Coffee review

Flavor characteristics of Duncan Manor White Honey Coffee SCAP Limited Edition, owned by Pocket Kotowa, Panama

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchange please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) name: Panama Poquet Duncan Manor White Honey SCAP Limited Edition (Panama Boquete Duncan Kotowa Reverva White Honey) Flavor description: floral, lime, honey, apple, sweet citrus, caramel, soft fruit notes, sweet and lingering finish. Kotowa flag

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Product name: Panamanian Poquet Duncan Manor White Honey SCAP Limited Edition

(Panama Boquete Duncan Kotowa Reverva White Honey)

Flavor description: floral aroma, lime, honey, apple, sweet citrus,

Caramel, soft fruit notes and a sweet and lingering finish.

Kotowa's manors have won awards in recent years:

No. 8 in 2017 Best Panamanian (BOP) Water washing brothel Group (Finca Duncan)

No. 9 in the best Panama (BOP) water washing brothel group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) sun brothel group 13th (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) second place in traditional tanning group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) traditional tanning group No. 3 (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) sun brothel group No. 7 in 2016 (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) first place in traditional tanning group (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) second place in traditional tanning group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) Pacamara suntan group No. 2 (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) traditional washing group No. 3 (Finca Duncan)

No. 2 in 2015 Best Panamanian (BOP) sun brothel group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) sun brothel group No. 4 (Finca Duncan)

6th place in the best Panamanian (BOP) water washing brothel group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) second place in traditional tanning group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) No. 6 in traditional tanning group (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) traditional washing group No. 4 (Finca Kotowa)

No. 5 in 2014 best Panama (BOP) sun brothel group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) sun brothel group No. 5 (Finca Don K)

5th place in the best Panama (BOP) water washing brothel group (Finca Las Brujas)

Best Panama (BOP) water washing brothel group 15th (Finca Don K)

Best Panama (BOP) traditional tanning group No. 4 (Finca Duncan)

Best Panama (BOP) traditional washing group No. 3 (Finca Don K)

Best Panama (BOP) No. 5 in traditional washing group (Finca Duncan)

Country of origin: Panama (Panama)

Producing area: Chirqui, Balu Volcano Pokut producing area (Boquete)

Producer: Duncan, owned by the Kotowa family

Variety: Kaddura (Caturra)

Altitude: 1700 m

Treatment: White honey (White Honey)

Precipitation: 1900 mm. From May every year to January of the following year

Temperature: 13 °C and 22 °C


The Balu volcano in Panama has a unique micro-climate and volcanic topography.

The highest mountain, with the main peak 3474 meters (11398 feet) above sea level, is the highest peak in Panama.

The volcano stretches about 35 kilometers along the border with Costa Rica.

During the growing period, Rain Water has a clear dry and wet season, and the black soil is both fertile and well drained.

It makes the ecological environment here rich, and the smell of coffee produced is particularly fascinating. This batch is

The Bogut region (Boquete), which produces a variety of coffee products, is Panamanian coffee.

The area with the highest yield and the best quality.

Kotowa owns a total of four coffee estates, namely Finca Kotowa Duncan.

, Finca Kotowa Don K, Crystal River (Finca Kotowa RIO CRISTAL),

Finca Kotowa tradicional, in which this Duncan Manor is developed

Named by the owner of this land. The two most famous estates are Duncan and Don K.

In fact, the two estates are located separately on both sides of the mausoleum line, not only the micro climate changes greatly, but also the flavor of coffee.

It's also quite different. Duncan Manor, about 1650-1750 meters above sea level, is located next to the Baru volcano.

The west side of the Pokuit producing area (Boquete), cool at night without frost damage, dry and sunny during the day

Deeply affected by the microclimate of the intersection of Pacific and Atlantic currents, the rainfall is abundant during the growing period.

The dry and wet rainy season is distinct; coupled with the lava in the volcanic zone is rich in minerals and fertile volcanic black nutrients

Sufficient, good drainage is also quite good, unique soil conditions. Won the Taiwan area twice

Coffee master champion Wu Zelin also uses KOTOWA's sun-tanning geisha. Kotowa's

The original meaning comes from the native language of the Indian, and its meaning is "mountain". More than a hundred years ago

Alexander Duncan McIntyre (Alexander Duncan McIntyre) came to Panama

In this land, the simplicity and beautiful environment of the people here deeply attracted him.

Since then, the family has grown coffee here, and so far it has been the fourth generation successor, Ricardo Koyner.

To run it.

During the harvest season, carefully pick red and purple ripe cherries and use modern pulping equipment.

And use the local natural and clean natural water to wash the coffee berries and remove the fruit.

Meat, compared with other processing plants, here uses only half a liter of water per pound of raw coffee beans, which saves about

10 to 20 litres of water, while pulp and waste water are reused as organic fertilizers; coffee

After natural drying, the raw beans are stored in a constant temperature warehouse at 45 degrees Celsius. After two months, the raw beans stand still.

The water content will tend to be consistent, the flavor will be more mature, and the aroma and taste will be more attractive.

Each batch of raw coffee beans in the manor is guaranteed to have its traceability, and each bag of coffee is on the farm.

All of them have detailed records, including planting and treatment processes. Wait, wait, wait.

When the estate is harvested, only the best 100% fully ripe coffee cherries will be harvested.

According to different sizes and grades, coffee is removed from green in special buckets for about 3 months.

The flavor presents a variety of fruits, with obvious floral aromas and delicate sweet spices. Kotowa family

Is the biggest winner of Best of Panama in 2012, its most famous manor, Duncan Manor.

And Don K Manor, won a total of 5 batches of winning. And duncan Manor was founded in 1913.

Located in the area of about 1700 meters above sea level, which Bogart calls Volancito, cool at night.

Free from frost damage, the daily dry sun is deeply affected by the micro-weather of the rendezvous of the Pacific Ocean and the western airstream.

During the growing period, Rain Water is abundant and has distinct dry and wet seasons, plus lava in the volcanic zone passes through fertile black soil and good drainage.

Due to the micro-weather influence of airflow rendezvous, Rain Water is rich in dry and wet seasons during his growing period.

Growth conditions make great Panamanian coffee. In addition, this estate is also quite similar to Panama.

The famous boutique coffee estate was awarded the cleanest environmental industry by the Panamanian national authorities in 2006.

In addition to taking good care of coffee production, we also attach great importance to the ecological environment and protect wildlife.

Reuse of water resources, management and prevention of insect pests. About 60% of the manor is covered with native trees and coffee trees.

Planting for shading, certified by the Forest Alliance, and affirmed by the American Fine Coffee Association.

Flavor features: floral aroma, lime, honey, apple, sweet citrus, Chinese fir, caramel,

Dark fruit notes with a sweet and long finish.