Coffee review

Yunnan coffee industry development policy Yunnan coffee brand promotion

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, People's governments of various states and cities, provincial committees, offices, departments and bureaus: in order to thoroughly implement the relevant arrangements of the provincial party committee and provincial government to promote the development of key industries, promote the healthy development of the coffee industry in the province, and speed up the promotion of the coffee industry to become bigger and stronger, with the consent of the provincial people's government, we now put forward the following suggestions: first, the overall requirements (1) the guiding ideology for the comprehensive implementation of the 18th CPC National Congress and the 10th CPC National Congress

The people's governments of all states and cities, and the committees, offices, departments and bureaus directly under the provincial government:

In order to thoroughly implement the relevant arrangements of the provincial party committee and provincial government to promote the development of key industries, promote the healthy development of the province's coffee industry, and accelerate the expansion and strengthening of the coffee industry, with the consent of the provincial people's government, the following suggestions are put forward:

I. overall requirements

(1) guiding ideology

Fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth, Fifth and sixth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and inspection of Yunnan, firmly establish and implement the new concept of development, take the initiative to serve and integrate into the national development strategy, based on the advantages of provincial location and resources, steadily expand the area of fine coffee raw material base, and speed up the transformation and promotion of coffee processing industry. We will vigorously promote the building of coffee brands, build our province into a raw material base for high-quality coffee beans in the world, the largest coffee processing production base in the country, a coffee bean delivery warehouse and a trade center, and build a modern coffee industry system with the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. to achieve the transformation from a large province of coffee raw materials to a strong province of coffee processing, coffee tourism, coffee trade and coffee culture.

(2) basic principles

Market-led, government-driven. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in the market, determine the development direction of the coffee industry according to market demand, and promote the adjustment of industrial structure and the integration of production factors. Strengthen the macro-guiding role of the government in coffee industry organization leadership, top-level design, policy formulation, fair competition market order maintenance and so on.

Innovation-driven and coordinated development. Guide enterprises to put innovation at the core of industrial development, strengthen the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and achieve industrial sustainable development. We will support enterprises to establish a practical base for innovation and entrepreneurship in the coffee industry in colleges and universities, and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

Lead lead, brand lead. Persist in supporting the superior and the strong, focus on supporting leading enterprises with strong market driving force, large scale of development, good development prospects and outstanding benefits, and actively introduce advanced science and technology and management and management talents. efforts should be made to cultivate industry "Little Giants" and enterprise clusters with obvious scale advantages, leading technology and strong brand competitiveness. Vigorously implement the brand strategy to comprehensively enhance the brand awareness, influence and driving force of "Yunka".

Intelligent manufacturing, "two" integration. Guided by green ecology, quality safety and circular economy, we will promote the deep integration of "Internet +" with the coffee manufacturing industry, and use intelligent transformation to improve the level of coffee raw material cultivation, product design, manufacturing, management services, and financial trade. Use the "Internet of things +" to promote the supply-side structural reform of the coffee industry, promote the innovation of the mode of production and consumption, and promote the coordinated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

(3) Development objectives

1. Total target. By 2020, the planting area of coffee in the province will reach about 2 million mu, the output of dried coffee beans will be about 200000 tons, and the main business income of the coffee industry in the province will be about 40 billion yuan.

two。 Base development goals. On the basis of maintaining the existing coffee planting area, we will strengthen the construction of raw material bases, focusing on supporting major production counties with a planting area of 100000 mu and an output of more than 5000 tons.

3. The goal of enterprise development. We will support leading enterprises in the coffee industry to become bigger and stronger, and promote strategic cooperation between local enterprises and international coffee giants. By 2020, we will cultivate one listed company in the coffee industry with an output value of 10 billion yuan to 20 billion yuan, 2 enterprises with an output value of more than 5 billion yuan, and 5 enterprises with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan.

4. Technological innovation goal. By 2020, the R & D expenditure of coffee industry enterprises above scale will account for about 1.5% of the main business income, promote the construction of state-level technology centers of the coffee industry and a number of provincial-level enterprise technology centers, and set up China Coffee Engineering Research Center.

5. The goal of brand cultivation. By 2020, there will be 2 well-known trademarks in China, 8 geographical indications trademarks and 20 famous trademarks in Yunnan Province.

II. Key tasks

(1) to develop modern agriculture of coffee

Further optimize the regional layout of coffee agriculture, according to the consumption trend of "green, organic and ecological", apply the concept of modern industrial management, vigorously promote the model of "leading enterprises + bases + cooperatives + farmers", establish intensive management organizations such as coffee farms (families), coffee towns and coffee eco-tourism gardens, and promote the transformation of coffee planting industry from traditional small-scale operation to modern agricultural scale management. Speed up the formation of a new mode of industrial development. With "Internet +" as the core, we will guide and encourage leading enterprises to promote e-commerce, online and offline integration, intelligent manufacturing and other applications in coffee planting, harvesting, primary processing, storage, transportation, transaction and management, so as to promote the sharing of land, manpower, capital, technology and equipment resources. Effectively solve the problems of coffee bean variety cultivation, planting technology promotion, coffee garden management and protection, manor construction, standardized planting, standardization of primary processing technology and agricultural market information asymmetry, so as to realize the optimal allocation of agricultural production factors, promote the stable improvement of coffee quality in our province year by year, and comprehensively enhance the benefit of the value chain of coffee planting industry. (led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture; with the cooperation of the Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Commerce, and the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(2) improving the informationization level of coffee industry

Deepen the integrated development of the Internet of things, cloud computing, big data and coffee industry research and development, production, service and management, with emphasis on promoting the in-depth application and comprehensive integration of information technology in key links such as coffee product industrial design, production process, logistics and distribution, and greatly improve the intelligent level of coffee products in our province. Implement the application demonstration of intelligent manufacturing of traditional coffee manufacturing technology to realize the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Through new R & D and production models such as remote collaborative design, personalized customization, online crowdsourcing and cloud manufacturing, we can guide coffee manufacturing enterprises to meet the personalized, diversified and customized consumption needs of consumers, develop coffee products and derivatives in line with market positioning, promote coffee product consumption new business type, and realize the coffee industry to "increase variety, improve quality, and create brand". By creating an advanced production system, we will promote the development of the coffee industry towards informationization, intelligence, service and clustering, and promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. (led by the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission; with the cooperation of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, and the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(3) promoting the agglomeration and development of leading enterprises

Relying on leading enterprises, we will give full play to the advantages of Kunming transportation, location, talent, capital, warehousing and climate to create a China Kunming International Coffee Industry Park with the integration and development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Strengthen the industrial chain investment, introduce domestic and foreign enterprises with innovative ability and innovative advantages, upgrade traditional industries through advanced technological transformation, increase added value, extend the industrial chain, and develop to the terminal of the industrial chain and the high end of the value chain. Taking project drive, technological innovation and brand construction as the important starting point for transformation and upgrading, and in accordance with the principle of "supporting the excellent, big and strong", we should promote the concentration of funds, projects, technology, land and other policies and resources to advantageous areas, and encourage two enterprises with good industrial foundation and strong driving ability to build coffee processing production lines in Dehong, Lincang, Pu'er, Baoshan and other major coffee producing areas. Carry out in-depth development of existing brands, expand product market share, develop into a benchmarking leading enterprise with obvious advantages in scale, leading technology and strong brand competitiveness, and build a core base for boutique coffee. promote the province's coffee industry to achieve collectivization, cluster development. (led by the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission; with the cooperation of the Provincial Bureau of quality Supervision, the Bureau of Investment Promotion and Cooperation, and the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(4) constructing the development platform of coffee industry

Give full play to the role of Yunnan International Coffee Trading Center, further promote the coordinated development of coffee manufacturing industry and raw material base and coupling development with service industry in our province, and strive to build it into the largest coffee bean delivery warehouse connected to Southeast Asia in China, and expand spot delivery volume. For the coffee industry chain participants in our province to provide high-quality and convenient information, transactions, settlement, warehousing and logistics, financing credit and other services. Establish a coffee bean collection and storage mechanism, stabilize the domestic coffee market price, promote the standardized, high value-added and sustainable development of the coffee manufacturing industry in the province, and continue to promote the development and growth of the coffee industry in our province. (led by Provincial Department of Commerce; Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Agriculture, Finance Office, Kunming Customs, Yunnan Bureau of entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine, and relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(5) establish and improve the standard system of coffee

Set up an expert committee on the construction of coffee standardization system, and timely promote it to be upgraded to a national expert committee on coffee standardization system construction. Draw lessons from the international technical standards of coffee production, rely on the relevant local standards of coffee in our province, strengthen the connection with the relevant state ministries and commissions, actively participate in the formulation of national standards for coffee, and promote the local standards of coffee with the characteristics of our province to be upgraded to national standards. Speed up the upgrading of the existing provincial coffee engineering research center to a national coffee engineering research center. (the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Science and Technology, and the Bureau of quality Supervision take the lead respectively according to the division of responsibilities; the Provincial Department of Agriculture and the Commission of Industry and Information Technology cooperate.)

(6) strengthen brand publicity

Make full use of television, newspapers, radio, new media, etc., multi-form, multi-dimensional promotion of Yunnan small grain coffee regional brand and product brand, make full use of China-South Asia Expo and other platforms to hold the "Yunnan Coffee Industry Summit". Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Asian Coffee Annual meeting will be permanently hosted in our province, we will combine coffee industry manufacturing, tourism, cultural communication and brand promotion to enhance the domestic and international influence of coffee in our province. Support the provincial coffee industry association to take the lead in establishing the China Coffee Industry Association and strengthen dialogue with international coffee organizations and brands. (provincial Information Office, Department of Civil Affairs and Department of Commerce take the lead respectively according to the division of duties; provincial Commission of Industry and Information, Department of Agriculture, Department of Culture, Commission for Tourism Development, and relevant state and municipal people's governments cooperate)

(7) increase the intensity of market development

Actively strive for the relevant bonded policy to optimize the coffee import and export trade environment in our province. Coffee enterprises are encouraged to carry out entrepot trade and processing trade, and actively participate in the world coffee trade. Support enterprises to broaden terminal sales channels, actively create exhibition and sales conditions for enterprises inside and outside the province, and help enterprises open up domestic and international markets. Relying on the university enterprise business incubation platform resources, stimulate college teachers and students to closely link coffee with innovation and entrepreneurship, and cultivate new consumer groups' habit of tasting coffee in our province. Give full play to the advantages of rich tourism resources in our province, develop products that adapt to tourism consumption habits, and put coffee vending machines in tourist scenic spots to help more consumers understand and consume coffee products in our province. (led by the Provincial Department of Commerce; with the cooperation of the Provincial Commission of Industry and Information, the Department of Culture, the Department of Agriculture, the Commission of Tourism Development, and the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

III. Safeguard measures

(1) strengthening organizational leadership

The Food and Consumer goods Manufacturing Promotion Group should coordinate the development of the coffee industry in the province, further strengthen the communication and coordination between departments, strengthen the coordination and solution of major issues related to the development of the industry, and study the new situations and problems arising in the development of the industry in a timely manner. combined with the reality of our province, targeted policies and measures have been issued. Give full play to the leading role of the relevant state and municipal people's governments in the development of the coffee industry, and form a development situation of linkage and coordination. (led by the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission; relevant member units of the Food and Consumer goods Manufacturing Promotion Group, with the cooperation of the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(2) optimizing the supporting environment for development

We will further improve fiscal, taxation, financial and other support policies, integrate projects, funds, technology and talents, increase support for the development of the coffee industry, and consolidate the foundation for the development of the industry. Highlight the key points, increase financial support for benchmark enterprises for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and improve the ability of leading enterprises to promote industrial development. (the Provincial Department of Finance, the Commission of Industry and Information Technology, the Local Taxation Bureau and the Provincial State Taxation Bureau take the lead respectively according to the division of duties; the relevant member units of the Food and Consumer goods Manufacturing Promotion Group, with the cooperation of the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(3) strengthening the guidance of industrial funds

We will speed up the establishment and operation of the Yunnan Food and Consumer goods Manufacturing Industry Development Fund, give full play to the leading role of the fund in the development of the coffee industry, and give priority to supporting the coffee industry to become bigger and stronger. Actively promote policy banks, insurance and other financial institutions to increase support for the coffee industry in our province, guide relevant financial companies and large state-owned enterprises to actively participate in relevant funds for the development of coffee industry, explore the mode of supporting the development of coffee industry in our province from the aspect of equity investment, and increase financial support for the development of coffee industry in our province. (led by the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission; relevant member units of the Food and Consumer goods Manufacturing Promotion Group, with the cooperation of the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(4) strengthening the leadership of scientific and technological innovation

We will actively build cooperation platforms for institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes and coffee enterprises, build a strategic alliance of technological innovation based on the combination of politics, industry, learning and research, and build a number of technological innovation platforms for the coffee industry with distinctive features, prominent priorities and perfect mechanisms. We will strengthen the research and development of major key technologies and equipment in the coffee industry and speed up the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements with intellectual property rights. (take the lead of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology; cooperate with the Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, and the relevant state and municipal people's governments)

(5) strengthen the intellectual support of talents

Focusing on the building of a contingent of high-level and highly skilled personnel, we will strive to introduce and cultivate a number of leading and scarce talents who have made outstanding contributions to the industrialization of key core technologies, product development, innovative management models, and market development. We will increase incentives for talents who make outstanding contributions and play a key role in the development of core technology in enterprises, encourage enterprises to implement policies such as high salaries, option shares, and technology shares, so as to enhance the competitiveness of R & D posts in key enterprises to attract and stabilize talents. Support coffee manufacturing enterprises to cooperate with colleges and universities, technical colleges and scientific research institutes inside and outside the province to train scientific research personnel, technical and skilled personnel and compound talents urgently needed by the coffee manufacturing industry in the province. (the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Industry and Information Commission take the lead respectively in accordance with the division of responsibilities; the relevant state and municipal people's governments cooperate)

General Office of the people's Government of Yunnan Province

April 5, 2017