Coffee review

Description of the Flavor of Bourbon High View Manor in South Minas, Brazil

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nutty cocoa flavor baked in the sun at Camo Town High View Manor (Fazenda Alta Vista) peel-off sun flavor description: orange chocolate, apple, brown sugar and hazelnut syrup, soft and sweet acidity, rich and mellow taste. Product name: Brazil South Minas Gaojing Manor Yellow Bourbon peel sun production area: South Minas (Sul de Minas), Camo town (Carm)

Nutty cocoa flavor

Peel and bask in the sun

Medium baking

Camo Town Gaojing Manor (Fazenda Alta Vista) peel sun flavor description: orange chocolate, apple, brown sugar and hazelnut syrup, soft and sweet acid, full-bodied and mellow taste.

Product name: South Minas Gaojing Manor Yellow Bourbon peel and sunburn

Production area: South Minas (Sul de Minas), Carmo de Minas area

Manor: Gao King Manor

Variety: yellow bourbon

Altitude: average 1100 to 1300 m

Treatment: peel and sunburn

Harvest time: NumberA

The town of Carmo de Minas has beautiful scenery. In the south of Sul de Minas, Brazil, the geographical situation is unique. The soil is rich in minerals and volcanic rocks, has natural gas mineral springs with excellent water quality and various ingredients, and even set up a bubble mineral spring park. The changeable microclimate makes the high-quality coffee in this area the main producing area of Brazilian high-quality beans. It is also Brazil's annual COE Cup, which should be the small region that has won the most prizes. The town of Carmo de Minas also holds Best of Carmo de Minas's independent coffee competition every year, which can be called the "CoE Top 10" competition in Brazil, because almost all the contestants belong to CoE winning estates, and there is no lack of winners of Top 10, even champions, which shows the importance of the status of Carmo de Minas as a producing area. Fazenda Alta Vista is owned by the Robson Vilela family. He bought 84 hectares of land in 2001 and began to grow coffee in 2004. The first harvest was in 2007. The 84-hectare coffee estate is considered a small estate locally. Because of its ideal natural conditions, altitude, foggy climate and fertile soil, Carmo de Minas has an annual rainfall of 1850 mm and an average annual temperature of 18 degrees C.