrival passageway, the visa process is very simple, the entry form and 100 Kina (local currency unit), the smooth entry, visa can stay there for two months. After finding the luggage, he went to the customs counter and the official only asked, "do you have any alcohol and tobacco?" After answering "no", he is allowed to pass (not even an X-ray machine). Exchange currency US$37.80 = K100 at the airport. According to locals, PNG Immigration and Customs have very loose controls on flights from Australia (usually arriving in the afternoon). However, for flights from Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore (which usually arrive in the early morning), they are particularly strict. When they get a visa on arrival, they will ask about the east and west, and the luggage will also be strictly searched.

The coffee industry plays an important role in the country's economy. More than 1 million people are directly and indirectly engaged in the industry. The government encourages planting by offering a minimum purchase price. The industry itself is controlled by the Coffee Industry Council (Coffee Industry Board). The commission is located in Goroka, in the eastern part of the island, while exports are handled by private companies.

The frost in 1975 destroyed most coffee crops in Brazil, but stimulated the development of coffee in Papua New Guinea. The Government has implemented a scheme to finance the creation of about 20 hectares of coffee plantations in rural or collective land ownership. This measure has indeed increased the penetration of coffee in the local economy, with annual production reaching 1 million bags by 1990.

However, it is almost inevitable that the surge in production leads to a decline in quality. Before 1991, the quality of coffee was good, and most of it belonged to open Y and so on. After 1991, the quality gradually declined, and with it the European market was lost. The extra price of coffee such as Y also gradually fell. This is related to the country's policy of "one grade, one price". This policy is not feasible for an industry as volatile as coffee. As a result, poor quality coffee beans have damaged the image of high quality standards for coffee such as Y, resulting in a backlog.

PNG coffee beans are favored by more and more coffee lovers in recent years because of their rich flavor, pleasant aroma, no herbal flavor or local flavor, and the rarity of coffee beans.

Papua New Guinea's top coffee beans (PNG AA) are as beautiful and precious as the country's national bird of paradise. As coffee is widely grown in highlands between 1300 and 1800 meters above sea level, it is usually full-grained and varied in taste, with pleasant acidity and fruit-like sweetness. PNG coffee beans are carefully washed Arabica beans with a texture as strong and mellow as a Van Gogh painting. Whether it is used to mix Italian products or general mixed coffee, it can make up for the lack of sour coffee.

Papua New Guinea is an island country in the western South Pacific and a member of the Commonwealth. The name of the country consists of Papua and New Guinea. There are many small islands here, about 600 in size. It is adjacent to Indonesia and Australia to the south. It belongs to the Asia-Pacific region, but it is a country in Oceania. Located in the tropical climate, high temperature and rainy. It has rich volcanic soil.

The main crops here are coffee and coconut, and the coffee industry plays an important role in the country's economy. More than 1 million people are directly and indirectly engaged in the industry in this country.

□ producing area: Waji Valley (Waghi Valley)

□ Manor: Sigri Manor

□ variety: Typica & Bourbon (transplanted from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica in the middle of the 20th century)

□ level: AA

□ altitude: 1700m

□ treatment: washing

□ harvest season: April-September

□ flavor description: sour grapefruit, clear and juicy pear taste, chocolate, malt, beer flowers …

□ Papua New Guinea is a standard island climate in eastern Indonesia, located between the equator and 10 degrees south latitude, with tropical rain forest volcanic rocks and plateau topography, between 1200 and 2500 meters above sea level, making it a paradise for growing coffee. The local yield is small, and 85% of the total output is produced by the garden cultivation system of small farmers. Small farmers join local cooperatives and share their processing equipment. Coffee is Pakistan's second largest export of agricultural products, which shows the importance of coffee industry to Pakistan's economy. Because the variety of coffee is different from that of Indonesia, and the altitude is higher than that of Sumatra, coupled with the use of water washing treatment, the regional taste of PNG coffee is very different from the muggy and low flavor of Indonesia, but has bright, sweet and sour, flower and fruit aromas, which is close to the flavor of South America.

The Higrid / Bird of Paradise Manor is located in the Waghi Valley in the Western Highlands Province (Western Highlands), about 1500 meters above sea level, with well-drained volcanic soil. The manor was founded in 1950 and has been a pioneer in the local coffee industry for more than 60 years. Due to its geographical location in the southern hemisphere, the harvest season for local coffee is from May to August (most of Central and South America is harvested from October to February of the following year). After harvesting ripe red coffee cherries on a vast area of nearly 413 hectares of land, the farm and surrounding small farmers send them to the manor's own treatment plant for post-processing, but the local washing treatment in New Guinea is different from that in Central and South America.

Three times of water washing and fermentation, each time soaking for about 24 hours, and changing clean water to control the flavor of coffee; after cleaning, remove the shell of raw beans and then carry out various grades, such as AA, AB, PB beans, etc., this fine post-processing method brings bright and delicate fruity flavor to the coffee itself, clean and long sweet taste.

Higrid / Paradise Bird Manor also attaches great importance to ecological issues in the park, planting two different shade trees to provide a good growing environment for coffee and a good habitat for birds. At present, there are 90 different species of birds and wild animals in the park, which is an excellent model for the sustainable management of coffee farms. In particular, it is worth mentioning that coffee cultivation in Papua New Guinea basically uses no artificial fertilizers, no chemicals, and all pest control is carried out in a natural and non-toxic manner.

Papua New Guinea is located on the island of Guinea, with Indonesia, but coffee tastes like Mantenin's round, completely Papua New Guinea beans, clean, floral and back.

The vast majority of PNG coffee is made up of small farmers, rather than large organized companies, and more farmers grow coffee trees from 20 to 500 or 600. PNG basically uses no artificial fertilizers, no chemical sprays, and all farm diseases and insect pests are controlled by hand.

The original three-stage washing method, three times of 24-hour washing process, can completely remove the pulp, and then dry it in the natural sun.

But why is it called the Bird of Paradise?

This is because there is a bird of paradise on the flag of Papua New Guinea, so the exported coffee bean sack also has the name of the bird of paradise on the sack.

Take the most eye-catching boutique AA and An as an example:

The main results are as follows: (1) AA and Grade A coffee belong to the grade of boutique coffee, mainly from larger estates.

In the case of AA, the size of the bean is larger than 18 mesh, and the shape of the bean is oval. Number of shortcomings: a maximum of 10 defects per kilogram. The appearance of raw beans is green and slightly blue. The taste of raw beans should be clean and the taste of baking should be clean and smooth. The taste of the cup should be excellent (Fine Cup).

(2) the size of Class An is larger than that of 17 mesh, and the cup test must be at least GTF (Good to Fine), that is, good to excellent taste-the number of other defects and the condition of raw beans are the same as AA.

Specification (Specifications)


PNG Papua

Producing areas:

Inside the highlands near Kainantu, in the valley of Wahgi.


Sigri Manor


Typica, Bourbon (from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica)





Handling method:

100% washing, sun or machine drying and use

Harvest season:


Special color:

Chocolate, malt, flowers, beer flowers

Sigri Paradise Bird Manor Coffee Raw Bean introduction

Sigri Manor is located in the Wahgi Valley of the western plateau province of Papua New Guinea (PNG)

The boutique coffee is famous in Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and North America.

The average elevation of the manor is 1600 meters above sea level, cited from Arusha, Tanzania. A cool climate

Sufficient Rain Water provides good growth conditions for coffee trees.

The quality of raw beans in Paradise Bird Manor is extremely stable and is deeply loved by coffee roasters in Europe and the United States.

Sigri is a producing area that attaches great importance to ecological environment.

Coffee trees use the original forest as natural shade without destroying the original woodland.

At the same time, it also maintains the ecological integrity of wildlife habitat.

There are cherry blossoms, drupes, tea and fruit in the aroma of coffee.

The sweetness of maple syrup and fructose is smooth, smooth and sweet, with a sour taste of wine after rewarming.

After cooling, the bottom of the cup gives off a fragrant aroma of caramel, with a thick and rich multi-layered feeling.

Paraka in Papua New Guinea means bird of paradise!

Bird of Paradise Manor (Paraka estate) is a favorite manor bean by German and Australian bean merchants because Paraka is a shy and less exhibitant manor with a lower price than Sigri Manor because of his great value and little marketing.

The picture shows the outer packaging of Paraka and the appearance of 2005 new beans:

In addition to Sigri Manor, Papua New Guinea (PNG) also has some good farms or estates to recommend, which is why Paraka Manor is introduced this time. Sigri has abundant funds, and it is easy to see her booth at foreign coffee fairs. Coupled with the famous Europe, America and Asia, she has established the conditions of an internationally famous manor, but other PNG domestic estates are not so lucky. The main factor is that in times of recession, small farmers in PNG often live beyond their means, can cooperate directly with big foreign traders, and sell directly, which is very helpful in obtaining funds and expanding the manor. Paraka Manor is an example of direct cooperation with traders. In the long run, there are good and bad. The advantage is that when the soybean price is low, the raw bean will be guaranteed to be purchased and will not be sold out, and the farm will have the expected cash income, but the disadvantage is that when the soybean price rises, it will not enjoy the international spot price difference. More importantly, if this big trader does not properly promote and sell this manor, it will be a long way for the manor to establish international popularity, especially if the manor has great potential.

There is no intention to comment on the merits and demerits of the traders of Pakara Manor. After all, through this trader, we were able to buy Pakara for the first time, but compared with Sigri Manor, you can see that the gap in international popularity between the two sides is very obvious!