Coffee review

Guardia Mystic Lake Manor Finca Chacaya Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mysterious Lake Manor Finca Chacaya Manor is located in the western plateau of Guatemala, located on the shores of the San Pedro San Pedro volcano and Lake Attilan. The Mystic Lake Manor is a century-old manor located on the highest plateau in western Guatemala, between San Pedro San Pedro and Atitland Lake Attilan (Atitland Lake

Mysterious Lake Manor Finca Chacaya Manor

Mysterious Lake Manor is located in the western plateau of Guatemala, located on the banks of San Pedro San Pedro Volcano and Lake Attilan. It is a manor with a history of 100 years.

The Mystic Lake Manor is located on the highest plateau in western Guatemala, between the San Pedro San Pedro volcano and Atitland Lake Attilan (Atitland Lake is also known as the most beautiful lake in the world, located on the 1550m plateau). The manor is located in the volcanic area of Haiba 1.565-2100. It has amazing scenery, with large volcanic lakes, coffee farms, and magnificent views of three volcanoes surrounding the lake (Atitlan, San Pedro and Toliman).

The quality of coffee here is regarded as the most valuable asset of the manor, and the wonderful results brought to the manor by high altitude, volcanic soil and microclimate can be found on the farm. Because of its proximity to the lake, volcanic soil and mountains are all important factors in the formation of microclimate. The farm cup shows a very meticulous taste, good fruit acidity, full-bodied mellow, sweetness, as well as the tonality, honey and strong aroma of the red fruit series.

Mysterious Lake Manor grows different varieties of coffee, mainly Typica, as well as Caturra,Colombia, Catimor and recently started breeding Geisha and other special varieties of coffee. At present, it is mainly sold to Japan, Taiwan, the United States and Canada.

The farm is a family business. In the nineteenth century, Cabrera came from Spain. He helped build the town of SOLOLA Solola. Then he went to Guatemala to study law, but he always missed his hometown. He bought Finca Chacaya Mystic Lake Manor in 1909.

Since then, coffee has become the most important crop on the farm. However, affected by the coffee crisis in 1.990, we began to grow bananas and avocados. However, the greatest passion of the whole family came from coffee!

Our coffee is treated in the traditional way: carefully selected red fruits by hand, removed the pulp, fermented naturally and dried in the sun.

Mysterious Lake Manor won the coffee bean of the year in the Atitland region in 2014, presenting this wonderful flavor to the world.

The ancient Mayan meaning means that the hillside is full of clouds. The mysterious Atitland Lake is a volcanic lake with no rivers, but the lake is clear and deep, but it rises and falls 15 feet every 50 years, which is very mysterious. The lake is now 17 feet lower than it was in the 1970s. A very mysterious lake, such a meaningful source, in Chinese we translate it into a mysterious lake manor. It's delicious, waiting for you to find out.

Award winning record:

The best of Lake Attilan The best of Atitland in 2014

Country of origin: Guatemala

Area: Attilan Lake District

Area: 360 ha

Altitude: 1550-1900m

Soil type: volcanic soil

Average temperature: 22 ℃

Production season: January to May

Drying process: sun exposure

Treatment: wet treatment

Cup test flavor: very meticulous taste, good fruit acid, full-bodied, sweet, as well as the tonality, honey and strong aroma of the red fruit series.