Coffee review

How Rosa Coffee beans have become legends and queens in the hearts of coffee glutton

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own into the 21st century, the wave of boutique coffee swept the world. Instant coffee has long been a thing of the past and has been abandoned by consumers who are increasingly concerned about their health. Starbucks, COSTA and other leaders in the ground coffee market for decades are no longer just concerned about coffee-flavored drinks with milk and syrup.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

After entering the 21st century, the wave of boutique coffee is sweeping the world. Instant coffee has long been a thing of the past and has been abandoned by consumers who are increasingly concerned about health. Starbucks, COSTA and other leaders in the ground coffee market for decades are no longer just focusing on coffee-flavored drinks with milk and syrup, but are making efforts to brew sugar-free and milk-free black coffee by hand. Under this wave, more and more consumers have put aside the fog of condiments and experienced the flavor of coffee which really belongs to itself.

Since then, coffee is no longer simply divided into latte, cappuccino, mocha, caramel macchiato, American style, etc., according to production and seasoning methods, but more distinguished and described by country, region, variety and treatment methods. Increasingly rich names such as Yega Snow in Ethiopia, Borbon in Columbia, and honey treatment in West Java, Indonesia, are beginning to appear on the menu of cafes.

And Rose Summer, through the rapid popularity of just a few years, has become a legend and queen in the hearts of boutique cafes and coffee gluttons.

GEISHA is a branch of coffee tree. Because its English pronunciation is the same as the Japanese word "geisha", it is also known as "geisha" in Japan, Taiwan and other regions, adding a bit of romance to this charming species. Tracing back to its origin, Rosa should have originated in the Geisha Mountain region of Ethiopia. In the 1930s, it was transplanted to Kenya and Tanzania; in 1953, Costa Rica introduced a number of coffee trees from Tanzania, including rose summer; in 1963, Tang was known as the "father of rose summer". Bach, which introduced rose trees from Costa Rica and distributed them to Panamanian farmers for planting, has not attracted much attention because of its poor yield and plain flavor. What really made Rose Summer born and sealed in one fell swoop was the owner of the Panamanian Emerald Manor: the three generations of the Peterson family.

Panamanian Emerald Manor-Hacienda La Esmeralda, 1964 by Rudolph, a Swedish-American financier. Peterson bought, at first, only as the old Peterson's back garden, raising cattle and planting trees. In 1973, Price, the son of Peterson Sr. Peterson, a PhD in neurochemistry, did not hesitate to give up his high salary to come to Panama to help his father manage the Emerald Manor and began growing coffee in 1980. In 1996, Price heard that the nearby Jaramillo Manor had good coffee quality, so he bought Jaramillo and incorporated it into the Emerald Manor. After the merger, the Peterson family mixed and sold coffee from the two places, but in 2002, the third generation of the Peterson family: Daniel, the son of Price. After years of tasting his own coffee, Peterson found that there was always a faint aroma of citrus and nectar, which was very different from the berry flavor common in Central America. Realizing that this should be the unique fragrance brought by a unique tree species in a certain area of the manor, he tested each individual species in the old producing area of the Jade Manor and the Jaramillo area one by one, trying to solve the mystery of the fragrance.

A corner of Jade Manor

Finally, the target is a windbreak on the edge of Jaramillo, at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters. Some unfamiliar tree species scattered here show strong nectar aroma and citrus flavor by individual cup test. After verification and comparison in many ways, it is determined that this tree species is the previously unknown Rose Summer. It turns out that the unique gene of the rose tree species is suitable for planting in the high altitude area of Jaramillo. The wind high air cooling can give birth to the unique fragrance of the rose summer, while in the area below 1400 meters, the performance of the rose summer immediately drops sharply.

The Peterson family, which discovered the treasure, immediately picked and processed the Jaramillo Rosa variety separately, and took part in the BestOf Panama 2004 coffee cup test under the name of Jaramillo Special (Jaramillo selection). It won the first prize and won a record auction price of 21 US dollars per pound.

In the following years, Ruoxia of Jade Manor won the BOP championship in succession, and constantly broke the auction price record held by itself. Even in 2011, there was a spectacle that only won the runner-up, and the auction price was even more expensive than the champion bean.

Rose tree species are also highly sought after in this upsurge, not only in Panama, but also in Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia and other countries. After several years of cultivation, there is no lack of outstanding producing areas and estates.

For example, in the 2011 COTY Coffee of the year Award held by SCAA (American Fine Coffee Association), the champion was actually the Colombian rose summer variety, breaking the Panamanian rose summer's monopoly on the champion.

Colombia is an old powerful country of coffee cultivation, with high altitude, volcanoes, fertile soil and abundant Rain Water. Coffee producing areas in central and southern China, such as Tolima, Cauca, Huila and Narino, have always been hotbeds of boutique coffee in the world. The introduction of Panamanian rose tree species has surpassed the trend in just a few years. And unlike the unique citrus pomelo flavor of Panama Rose Summer, Columbia Rose Summer will show berry aroma, tangerine peel aroma, unique.

This time, Wo Mu Coffee bought washed rose summer beans from Cincinnati Manor in Santa Marta, northern Colombia, and roasted them carefully to present the original Colombian rose coffee. This rose summer is medium-to-shallow baked with a unique chamomile aroma, with a sweet and sour taste like pomelo, and excellent mellow thickness. It is suggested that the brewing ratio is 1:15 and the water temperature is about 91-93 ℃.