Coffee review

Fazenda Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Manor in Brazil introduces the development story in detail.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Santa Rosa Manor-Fazenda Santa Rosa, Brazil is located in the mountains near Soledade de Minas in the Mantiqueira de Minas region. The region is the most popular specialty coffee area in Brazil, with many microclimates. Plus the plateau and rich soil, Mantiqueira Demina

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Santa Rosa Manor-Brazil

Fazenda Santa Rosa is located near Soledade de Minas in the Mantiqueira de Minas area of the mountain area. The region is the most popular specialty coffee area in Brazil, with many microclimates. Coupled with the plateau and rich soil, Mantiqueira Demenas perfectly produces high-quality and unique coffee.

Santa Rosa Manor

Santa Rosa's current coffee story began in 1986, when the Matuck family acquired land. At that time, the area had not yet been reclaimed. Today, 30 years later, Santa Rosa is a booming coffee industry, covering an area of 150 hectares. Samir Rage Matuck believes that boutique coffee is the result of personal dedication, Santa Rosa's employees and owners are not lacking! They worked with a team of agronomists to find the best soil maintenance advice to keep coffee plants happy. They also helped establish coffee drying methods and ideal storage conditions, and so on.

Santa Rosa dries naturally

After harvest, the selected coffee fruit is dried on a dry shelf. If the weather conditions are not good, the beans will go to the dryer for the final drying. When the water content of raw coffee beans has reached 12%, the coffee will enter the Cocarive warehouse of Carmo de Minas. Here, they will be stored for two weeks to a month, and then evaluated by the quality team. Cocarive is also responsible for final processing and preparation of exports, international marketing and exports themselves.

Mantiqueirade Minas

The Minah ​​ SGeras side of the Mantiqueira Ridge (Serra da Mantiqueira) is located in the Mantiqueira de Minas area. With its experience and tradition in producing quality coffee, the Mantiqueira de Minas region is currently one of the best in Brazil. All the plots in the top five excellent projects of the last Brazilian Nature Cup were planted in this area! Mantiqueira de Minas was awarded a protected Geographic indication (PGI) in 2011 because of its traditional and worldwide reputation for producing high-quality coffee.

Farm / processing plant: Santa Rosa

Variety: Huang Kaduai

Producer: Samir Rage Matuck

Venue: Soledad de Minas

Mountain range: Serra da Mantiqueira

Altitude: 1000-1200 m

Farm area: 150 ha